• Reference
  • Title
    Probate of will and codicils of St Andrew, Lord St John of Melchbourne
  • Scope and Content
    ...to wife - such of household and stable furniture and effects as wife considers her own - all jewels (but not family diamonds) ...to such person who shall be first entitled to rents and profits of the real estate and shall attain 21 - residue of house and stable furniture ...to the use of siad wife for life, subject to life interest of mother -dwelling house at Melchbourne occupied by mother, Dowager Lady St John (7 acres) ...to Norman Magnus Macleod, late Captain in 74th Regiment but now of Dunvega, Isle of Skye, Scotland, and Spencer Buller, now of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, in trust (subject as above) for 900 years - wife to received £700 per year for life (in addition to £500 provided upon marriage) recites provision for sons (but has only one daughter, Ellen Sydney St John) If no sons then property to brother, Beauchamp Moubray St John and his sons, then to brother, Honorable and Reverend Edmund Tudor St John and sons, then to daughter, Ellen Sydney St John and her sons and daughters. Then niece Helen Mary, daughter of Beauchamp Moubray St John, then her sons, and then to her sisters and their sons. Then to daughters of Edmund St Joh. Then sister Eleanor Louisa, wife of Herman Wayne, formerly a Captain in 10th Regiment and sons. Then to sister Laura, wife of Conolly Thomas Mc Causland, of Drenagh, county Derry, Ireland, and then to eldest son, Maurice Marcus Mc Causland and his sons. Anyone coming into posession of the estates in strict settlement shall take names and arms of 'St John' in addition to his own Trust. - to provide protions for children -detailed usual provisions as to raising money, buying and selleing land, stock, etc. ... to said trustees - family diamonds, in trust, to be used by wife, and then in settlement as family heirlooms inventory to be made of such diamonds and shall be signed by each perosn entitled to the emjoyment of said diamonds. To be kept adequately insured by user daughter's portion shall be vested in testator's brothers, Beauchamp Moubray and Edmund Tudor in trust. Detailed provision ... to wife, Ellen Georgiana, Lady St John -residue of personal estate power to appoint new trustees said Ellen Georgiana, Beaucamp Moubray and Edmund Tudor St John appointed executors and executrix and guardian of children during minorities will dated 23 June 1874 Witnesses James L Culpin, and H C Turner, 66 Lincon's Inn Fields, London, gentleman with codicil, Devise of cottage in Melchbourne to wife, revoked Instead wife bequeather £4000 dated 23 October 1879 testator died 2 November 1887 will proved (PPR) 7 February 1888 value of estate £23, 393, 11s 3d with stamps (to value of 3£ 16s of Grenada Revenue)
  • Archival history
    Received through the post wihtout any covering letter on 6 May 1988 (postmakerd London)
  • Level of description