• Reference
  • Title
    Certificate of 2 Justices to lead to the diversion of a footpath i the Parish of Goldington in the County of Bedford
  • Date free text
    6th September 1919
  • Production date
    From: 1919 To: 1919
  • Scope and Content
    County of Bedford Petty Sesional Division of Bedford to wit Whereas William Hudson Lowe Laxton & Edwrad Augustine Lowe Laxton both of Bedford, Nurserymen hereinafter called "The Applicatants" being desirous of turning & diverting a certain Highway situated within the Parish of Goldington in the Rural District of Bedord & the Petty Sessional Division of Bedford , namely that portion of a public footpath which leads from Putnoe Lane near Kimbolton Road past Putnoe Farm to Renhold & Wilden from a point in Putnoe Lane sixty seven yards orthereabouts from the Kimbolton Road where it enters the lane of the Applicants to a point 374 yards in an Easterly or North Easterly direction where it enters the land of William Hartop & in lieu of the said public footpath & in substitution for the same of making & opening a new highway for use as a public footpath to comence at a point in Putnoe Lane 302.5 yards North East of the point where the footpath enters the land of the Applicants& from Thencerunning in a South Easterly direction parallel with the boundary of the applicants adjoining the land of William Hartop for a distance of 187 yards until it joins the Public footway & which new proposed Public footway is hereinafter referred to as the "proposed new Higway" & is intended throughout its length to be fenced off by a good & stout post & wire fence from the remaining land of the Applicants over & across which such proposed new highay is to be made as aforesaid & it is also intended to erect a guard rail fence on the North East side of the proposed new Highway to divide the same from the ditch & also to make the said prosed new Highway so far as it extends over the land of the Applicants into a firm & solid path to a width of 4 feet & also when the proposed new Highway is made & opened as aforesaid to entirely stop up the said old Highway as useless unnecessary & whereas the said Applicants did duly submit theirsaid desire & proposal to the Rural District Council of Bedford as the Highways Authority within whose Districtthe said old Highway is situate by giving notice in writing dated 28th February 1919to the Council describing the said desire & propasal & requiring them to consider the same & whereas on 22nd March 1919 the council having then the said desire & proposal duly submitted to them consented to the same & thereupon resoled that it was expedient the the said old highway should be turned & diverted & the said proposed new Highway made & opened in lieu thereof.................... Public Notice of the resolution was duly given on 17th May 1919 by posting the same on the Door of the Parish Church of Goldington & to remain exhibited there for 4 successive Sundays. At a meeting of the Parish Council of Goldington held on 29th July 1919 the council duly resoved that the resolution be confirmed, Alexander Morrison of 26 Mill Street, Bedford , solicitor to the Rural District Council , did on behlf of the said Council on 6th August 1919 make application to us Walter George Hatfield Harter & Lindesay Beaumont Beaumont 2 of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace requsting us to view the said old highway & the proposed new highway . The said 2 justices did on 7th August 1919 accordingly view the highway. After the viewing the Rural Disrtict Council, at the direction of Alexander Morrison did cause notices to be affixed , to the effect prescribed by the Schedule (No 19) to the Highway Act 1835 in legible characters at the place & by the side of each end of the old Highway from whenc the same is porposed to be turned & stopped up. Alexander Morrison did insert notices in the Bedfordshire Standard Newspaper to appear on 8th, 15th , 22nd & 29th August 1919 A Plan received by the Justices describing the old & new proposed changes to the highway, verified by John Turney Sanders of Sharnbook a competent Surveyor. We certify that the proposed new Highway will when so made & opened by more commodious to the public by reason that it is a firm & solid path & well fenced while the said old highway is not& may be entirely stopped up Given under our Hands & Seals this 6th September 1919 Walter Harter & Lindesay Beaumont
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