• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance by appointment and grant
  • Date free text
    28 Feb 1853
  • Production date
    From: 1853 To: 1853
  • Scope and Content
    (i) William Thomas of Ramsgate, Kent, esq, and his wife Frances (ii) Charles Frederick Palgrave of Bedford, chemist Recitals: Indentures of lease and settlements between Frances Smith, widow of the first part and (i) of the second part (Frances Thomas being only child and heir presumptive of FS) whereby the messuages and hereditaments appointed and conveyed herein amongst other hereditaments, were conveyed and assured to WT to such uses etcs as FS, WT and FT limit of appoint and in default of and until such direction etc. to WT his executors, administrators during the life of and in trust for FS, remainder to such uses as WT and FT should by deed jointly direct, limit or appoint and in default etc to WT and his assigns for life, remainder to FS in fee. Death of FS without having exercised the power of appointment vested in her and (i) Deed poll (indorsed on above release and settlement) in which (i), in exercise of the power given to them by the above settlement, jointly directed, limited, and appointed that the said hereditaments should remain and be to such uses and in such a manner as (i) should by any deed jointly direct, limit ot appoint in default etc. to (i) in fee as joint tenants. That (i) caused (a)-(b) [see below] to be put up for sale by auction at the George Inn, Bedford, subject to certain memoranda and agreements (viz. a memorandum dated 25 Nov 1837 whereby FS acknowledged that the lead pipe running from her pump into a well upon the adjoining premises of Thomas Lilburne was by his permission and she agreed to remove the same when was required to do so by Notice in writing; a memorandum subjoined to the first whereby TL acknowledged that a small building then used as a water closet in the yard of his house in the High Street is erected for the space of 9 inches in width upon the ground of FS and he agreed to remove the said building when requred; and a memorandum whereby William Wells Kilpin in consideration of allowing him to buld the south wall of his warehouse upon 12' of the space then occupied by her garden wall agreed to allow her and her husband the privilege of building against the same wall) and at the sale (ii) was the highest bidder and declared purchase, subject as aforesaid, for £1,930 Conveyance by joint appoinment and grant from (i) in consideration of £1930 and in exercise of a power given to them by the above recited deed poll to (ii) of: (a) messuage or tenement with the yard and garden behind and the stable and wash house standing in the said yard in the parish of St. Paul's Bedford described now as late in the occupation of Frances Smith, decd., but now unoccupied and bounded as follows: on part of the north by a messuage and hereditaments formerly in the occupation of Joseph Barlow but now of Thomas Lilburne; on remaining part of north side by the said warehouse of William Wells Kilpin; on part of the east by (b); on remaining part of the east and south by a messuage and premises formerly of John Emery, grocer, but now of the heirs and deivsees of Thomas Smith, decd. and in the occupation of James Davis, dealer in eartenware; and on the west side by the High Street. All of which was purchased in 1786 by William Smith, decd. husband of Frances Smith, from the trustees of Henry Fish Palmer. (b) piece of ground formerly divided into two seperate little yards snf the barn with the granary and the corn chambers over the same and likewise the chaise-house, hog sty and hovel standing in or upon the aforesiad yards in St Pauls, Bedford. Bounded as follows: on the north by Castle Lane, on the east by premises late of Richard Smith but now of Joseph Joyce and Thomas Joyce, on part of the south by ground formerly of John Emery, but now of John Brashier, on part of the west and remaining part of the south by the said premises in the occupation of James Davis, and on the remaining part of the west by (a) and the premises of William Wells Kilpin. Purchased in 1786 by William Smith from his brother Richard Smith. Declaration by (ii), new a bachelor, that his widow shall not be entitled to dower out of said hereditaments. Dorse Witnesses: Charles Daniel of Ramsgate, solicitor and Sarah Horn of the same, spinster and Theed Pearse of Bedford, solicitor
  • Level of description