Paper Copy of Court Roll (surrender); Manor of Leighton Buzzard alias Grovebury
Arthur Ashfield of Leighton Buzzard, gentleman
in consideration of £48..16s surrendered out of court
Date free text
21 May 1849
Production date
From: 1849 To: 1849
Scope and Content
... plot of land in Brooksley Furlong, containing 1 acre 20 perches, Stanbridge Road, South West
allotment awarded by Commissioners of Enclosure to David Thomas Willis, North
allotment awarded by Commissioners to Frederick Willis, East and South
which land was awarded to Arthur Ashfield by Commisioners for Enclosure in lieu of copyhold lands and rights of common within Township of Leighton Buzzard purchased by him from John Fielder, being land in X487/16
to use of Frederick Willis
accepted by Joseph Woodman and Charles Page
Level of description