• Reference
  • Title
    Wrestlingworth CV Primary School Log book
  • Date free text
    12 Sept 1972 - 22 Dec 1988
  • Production date
    From: 1972 To: 1988
  • Scope and Content
    Names of staff and pupils have not been indexed. First page lists school managers. Initial pages marked as index and list staff members with details such as address, date of appointment and date of leaving the school. Routine entries include: Number on school roll, admissions and children leaving. Medical and dental examinations and hearing checks. Visits from dentist and dental hygienist. Visits of school photographer. Repairs, maintenance and improvements to the school fabric. Students from Bedford College of Education doing teaching observation and teaching practice. Absences of staff. County assessment tests, and names of pupils awarded places. School carol services, concerts, Christmas party, sports day [often with Sutton School] etc. Pupils providing entertainment at Darby & Joan Club Christmas party. Visits of Children’s Theatre groups [Adventure Theatre]. Football and netball match fixtures. School closures when premises required as polling station for elections. Visits to Biggleswade swimming pool to take distance swimming certificates. Cycle training sessions and cycle proficiency tests. Chess matches. 1972 4 Oct 1972: First session of keep fit class – part of Sandy Evening Education Programme. 5 Oct 1972: Harvest festival service. Fruit, flowers and vegetables collected and taken to the Manor House Home for Spastics at Meldreth, Cambridgeshire. 20 Nov 1972: School closed for silver wedding anniversary of HM Queen Elizabeth. 1973 30 Jan 1973: Speech therapist examined 4 children with speech problems. 4 Apr 1973: 54 children with staff and parent helpers visited London Planetarium and Madame Tussauds exhibition. 8 May 1973: Infants visit to Biggleswade Fire Station. 8 Jun 1973: Public meeting held to establish a new committee to handle the funds and organise the use of the school swimming pool. 22 Jun 1973: Juniors took part in a sponsored silence. 4 Sep 1973: During the holiday the swimming pool changing huts have been erected and brought into use for holiday swimming sessions. 2 Oct 1973: Visit of string ensemble of 9 players, arranged through county music department. 17 Oct 1973: School closed for half day to enable staff to attend a meeting concerning reorganisation of education in the county. 14 Nov 1973: School closed for the wedding of Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips. 1974 12 Feb 1974: Class 1 visit to Bedfordshire Growers at Potton Road, Biggleswade. 20 May 1974: Talk on the care of pets given by RSPCA representative. 15 Jul 1974: School closed and 82 children with staff and mothers went to Whipsnade for the day. Aug 1974: Holiday play scheme – pool available for 2 sessions daily for 5 weeks. 20 Sep 1974: Harvest Festival. Produce taken to Homefield Children’s Home, London Road, Biggleswade. 4 Oct 1974: Dr. Barnado’s talk and film. 1975 23 Jan 1975: Meeting at County Hall about reorganisation. 3rd year children will stay at Wrestlingworth another year and 4th years will be transferred to Sandye Place for 2 years as Potton Middle School will not be ready for September 1975. 13 Mar 1975: Limitation in allowances for minor works, improvements etc. as a result of economic situation. 5 Jun 1975: School closed for national referendum regarding European Economic Community. 18 Jun 1975: Lecture by John Burnett, architect, in connection with European architectural heritage and juniors’ project. 3 Jul 1975: Project on Wrestlingworth’s buildings and their history submitted to area environmental education exhibition. All top junior children attended the exhibition. 14 Jul 1975: Outing to Wicksteed Park. 8 Oct 1975: Talk from C of E Children’s Society. 12 Nov 1975: 30 junior pupils went to folk dance party at Robert Peel School, Sandy. 20 Sep 1974: Harvest Festival. Produce taken to Homefield Children’s Home, London Road, Biggleswade. 4 Oct 1974: Dr. Barnado’s talk and film. 1975 23 Jan 1975: Meeting at County Hall about reorganisation. 3rd year children will stay at Wrestlingworth another year and 4th years will be transferred to Sandye Place for 2 years as Potton Middle School will not be ready for September 1975. 13 Mar 1975: Limitation in allowances for minor works, improvements etc. as a result of economic situation. 5 Jun 1975: School closed for national referendum regarding European Economic Community. 18 Jun 1975: Lecture by John Burnett, architect, in connection with European architectural heritage and juniors’ project. 