• Reference
    QSR1912/1/5/3c(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
  • Title
    The deposistions of witnesses George Charles Hickman of New Bedford Road, Lottie Haylock of Church Street Dunstable & Joseph Henry Attwood of Luton Police Station Deposition, Ernest Holmes charged on 30th December 1911 that he did between2nd & 23rd December 1911 at the Borough of Luton , then being the bailee of a certain chattel to wit a bicycle of the goods & chattels of George Charles Hickman did fraudulently take & convert the said chattel to his own use & thereby feloniously did steal the same. The deponent George Charles Hickman on his oath said the following;
  • Date free text
    30th December 1911
  • Production date
    From: 1911 To: 1912
  • Scope and Content
    I am a cycle maker carrying on business in New Bedford Road Luton & I reside at 196 Dunstable Road Luton. The prisoner hired a bicycle of me on 2nd December 1911 for one week & paid me 5 shillings for the hire. He came to me on the 11th & complained that his brother was keeping the bicycle but he the prisoner would be responible for the hire. On 18th December he came again & I told him I wanted the bicycle, he said it was at Dunsrable . I lent him another machineon which to go to Dustable to fetch the first one. He came againon 21st & returned the second machine but not the first one. He said he was unable to get it. I identify the bicycle produced as the one the prisoner hired from me & I value it at £3. Signed George Charles Hickman The deponent Lottie Haylock of Dunstable said; I am the wife of James Haylock who is a newsagent & residing at 26 Church Street Dunstable. I have known prisoner for 2/3 months as a customer. I bought a bicycle from him quite early in December. The bicycle produced is the one I bought from him. I gave him 12 shillings for it. He told me he had met a young man out of work & hard up & that he had given the young man 10 shillings for it. He asked me only 12shillings. I thought there was something peculiar about it & I said I would not buy if it was stolen property. He said he was used to buying them under the hammer. Signed Lottie Haylock The deponent Joseph Henry Attwood of Luton said; I am a Detective Constable in the Luton Borough Police Force; On 27th instant I found the bicycle produced at the last witness's house at Dunstable which has since been indentified by the prosecution. This morning I charges the prisoner with stealing it. He replied 'Yes' Signed Joseph Henry Attwood
  • Reference
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