• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance by Richard Atwood, Luton, tanner to Edward Catherall, Luton, beer brewer for £86.10s.
  • Date free text
    21 Apr 1586
  • Production date
    From: 1586 To: 1586
  • Scope and Content
    ...the messuage or tenement commonly called the Swan in the Northend of Luton between the messuage of Valentine Lawrens on the east and the tenement of Richard Clementes on the west abutting south on the land of George Rotherham esq called Langleyes and north on the Queens highway leading from Luton to St Albans ....1 acre of arable in Bayliefield common field between the land of Thomas Perott on the sound and land of Edward Evered on north abutting east on land of Edward Feld and west on land of Edward Evered Quitclaim and warranty against Richard Attwood and heirs of Edward Atwood, decd, his father and against William Goodge and Helen his wife. Signature of Richard Atwood Witness: George Rotherham, William Handforte and John Atwood, scrivener
  • Level of description