- ReferenceABT(Lincoln)1605/4
- TitleBiggleswade
- Date free text1605/6
- Production dateFrom: 1605 To: 1606
- Scope and ContentA true inventarie of all that have bene christened, maried and buried in the parishe of Bigleswad in the Countie of Bedford, from the yeare of our Lord 1605 untill the yeare of our Lord 1606 Baptizeinges 1605 MARCH Richard Parker the sonne of Henerie Parker was baptized the 28th day of APRILL Willyam West the sonne of Willyam West was baptised the 7th day of John Carter the sonne of Henerie Carter was baptized the same day of Richard Cadwell the sonne of John Cadwell was baptized the same day of Elizabeth Grigges the daughter of John Grigges was baptized the 8th daie of Thomas Knot the sonne of Roger Knot was Baptised the 14th day of John Ravens the sonne of Richard Ravens baptized the same day of Richard Haredon the sonne of Richard Haredon Was baptized the 21th daie of Fraunnces Estrige the sonne of Henerie Estrige was baptized the same daie of Marie Childe the daughter of Richard Childe was baptized the 28th day of MAY Ann Lawford the daughter of Edward Lawford was baptised the first daie of Phineos Draper the sonne of Joseph Draper was baptized the 12th daie of Elizabeth Archer the daughter of John Archer was baptized the same daie of JUNE Randall Taylor the sonne of Michaell Taylor was baptized the 9th daie of Marie Bluet the daughter of John Bluet was baptized the same daie of Thomas Truelove the sonne of John Truelove was baptized the 7th daie of Marie Throssell the daughter of William Throssell was baptised the same day of JULY John Yeling the sonne of William Yeling was baptized the same daie of Margaret Clofton the daughter of Nicholas Clofton was baptized the 21th day of AUGUST Willyam Goodes the sonne of Robert Goodes junior was baptized the 11th daie of Marie Bacon the daughter of Thomas Bacon was baptized the 18th daie of Marie Usher the daughter of John Usher was baptized the same daie of Bartholomew the sonne of Widdowe Randes was baptized the 24th daie of SEPTEMBER Johane Randes the daughter of John Randes was baptized the 8th day of Marie Retchford the daughter of Willyam Retchford was baptized the 22th day of September OCTOBER Oliver Luffe the sonne of Willyam Luffe was baptized the 6th day of Annis Harte the daughter of Robert Harte was baptized the 25th daie of NOVEMBER Thomas Parker the sonne of Edward Parker was baptized the 24th daie of Ellen Hytch the daughter of Frauncis Hytch was baptized the 28th day of DECEMBER Margaret Bluet the daughter of Willyam Bluet was baptized the 8th daie of JANUARIE Jane Reede the daughter of Richard Reede was baptized the 4th day of FEBRUARIE John Grigges the sonne of Henerie Griggs was baptized the 4th daie of Joane Mare the daughter of Christopher Mare was baptized the 9th daie of Thomas Cadwell the sonne of John Cadwell was baptized the 17th daie of Henery Humphrie the sonne of Thomas Humphrie was baptized the 28th daie of MARCH John Hyde the sonne of John Hyde was baptized the 2th daie of Margaret Mannbie the daughter of Robert Mannbie was baptized the 9th daie of Judith Yeling the daughter of Nicholas Yeling was baptized the 10th daie of March Mariadges 1605 APRILL Thomas Finch and Anne Hardwick weare maried the 3th day of JULY William Androwes and Jozian Bonet weare maried the 10th day of Frauncis Cotton and Alice Hale were maried the 28th day of OCTOBER Thomas East and Marie Finch