• Reference
    QSR1914/3/10/2a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
  • Title
    Luton Borough Petty Sessions No. 2. Certificate of Justices View of a certain Highway or Footpath at Cowridge End in the Borough of Luton in the County of Bedford proposed to be diverted and stopped up.
  • Date free text
    13th May 1914
  • Production date
    From: 1910 To: 1914
  • Scope and Content
    QSR1914/3/10/2a (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) QSR1914/3/10/2a (i) Luton Borough Petty Sessions No. 2. Certificate of Justices View of a certain Highway or Footpath at Cowridge End in the Borough of Luton in the County of Bedford proposed to be diverted and stopped up. ---------------------- QSR1914/3/10/2a (ii) No. 2 Borough of Luton Whereas on the sixth day of December One thousand nine hundred and ten the Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of the Borough of Luton in the County of Bedford in Council assembled on application made by or on behalf of the Luton Land Company Limited whose registered office is situated at 21 Market Hill Luton resolved that John William Tomlinson the Surveyor for the Highways of the said Borough of Luton be authorised to give all notices and do all acts and things legally necessary to lead to the stopping up as useless (and unnecessary and in view of the proposed substituted footpath to be made as hereinafter referred to) diversion of a portion of a Public Highway or footpath in the Borough of Luton leading from the North East corner of The Peoples Park in the aforesaid Borough of Luton towards Stockingstone Lane at Cowridge End by stopping up entirely a portion of the aforesaid Highway or Footpath commencing at the said North East Corner of ~The Peoples Park aforesaid marked “G” on the plan and proceeding in a Northerly direction for a distance of Forty yards or thereabouts and thence in a North Easterly direction for a further distance of Seventy yards or thereabouts to the point marked “F” on the said Plan thence again in a Northerly direction for a further distance of Two hundred and five yards or thereabouts and thence again in a North Easterly direction for a further distance of sixty two yards or thereabouts to the point marked “H” on the said Plan in Stockingstone Lane aforesaid and that in line of the said Highway or Footpath so to be stopped up a new Public Highway or Footpath be provided commencing at the point marked “G” on the said Plan above mentioned at the North East corner of the Peoples Park aforesaid and proceeding in a straight line in a Northerly direction for a distance of Fifty four yards or thereabouts to the point marked “L” on the said Plan and there proceeding in a North Easterly direction for a distance of Thirty yards or thereabouts to a point marked “K” on the said Plan in a newly made road called Richmond Hill and thence again in a Northerly direction along the said Richmond Hill to and terminating at the said point marked “H” in Stockingstone Lane a further distance o Two hundred and eighty yards or thereabouts. And Whereas in ------------------------ QSR1914/3/10/2a(iii) Pursuance of an application by the said John William Tomlinson the said Surveyor of and for the said Borough in that behalf made unto us Herbert Owen Williams and Robert Smith Tomson Esquire whose names are hereunto set being two of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace of and for the said Borough We the said Justices on the ninth day of April One thousand nine hundred and fourteen together and in the presence of each other at the same time viewed the aforesaid portion of the said Public Highway hereinbefore described and so resolved to be stopped And Whereas upon such view so made on the application of the said Surveyors aforesaid it approved to us the said Justices that the aforesaid portion of the said Public Highway so to be stopped up as aforesaid might be stopped up without inconvenience to the Public because the new Public Highway proposed to be made by the said Luton Land Company Limited will be more convenient and more commodious than the portion of the said Public Highway proposed to be stopped up as aforesaid. And Whereas we the said Justices on the said ninth day of April last did direct the said Surveyor of the Highways of and for the said Borough of Luton to affix and in pursuance of such directions in that behalf the said Surveyor for four successive weeks next after we the said Justices so viewed the said Highway hereinbefore described Affixed and published or caused to be Affixed and published a notice to the effect of Schedule No. 19 to the Statute in that case made and provided in legible characters at the place and by the said of each end of the said Public Highway hereinbefore described from whence the same is proposed to be stopped up and thereby gave notice that on the first day of July next application would be made to is Majesty’s Justices of the Peace Assembled at Quarter sessions in and for the County of Bedford at Bedford for an Order for stopping up the aforesaid portion of the said Public Highway so resolved o be stopped up as aforesaid and the the Certificate of two Justices having viewed the said and proof given to there satisfaction of the several notices required by the Statue having been published with the Plan of the said portion of the said highway would be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County of Bedford on or before the thirtieth day of May One thousand nine hundred and fourteen. And Whereas the said Surveyor in pursuance of the direction to him by us given in that behalf for four --------------------- QSR1914/3/10/2a (iv) Successive weeks next after we the said Justices so viewed the said Highway hereinbefore described namely on the sixteenth, twenty third and thirtieth days of April and the seventh day of May One thousand nine hundred and fourteen respectively insert the same notice as last after and the same notice for the said four successive weeks appeared in a certain newspaper called “The Luton News” published on the last four mentioned days the said newspaper then and still being a newspaper published and generally circulated in the said Borough. And also on four successive Sundays next after the making of such view by us as aforesaid namely on the twelfth nineteenth and twenty sixth days of April and the third day of May One thousand nine hundred and fourteen the said Surveyor Affixed or caused to be Affixed a like notice as last Aforesaid on the doors of the Luton Parish Church and St. Matthews Parish church Luton. And whereas proof hath now this day been given unto and before and to the satisfaction of us the said Justices as well by the evidence of witnesses upon oath as otherwise that the said Resolution of the Town Council of Luton and the said several notices hereinbefore mentioned have been respectively made agreed to be given Affixed and published in the manner and at the times and placed hereinbefore particularly mentioned and recited and in manner and form as by Statute in such case made and provided is required. And a plan has now at the same time been here delivered to us the said Justices particularly describing the said portion of the said Public Highways by metes bounds and admeasurements thereof which said Plan has now this day been here verified to and before us the said Justices by the evidence upon oath of the said John William Tomlinson and competent Surveyor. And whereas the said Luton Land Company Limited have by a writing under there seal dated the twenty eighth day of February One thousand nine hundred and fourteen consent to the said proposed new Public Highway or Footpath being made over or upon certain lands belonging to the said Luton Land Company Limited. Now we whose names are hereunto set being such Justices as aforesaid in pursuance of the Statue in such case made and provided. Do hereby certify that on the ninth day of April One thousand nine hundred and fourteen we together and in the presence of each other at the sane time viewed the said Highway and the part ------------------- QSR1914/3/10/2a (v) Thereof so resolved to the stopped up as aforesaid. And we the said Justices hereby further certify that the reason why the proposed new highway will be more commodious and convenient to the Public is because the highway or part thereof proposed to be stopped up is a narrow trodden path only running alongside an arable field and being frequently overgrown with grass obstructed by the overgrowth of the adjoining hedge which is an inconvenience to users of the way particularly during wet weather while the new highway will be of an uniform width of seven foot made up with a good gravel surface (and later on paved) and for the greater part of its length is part of a new road Thirty six feet wide. Given under our hands at the Magistrates Court Luton in the County of Bedford this 13th day of May 1914 Signed: Robert Smith Tomson Herbert Owen Williamson
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