• Reference
  • Title
    Frank Kirkby - Statement of Accused and Deposition of Witnesses called by accused.
  • Date free text
    15th July 1911
  • Production date
    From: 1911 To: 1911
  • Scope and Content
    Statement of Accused and Deposition of Witnesses called by accused Borough of Luton to Wit. Frank Kirkby stands charged before the undersigned, one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the Borough of Luton, this 15th day of July in the year One thousand Nine Hundred and eleven for that he the said Frank Kirkby between the 5th and 6th days of July 1911 , at the Borough of Luton feloniously did break and enter the dwelling house of Albert Mayne there situate and therein feloniously did steal one Gold Chain. One lady’s gold Watch, one Gold Brooch and one Gold Bracelet together of the value of Ten Pounds and the sum of about Eight Shillings in money the goods and chattels and money of Albert Mayne and Mary Ann Elizabeth Mayne. And the said charge being read to the said Frank Kirkby and the Witness for the Prosecution being severally examined in his presence the said Frank Kirkby is now addressed by me as followers: “Having heard the evidence, do you wish to say anything in answer to the charge? You are not obliged to say anything unless you desire to do so; but whatever you say will be taken down in Writing, and may be given in Evidence against you upon your Trial. And you are clearly to understand that you have nothing to hope from any Promise of Favour , and nothing to fear from any Threat, which may be have been holden out to you to induce you to make any admission or confession of your gilt, but whatever you shall now say may be given in evidence against you upon your Trial, notwithstanding such Promise or Threat:” Whereupon the said Frank Kirkby saith as follows: I have nothing to say only that I wish I had been at the bottom of the sea before I knew anything about it. Taken before me at the Court House, Luton, in the Borough aforesaid, on the day and year first above mentioned. Any immediately after obeying the directions of the 18h Section of the Act Eleventh and Twelfth Victoria, Chapter Forty Two, I, the said Justice of the Peace, did demand and require of the said Frank Kirkby whether he desired to call any Witness; and upon in answer to such demand the said Frank Kirkby[neither] called or desired to call[any person or persons] Signed Phillips
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