• Reference
    QSR1912/1/5/3a(i) (ii) (ii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)
  • Title
    The deposistions of witnesses Herbert Starke of Park Street, Charles Franklin of Church Street & Joseph Henry Attwood of Luton Police Station Deposition, Ernest Holmes charged on 30th December 1911 that he did between 29th November & 23rd December 1911 at the Borough of Luton , then being the bailee of a certain chattel to wit a bicycle of the goods & chattels of Herbert Starke did fraudulently take & convert the said chattel to his own use & thereby feloniously did steal the same. The deponent Herbert Starke on his oath said the following;
  • Date free text
    30th December 1911
  • Production date
    From: 1911 To: 1912
  • Scope and Content
    I am a cycle maker residing & carry on business in Park Street Luton. The Prisoner hireda bicycle from me on the 29th November last for 3 days. The bicycle produced is the one he hired. He paid me 2 shillings & 6 pence on account of the hire. The 29th November wasa Wednesday. On Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week he came & asked for an extension of the hiring time until the following Saturday. I agreed to that. He came in again on Thursday 7th December & asked if he could have another bicycle for his brother who was going with him on his return to his work at Stony Stratford. I agreed that he could have the second machine both to be returned on the Saturday. The second machine was however returned on the Friday before the Saturday. I took the machine in but did not recognize the prisoner again. He paid me two shillings & said my brother will pay the remainder when he comes in tomorrow. Neither the prisoner nor his brother came in on the Saturday & the first machineI let out has never been returned to me. On 23rd December in consequence of something I was told I took out a warrant for the apprehension of the prisoner. That same day he came to my shop & asked me to let him have the machine until over the holiday, when he would produce the machine & the money for the hire. I sent for the police & gave him into custody. The bicycle produced is my machine & I value it at £3.10 shillings Signed Herbert Starke The Deponent Charles Franklin of Dunstable said; I am a cycle maker & carry on business at 16 Church Street Dunstable. I live at the White Horse Dunstable with my parents. The prisoner came to me about 2 months ago & produce a bicycle & a receipt from the Ryto Works Company for a roadster cycle st the price of £7.15shillings I knew him by sight. He said he had been to after sales & was dealing in cycles. About a month ago the prisoner bought the bicycle produed to me He told me it belonged to him & he wanted to sell it. he asked me 25 shillings & I gave him 21 shillings. Signed Charles Franklin. The Deponent Joseph henry Attwood of Luton said; I am a Detective Constable in the Luton Bouogh Police Force. On 23rd of the present month I found the prisoner detained at the police station. I read the warrant produced to him. He replied 'Thats right@ on the 27th I took the witmess Stake to Dunstable to Franklins shop where he indentified the bicycle produced as his property. Signed Joseph Henry Attwood.
  • Reference
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