weare maried the 3th day of Peter Golder and Margaret Hayday were maried the 16th day of JANUARIE Richard Lanchaster and Martha Easton weare maried the first day of MARCH John Pearson and Elizabeth Goodes weare maried the 3th day of Burialls 1605 APRILL John Carter the sonne of Henerie Carter was buried the 9th daie of Nicholas Clofton was buried the 25th day of Joane Towensende the daughter of Willyam Towensende was buried the 27th daie of MAY Alice Archer the wiffe of John Archer was buried the 15th day of Marie Bushe the wiffe of James Bushe was buried the 18th day of Angelet Randes the daughter of Henerie Randes was buried the 26th day of JUNE William Adames was buried the 4th day of June Annis Stafford the daughter of John Stafford was buried the 10th day of AUGUST Parnell Preston the daughter of Walter Preston was buried the 2th day of SEPTEMBER George Yeling was buried the 7th day of NOVEMBER Widdow Luffe was buried the 6th daye of DECEMBER William Godfrey was buried the 22th day of Widdowe Gregorie was buried the same daie of JANUARIE Henerie Fynch was buried the 4th day of John Croftes the sonne of Edward Croftes was buried the same day of Willyam Smalewood was buried the 25th day of MARCH John Retchford was buried the 6th day of Henerie Humphrie the sonne of Thomas Humphrie was buried the 8th day of The wiffe of John Frankling was buried the 18th daie of March Richard Stringer: minister Henerie Carter, Robert Goodes: Churchwardens [Transcribed by Adrian Finch, November 2024] [Months have been capitalised for ease of browsing]
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordParker, Richard,
Parker, Henry,
West, William,
Carter, John,
Carter, Henry,
Cadwell, Richard,
Cadwell, John,
Grigges, Elizabeth,
Grigges, John,
Knot, Thomas,
Knot, Roger,
Ravens, John,
Ravens, Richard,
Harriden, Richard,
Estridge, Francis,
Estridge, Henry,
Child, Marie,
Child, Richard,
Lawford, Ann,
Lawford, Edward,
Draper, Phineas,
Draper, Joseph,
Archer, Elizabeth,
Archer, John,
Taylor, Randell,
Taylor, Michael,
Bluet, Marie,
Bluet, John,
Truelove, Thomas,
Truelove, John,
Throssell, Marie,
Throssell, William,
Yelling, John,
Yelling, William,
Clofton, Margaret,
Clofton, Nicholas,
Goodes, William,
Goodes, Robert,
Bacon, Marie,
Bacon, Thomas,
Usher, Marie,
Usher, John,
Randes, Bartholomew,
Randes, Joanne,
Randes, John,
Retchford, Marie,
Retchford, William,
Luff, Oliver,
Luff, William,
Hart, Annis,
Hart, Robert,
Parker, Thomas,
Parker, Edward,
Hitch, Ellen,
Hitch, Francis,
Bluet, Margaret,
Bluet, William,
Reed, Jane,
Reed, Richard,
Grigges, Henry,
Mare, Joan,
Mare, Christopher,
Cadwell, Thomas,
Cadwell, John,
Humphry, Henry,
Humphry, Thomas,
Hide, John,
Manby, Margaret,
Manby, Robert,
Yelling, Judith,
Yelling, Nicholas,
Retchford, John,
Smallwood, William,
Finch, Henry,
Godfrey, William,
Crofts, Edward,
Crofts, John,
Yelling, George,
Preston, Walter,
Preston, Parnell,
Stafford, John,
Stafford, Annis,
Adams, William,
Randes, Henry,
Randes, Angelet,
Bush, James,
Bush, Marie,
Archer, John,
Archer, Alice,
Townsend, William,
Townsend, Joan,
Clofton, Nicholas,
Carter, Henry,
Carter, John,
Franklin, John,
Finch, Thomas,
Hardwick, Anne,
Andrews, William,
Cotton, Francis,
Hale, Alice,
East, Thomas,
Finch, Marie,
Golder, Peter,
Hayday, Margaret,
Lancaster, Richard,
Easton, Martha,
Pearson, John,
Goodes, Elizabeth,
Bonet, Jozian,
Yeeling - Keywords
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