• Reference
  • Title
    Biggleswade Bishop's Transcript
  • Date free text
    Easter 1612 - Easter 1613
  • Production date
    From: 1612 To: 1613
  • Scope and Content
    A true inventarie of all the persons which bene baptized, maried and buried in the parish of Bickleswad in the Countie of Bedford from the five and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our Lord god 1612 untill the five and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our Lord god 1613 Baptizeinges 1612 MARCH George Heard the sonne of John Heard and of Anne Heard was baptized the nine and twentieth day of APRILL Anne Stafford the daughter of John Stafford and of Margaret Stafford was baptized the sixth and twentieth day of MAY Caterine Mead the daughter of Henerie Mead and of Christian Mead was baptized the third day of Ellen Croote the daughter of Thomas Croote and of Elizabeth Croote was baptized the tenth day of JUNE John Inwin the sonne of John Inwin and of Elizabeth Inwin was baptized the fowertenth day of Nicholas East the sonne of Thomas East and of Marie East was baptized the fower and twentieth day of JULY Thomas Edrope the sonne of Steven Edrope and of Jane Edrope was baptized the nienetenth day of Elizabeth Hale the daughter of John Hale and of Luce Hale was baptised the ninententh day of AUGUST Alice Brothers the daughter of John Brothers and of Marie Brothers was baptised the sixtenth day of John Crowlie the sonne of William Crowlie and of Marie Crowlie was baptised the thre and twentieth day of SEPTEMBER Anne Chambers the daughter of William Chambers and of Margaret Chambers was baptized the thre and twentieth day of Leonard Truelove the sonne of Joseph Truelove and of Cleare Truelove was baptised the sixth day of Marie Goodes the daughter of Robert Goodes the younger and of Anne Goodes was baptized the thirtenth day of Thomas Bridgefoote the sonne of Thomas Bridgefoote and of Annis Bridgefoot was baptized the seaven and twentieth day of Elizabeth Cotton the daughter of Franncis Cotton and of Alice Cotton was baptized the seaven and twentieth day of NOVEMBER Jane Easton the daughter of Master Thomas Easton and of Mistris Winnefride Easton was baptized the fowerth day of DECEMBER Mathew Goodale the sonne of Mathew Goodale and of Joane Goodale was baptized the one and twentieth day of JANUARIE Caterine Thompson the daughter of John Thompson and of Margaret Thompson was baptized the fiftenth day of Margaret Butnall the daughter of Robert Butnall and of Elizabeth Butnall was baptized the fower and twentieth day of Samuell Stringer the sonne of Richard Stringer and of Margaret Stringer was baptized the sixth and twentieth day of FEBRUARIE Ellen Retchford the daughter of William Retchford and of Anne Retchford was baptized the seaventh day of Alice Bluet the daughter of John Bluet and of Elizabeth Bluet was baptized the seaventh day of John Russell the sonne of John Russell and of Margaret Russell was baptized the one and twentieth day of Cicilie Keyford the daughter of Andrew Keyford and of Margerie Keyford was baptized the eight and twentieth day of MARCH Franncis Croftes the sonne of Edward Croftes the younger and of Marie Croftes was baptized the seaventh day of Frauncis Parker the daughter of Edward Parker and of Elizabeth Parker was baptized the seaventh day of Richard Browne the sonne of Richard Browne and of Dorothie Browne was baptized the seaventh day of John Chamberlaine the sonne of John Chamberlaine and of Margaret Chamberlaine was baptized the fowertenth day of Mariages 1612 APRILL John Becksteed and Alice Webster were maried the twentieth day of JULY Edward Grice and Annis Baldock were maried the second day of SEPTEMBER Abraham Goole and Joan Dunton weare maried the twelfth day of OCTOBER John Towensend and Margaret Ampes were maried the fifth day of OCTOBER Edward Cranfield and Alice Hawkes were maried the fiftenth day of NOVEMBER Henerie Estrige and Alice Randes were maried the twelfth day of JANUARIE William Mathie and Marie Estrige were maried the eightenth day of FEBRUARIE Thomas Pecke and Elizabeth Ashford were maried the fowertenth day of Burialles 1612 APRILL Thomas Mead the sonne of John Mead and of Margerie Mead was buried the sixth day of William Archer the sonne of Thomas Archer and of Prudence Archer was buried the eleventh day of Margaret Holliland was buried the thirtenth day of Anne Grice was buried the thre and twentieth day of Aprill MAY George Heard the sonne of John Heard and of Anne Heard was buried the seaventh day of Thomas Benison was buried the five and twentieth day of JUNE Caterine Burrell the wiffe of John Burrell the younger was buried the fourth day of Peter Golder was buried the tenth day of James Beggar was buried the fowertenth day of Good[w]i[f]e Estrige was buried the fifteenth day of Leonard Field was buried the seavententh day of JULY Caterine Mead the daughter of Henerie Mead and of Christian Meade was buried the five and twentieth day of Good[w]i[f]e Cranfield the wiffe of Edward Cranfield was buried the thirtieth day of Margaret Hytch the daughter of Franncis Hytch and of Joane Hytch was buried the one and thirtieth day of AUGUST William Day the sonne of John Day was buried the eightenth day of Margaret Meade the daughter of Henerie Mead and of Christian Meade was buried the fower and twentieth day of SEPTEMBER Judith Ward the daughter of Nicholas Ward and of Elizabeth Ward was buried the seavententh day of Abraham Hytch the sonne of Franncis Hytch and of Joane Hytch was buried the eightenth day of OCTOBER Robert Owin the husband of Em[ma] Owin [was] buried the thirtenth day of Jo[h...] [...]ard was buried the sixth and twentieth day of The wiffe of John Truelove the Fuller was buried the thirtieth day of NOVEMBER Master Richard Easton of Holme husband to Mistris Jane Easton was buried the eight day of Marie Fynch the daughter of Thomas Fynch and of Anne Fynch was buried the tenth day of Alice Brothers the daughter of John Brothers and of Marie Brothers was buried the one and twentieth day of DECEMBER Edward Bray of Shortmead husband to Elizabeth Bray was buried the tenth day of JANUARIE John Randes the sonne of John Randes the younger and of Marie Randes was buried the eight and twentieth day of FEBRUARIE Edward Harlie was buried the third day of Good[w]i[f]e Kebbis the wiffe of Richard Kebbis was buried the eleventh day of Good[w]i[f]e Gregory the wiffe of Richard Gregory was buried the eight and twentieth day of Richard Stringer: Minister of Bickleswad Thomas Smith, John Smarte: Churchwardens [Transcribed by Adrian Finch, November 2024] [Months capitalised for ease of browsing]
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