• Reference
  • Title
    Letter from Henry Hugh Longuet Longuet-Higgins to his mother Gertrude Mary Longuet-Higgins. Sent from 21 Vicars Close, Wells, Somerset.
  • Date free text
    20 Sep 1910
  • Production date
    From: 1910 To: 1910
  • Scope and Content
    Is in the middle if examinations. Had to preach on Sunday. 'I was in a "purple funk" about the whole thing, but found after the service that I rather liked the whole business.' Gives long description - the discourse occupied about 23 minutes. The vice principal has told the writer of a vicar in Halifax who is wanting a curate, and has told him to write to Hugh. As he is going north he might pop in to Halifax. It will be nice to get home again - describes travel plans. Is sorry that Hulton is leaving Turvey [Campbell Blethyn Hulton, vicar]
  • Level of description