• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance: (i) George Bowyer of Diddington, Huntingdon and Thomas Hartwood-White of Eynesbury, Huntingdon and Arthur Staunton Wade-Gery to (ii) Thomas Howard of Clifton, Beds, Blacksmith of 29 perches of land situate at Clifton, Beds together with all rights of passage
  • Date free text
    2nd Jan 1885
  • Production date
    From: 1885 To: 1885
  • St Albans & Hertfordshire Architectural & Archaeological Society
  • Scope and Content
    Covenants: 1. Maintenance of "good and sufficient fence in or upon the said land by (ii), his heirs and assigns so as "to effectually separate and divide the same from the adjoining land situate on the east and north". Consideration: £47.00 "in fee simple free from incumbrances". Recitals: a. 21st May 1874 - Mortgage 1 between (i) John Charles Revis and (ii) George Bowyer with consideration of £1,000 paid by (ii) to (i) for usage of the 29 perches of land "subject to a proviso therein contained for the redemption of the said lands upon payment by the said John Charles Revis, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns o the said George Bowyer, his heirs etc. of the sum of £1,000 with interest thereon after the sale of five pounds per centum per annum on the tenth day of november then next." b. 21st May 1874 - Mortgage 2 between (i) John Charle Revis and (ii) Mary and Frances Bowyer their heirs etc, and (iii) George Bowyer "the said lands were subject to the lastly herein before recited indenture (recital a above) amongst other heriditaments conveyed to the said Mary and Frances Bowyer their heirs etc. by way of mortgage and for securing the repayment of the principal sum of £1,000 and interest after the date at the time and in manner therein mentioned, and in the Indenture now in recital is contained a Declaration that the said principal sum of £1,000 was advanced by the said Mary and Frances Bowyer out of moneys belonging to them on a joint account." c. 22nd May 1874 - Mortgage 3 between (i) John Charles Revis and (ii) Arthur Staunton Wade-Gery - conveyance by way of mortgage to (ii) "and for securing the repayment of the principal sum of £200 and interest." d. November 1874 (day not given) John Charles Revis "instituted proceedings for liquidation with his creditors and at a meeting held on the 26th November 1874 in pursuance of such proceedings Robert Barry Stafford was duly appointed trustee and by writing under his hand dated 20th Jan 1875 the said Trustee elected to disclaim all interest in the said lands and the Equity of Redemption in the said lands thereupon rested in the said Arthur Staunton Wade-Gery subject to the said prior mortgages." e. 21st May 1881 - Indenture between (i) Mary Bowyer, (ii) Arthur Staunton Wade-Gery and (iii) Thomas Harwood-White where (iii) takes on the £1,000 plus interest with the lands in question conveyed unto his, his heirs' etc. use "subject nevertheless as to so much of the said lands as were affected thereby [to recital a] and to the principal money and interest thereby secured and also subject as to all the said lands to such right of equity of redemption as was then subsisting therein under or by virtue of [recital b]." Schedule: 1st part: 20th May 1874 - Conveyance First part between (i) Thomas Chandless, Second part (i) The Revd. Paul Bush (ii) James George Boucher Third part (i) The Revd. James Bush Fourth Part (i) William Pritzler Newland (ii) Charles William Powell Fifth part (i) William Pritzler Newland Sixth part (i) William Rowlett Seventh part (i) John Charles Revis 21st May 1874 - Mortgage between (i) John Charles Revis and (ii) George Bowyer 21st October 1874 - Indenture of Covenant for the Production of Deeds made between (i) Thomas Jarvis and (ii) Charles Revis 2nd part: 21st May 1874 - Mortgage between (i) John Charles Revis (ii) Mary and Frances Bowyer and (iii) George Bowyer 21st May 1881 - Indenture of Transfer of this date Third Part: 22nd May 1874 - Mortgage 20th January 1875 - Disclaimer of this date under the hand of Robert Barry Stafford Witnesses and Seals: George Bowyer, Thomas Harwood White, Arthur Staunton Wade-Gery, Thomas Howard Dorse: Signed, sealed and delivered by Arthur Staunton Wade-Gery in the presence of William Hodgetts, Clerk to A.S. Wade-Gery, Signed, sealed and delivered by George Bowyer in the presence of C.R. Wade-Gery, Signed, sealed and delivered by Thomas Harwood in the presence of A.B. Brackenbury, Clerk to C.R. Wade-Gery, Signed, sealed and delivered by Thomas Howard in the presence of William Hodgetts.
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