- ReferenceQSR1911/4/5/6 (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)(vii)
- TitleStatement of accused - George Darnell; Examination Emma Jane Maxey;
- Date free text24th July 1911
- Production dateFrom: 1911 To: 1911
- Scope and ContentQSR1911/4/5/6 (i) County of Bedford to wit. George Darnell stands charged the undersigned, one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the County of Bedford this 28th day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven for that he the said George Darnell on the 24th day of July 1911 at (a) Goldington in the County of Bedford did unlawfully throw and cast himself into a certain river of water there with intent thereby then feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought to kill and murder himself. And the said Charge being read to the said George Darnell and the Witnesses for the Prosecution, being severally examined in his presence, the said George Darnell is now addressed by me as follows; “Having heard the Evidence, do you wish to say anything in answer to the Charge? You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so; but whatever you say will be taken down in Writing, and may be given in Evidence against you upon your trial. And you are clearly to understand that you have nothing to hope from any Promise of Favour, and nothing to fear from any threat which may have been holden out to you to induce you to make any admission or confession of your guilt, that whatever you shall now say may be given in Evidence against you upon your trial, notwithstanding such Promise or Threat.” Whereupon the said Saith as follows:- (b) I can’t say anything. I do not remember coming away from home. Signed by a X (George Darnell) Witness: W. G. Purser PS F. W. Conquest QSR1911/4/5/6(ii) (iii) County of Bedford to wit: of Emma Jane Maxey the wife of Ernest Maxey of 39 Pilcroft Street, Bedford in the County of Bedford Herbert Henry Tysoe of 15 Greenhill Street Bedford aforesaid William Green of 50 Howbury Street Bedford aforesaid and Joseph Henry Moore of 4 Salisbury Street Bedford aforesaid Police Constable taken on Oath this 28th day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven at the Shire Hall at Bedford in the County aforesaid before the undersigned one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the said County in the presence and hearing of George Darnell who is charged this day before the Court for that he the said George Darnell on the 24th day of July One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eleven at Goldington in the County aforesaid did unlawfully throw and cast himself into a certain river of water there with intent thereby then feloniously wilfully and of his malice aforethought to kill and murder himself. This deponent Emma Jane Maxey on her Oath saith as follows: - I am the wife of Earnest Maxey and we live at 39 Pilcroft St. Bedford. The prisoner is my father. He has been living with me. Last time I saw him at home was last Sunday evening about 9.30. We had supper together. We all went to bed about 10. I next saw him at the County Police Station between 11 and 12 on Monday morning. Previous to Sunday he had not been well. Dr. Goldsmith saw him on Saturday about 1.30am on Monday. I went to my father’s room. He was not there my husband went out to look for him. Signed: Emma Jane Maxey QSR1911/4/5/6(iv) This Deponent, Herbert Henry Tysoe on his Oath saith as follows: - I live at 15 Greenhill Street, Bedford. About 9.30 last Monday morning I was down the embankment just past the locks. I saw a hat and coat on the bank. I afterwards saw the prisoner in the river about 2 yards from the bank. He was struggling in the water. With the help of William Green, I got the prisoner out. He was conscious. He said “”Let me alone, let me get back in the water again,” He afterwards saith “I shall do it again. I mean to do it” He did lose consciousness. It was after he regained consciousness that he said he should do it again. Signed Herbert Henry Tysoe. QSR1911/4/5/6(v) This Deponent William Green on his Oath saith as follows:- I am a Grocer and live at 50 Howbury Street Bedford. I was down the Embankment last Monday morning. I assisted the last witness to get the prisoner out of the river. I heard him say “Let me get back in the water again” I don’t think he know what he was saying at the time. Later on he said “I mean to do it” He was just coming round thou. I stopped with the prisoner till the policeman came Signed William Green QSR1911/4/5/6 (vi)(vii) This Deponent Joseph Henry Moore on his Oath saith a follows:- I live at 41 Salisbury Street Bedford and am a Police Constable in the Borough Force. Last Monday about 9.15 in the morning, I went down the Mill Meadows. I found the prisoner lying on the bank of the river close to the locks on the main river side. Tysoe and Green were there. The prisoner was gasping and frothing at the mouth in a sort of delirium. I turned him over, worked his arms, and rubbed his chest. He came round and with the assistance of another constable i took him to the hospital. When he was being examined by the Doctor at the Hospital in my presence he said “I meant doing it I wish they had let me finish it” I bought him up to the county Police Station. He was not sober when I saw him. Signed Joseph Henry Moore. The above depositions of:- Emma Jane Maxey Herbert Henry Tysoe William Green Joseph Henry Moore Where taken and sworn at the Shire Hall at Bedford this 28th day of July 1911 before me, F W Conquest Justice of the Peace for the county of Bedford.
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