3 Jul 1975: Project on Wrestlingworth’s buildings and their history submitted to area environmental education exhibition. All top junior children attended the exhibition. 14 Jul 1975: Outing to Wicksteed Park. 8 Oct 1975: Talk from C of E Children’s Society. 12 Nov 1975: 30 junior pupils went to folk dance party at Robert Peel School, Sandy. 1976 4 Feb 1976: Police talk and film ‘Never go with a Stranger’. 9 Apr 1976: Talk on water safety with mouth to mouth demonstration. 30 Apr 1976: 2 groups of children visited Potton Nature Trail and environmental exhibition. 13 May 1976: Visit of road safety officer. 24 Jun 1976: Group of juniors to Great Barford Middle School to take part in musical afternoon. 1 & 2 Jul 1976: Groups taken to see environmental exhibition at Biggleswade. 12 Jul 1976: Outing to Wicksteed Park. 16 Jul 1976: School closed for summer holiday. 27 children left as 2 year groups transfer this time to Burgoyne Middle School. Sep 1976: School opened with 59 on roll covering the 5-9 age group. Children now leave in the July following their 10th birthday. Rising 5s attending full time and those with spring term 5th birthday to attend afternoons this term. 21 Sep 1976: Violin lessons commenced for group of six 8 & 9 year olds. 15 Oct 1976: Talk from blind man who initiated an envelope appeal in aid of the RNIB instead of harvest festival appeal. 10 Dec 1976: Talk and film on road safety given by police officers. 1977 5 Apr 1977: Talk and film on road safety 6 May 1977: All children went to Burgoyne Middle School to watch performance by Da Silva puppets. 13 May 1977: Representative if Save the Children led a group of children knitting squares and sorting stamps – to be held each Friday. 3 June 1977: School closed for half term to include the national holiday for the silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Events organised in the village. 7 July 1977: Children taken to Environmental Education Exhibition. 20 Jul 1977: Visit to Knebworth House. 1978 27 Jan 1978: Visit from Milk Marketing Board demonstrator. 17 May 1978: Group taken to see Environmental Education Exhibition. Wrestlingworth school exhibit to go to East of England Show at Peterborough. 19 Jun 1978: 25 children spent the afternoon at the RSPB at The Lodge, Sandy. 18 Jul 1978: Visit to Whipsnade. 21 Jul 1978: 22 children leaving - two year groups transferring to middle school, thus completing reorganisation into three tier system in the Sandy area. 5 Sep 1978: Autumn term commenced with 36 full time pupils and 2 part time [had been 54 and 1 part timer in previous term] Sep 1978: Visit to Southlands School Biggleswade for talk and demonstration of Indian dance and music. 1979 23 Jan 1979: School closed at midday due to heavy snow. 15 Jun 1979: Visit to Environmental Studies Exhibition at St Andrews School. 3 Jul 1979: Visit from police juvenile liaison officer. 16 Jul 1979: Visit of Major Digby presented award for efforts in supporting Save the Children Fund 17 Jul 1979: Visit to Lilford Park, Northamptonshire. 18 Jul 1979: Named pupil attended East of England Show to collect first prize in the Queen Mother’s Handwriting Competition. 19-29 Oct 1979: During half term the swimming pool was vandalised; liner cut beyond repair. 12 Nov 1979: Visit of school photographer. 13 Dec 1979: Visit to Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Museum – exhibit of house in Victorian times. 1980 20 Mar 1980: All pupils took part in a brass-rubbing session. 21 Apr 1980: Charge for school dinners increased to 50p and supply of free milk ceased. Facilities for children to have packed lunches in compliance with the 1980 Education Act. 13 May 1980: Head teacher tendered resignation – application for early retirement granted. 27 May 1980: Cycling proficiency course for the 8+ group who are leaving. 12 & 13 Jun 1980: Groups visit Environmental Studies Exhibition at St Andrews School. 12 Jul 1980: Village Day – exhibition of art and craft mounted in village hall. Children danced folk dances. 15 Jul 1980: Visit to Stagsden Bird Zoo and Emberton Park. 17 Jul 1980: Party to mark retirement of head teacher. 3 Sep 1980: New head tracher. School meals cost risen to 55p per day. 30 Oct 1980: Visit of school photographer. 23 Nov 1980: Scwimming pool changing hut broken into. 10 Dec 1980: Children entertained by conjuror. 14 Dec 1980: Carol service held in St. Peter’s Church. 1981 12 Jan 1981: Needlework club commenced during dinner hour. 13 Jan 1981: Infants recorder group commenced. Named child slipped and broke nose. 1 Feb 1981: Break-in at the school – boiler room window broken. 