Photocopy of a deed: Quitclaim of Isabel Hunter of "Ravenstondail" [Ravenstonedale] in Westmorland for lands in Bolnhurst and Wilden, October 1670
Date free text
31st October 1670
Production date
From: 1670 To: 1670
Scope and Content
Quitclaim from
(i) Isabel Hunter who remisses, releases and quitclaims on behalf of herself, all her heirs, executors, administrators etc. land lately in the occupation of her deceased Father Richard Hunter, Clerk and Rector of Colmworth Parish Church, in Bolnhurst and Wilden to
(ii) Stephen and Isabel Dent, Father and mother in law of (i), all their heirs, assignes, administators etc. including all rents, suits, bills, bonds, debts, writs, obligations etc. on the said land
Quitclaim of Isabel Hunter of "Lyth[...?] in the parishe of Ravenstondail [Ravenstonedale] and Countey of Westmorland, Spinster the onley daughter and heire of Richard Hunter of Lyth[..?] aforesaid deceased ... Haith Remissed Releassed and for ever quite Claymed And by thesse presents doth Remisse Release and for ever quite Clayme vnto my said father in Law Stephen Dent and my mother Isabell Dent aforesaid my Guardians or Under takers... executors Adminsters of and from all man[n]er of actions suits debts duties Recknings attempts and demaunds whatsoever which I the said Isabel Hunter now haith or at any time hearafter should or might have against my said father and mother [in law] Stephen Dent and Isabel Dent there executors Administers or assignes For touching or conferring the saile of Severall Messuages Lands and Teniments Laite in the Tenn[an]c[i]e? and ocopation of Ri[c]h: Hunter Clarke Rector and Incumbent of the Parish Church of Colworth [Colmworth] in the Countey of Bedford... which Messuages Lands and Teniments are Scituaite in the Parish of Bolnhurst and in the Parish of Wildon [Wilden] in the said Countey of Bedford And also of and from all moneys Recieved by my said Father and mother [in law] for the same in full or part or parcell and piece of the same and from all Rents... due to me out of the same or for aney other matter cause or thing whatsoever maide comitted or done conferring the same And further I doe remisse Release and for ever quite Clayme vnto my said Father in law Stephen Dent and Isabel Dent my mother there executors Administrators and assignes all and all manner of actions cause and cause of actions suits bills bonds writtings obligatons contreversies? trespasses damages and demaunds whatsoever both in Law and Equalie or otherwise howsoever which against my said father and mother [in law] Stephen Dent and Isabel Dent I ever had now have and which my heires executors Administrators shall or may have Clayme challenge or demaund for or by reason or meanes of aney matter cause or thing from beginning of the world vnto the day of the date of thesse present[ment]s In wittnes whereof I have hearvnto put my hand and seale this Thurtefirst [Thirty-First?] day of October in the yeare of our Lord god One Thowsand Six Hundr[e]d and Seventy
Sealled Signed and delive[r]d in
the p[re]sents of vi[z]?:
George Fothergill
Robertt Huntter
Rich: Fothergill Marke: R
Isabell Hunter
*Note The Fothergill's mentioned as witnesses may be relatives of the grammar school founders in Ravenstonedale, who share the surname.
* Note - this is a photocopy of the original deed which is in the possession of a Mrs Wellings in Lancashire as of the early 1970's (address included on the document).
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