Date free text
24 Jun 1885
Production date
From: 1885 To: 1885
Admin/biog history
Deposited on 15 December 1975 (BRA reference 1904)
Scope and Content
(i) James Scott, Alma Street, Luton, blockmaker
Thomas Beazley, Wellington Street, Luton, engineer
(ii) Joseph Dukes, Salisbury Arms, Wellington Street, Luton, licenced victualler
By will of George Dukes of 25 August 1874, his real and personal estate was devised to (i) in trust for his with and after her death to sell the same
By codicil to said will, of 10 August 1879, devise was revoked and property redevised to (ii) on trust until daughter Kate was 21, when property to be sold
George Dukes died on 10 August 1879. Will proved (PPR) on 16 October 1879
Kate became 21 on 15 April 1885
Now (i) conveys to (ii)
Consid. £790
- Land as above
W - Spring Place to which it has frontage of 67' 6"
S - Ebenezer Street. Frontage of 32' 2"
N & E - Lands of - and -
- 5 messuages erected on said land:
No. 26, Ebenezer Street, occupied by Elizabeth Baldock
Corner Spring Place and Ebenzer Street occupied by Francis Richardson (as undertenant of Messrs Cutler and Henchman) as a public house 'The Albion Inn'
15, 17 and 19 Spring Place, in occs. William Bennett, Arthur Everett and Mrs Bunce once 6 cottages, then a public house and now a public house and 4 cottages
Signatures of all
Witness: Fred W Beck, Luton
Level of description