7 Feb 1981: Dance organised by the swimming pool committee raised £100 for school funds. 20 Feb 1981: All attended Southlands School, Biggleswade to see a performance by the Seagull Theatre 5 Mar 1981: Visit by HM Inspector of Schools. 31 Mar 1981: Visit from representative of the County Music Department to give a demonstration of percussion instruments. 10 Jul 1981: Visit to Whipsnade Zoo. 18 Jul 1981: First school fete raised £209 for school fund. 20 Jul 1981: Visit from police with warnings about speaking to strangers. 5 Nov 1981 Visit of school photographer. 6 Nov 1981: Fire drill held. 1 Dec 1981: Children enjoyed concert given by musicians from the County Music Department. 2 Dec 1981: Christmas bazaar. The £92 raised will be used for the Christmas party. 11 Dec 1981. Snow all day; school closed at 1.30pm and conjuror’s visit cancelled. 13 Dec 1981: Nativity play in the church postponed due to heavy snow. 14 Dec 1981: School closed due to weather conditions. 16 Dec 1981: Postponed nativity play in the church. 17 Dec 1981: School party. 1982 4 Jan 1982: A burst pipe in the canteen area caused flooding and this caused the floor of the hall to rise by about a foot. Emergency repairs required. 14 Jan 1982: Heavy frost – pipe has burst again in the canteen toilet. Hall floor now replaced, but is to be sanded and polished at half term. 5 Mar 1982: Children entertained by conjuror, postponed from December. 17 Mar 1982: Remaining walls of 4 & 6 Church Lane that collapsed at half term have been knocked down. The children were interested in the destruction and sorry it could not be restored. 18 Mar 1982: Visit from local policeman with warning against taking sweets from strangers. 12 May 1982: Heavy economy measures being made by County Hall with result that staffing for next year will be 2.4 including the head teacher. 20 May 1982: Four named children taken brass rubbing at Cockayne Hatley church as part of local study. 11 Jun 1982: One of the school’s pet gerbils had to be humanely destroyed after being injured by a pupil. 16 Jun 1982: Class 2 given a conducted tour of the church by the vicar, including a visit to the clock tower. 8 Jul 1982: Musical entertainment including violin groups taught by peripatetic music teacher, recorder groups, songs with percussion accompaniment etc. 12 Jul 1982: Staffing cuts for nest term. 20 Jul 1982: School fete raised over £113. 22 Jul 1982: Visit of whole school to East of England Show. 8 Sep 1982: School uniform introduced. 17 Sep 1982: Head teacher sends out letter regarding possibility of starting a ‘Friends of Wrestlingworth School’ Association. [Further reference to this on subsequent pages]. 22 Oct 1982: Parents evening postponed owing to heavy rain – parts of the village flooded. 10 Nov 1982: AGM of the Friends of Wrestlingworth Lower School – a group willing to act as a committee has emerged. 15 Nov 1982: First real meeting of the Friends of Wrestlingworth Lower School Association committee. 6 Dec 1982: Children entertained by magician. 12 Dec 1982: Story of Baboushka performed in the church. 13 Dec 1982: Puppet show, games and Christmas party. 14 Dec 1982: Cheese & Wine party with entertainment provided by a group of Potton barbershop singers. 23 Feb 1983: Visit of school photographer. 7 Mar 1983: Sponsored spelling event. Money raised to be spent on organising a school reference library. 30 Apr 1983: Square Dance arranged by Friends of Wrestlingworth Lower School Association. Raised £125 towards provision of school library. 3 May 1983: Woodwind concert given by members of peripatetic music department. 24 May 1983: Arrival of colour television. 9 Jun 1983: School visit to Thorpe Park. School had to remain open for 6 children who were not going on the trip. 9 Jul 1983: Village Day. The school ran a home produce stall and raised £54.54. 11 Jul 1983: Liner of swimming pool damages over the weekend and the pool is leaking. Police alerted. 14 Jul 1983: Musical entertainment given to parents and governors. 18 Jul 1983: Damage to the large horse chestnut tree outside the school. 22 Jul 1983: End of term disco for the children arranged by the Friends of Wrestlingworth Lower School Association. 11 Oct 1983: First screening tests undertaken as part of county policy. Consisted of reading, spelling and IQ tests. 29 Oct 1983: Friends Association Hallowe’en jazz band performance in village hall. 29 Nov 1983: A parent came to talk to the children about life as a medieval knight. 14 Dec 1983: Annual visit of magician. 15 Dec 1983: Cheese & wine party arranged by Friends of Wrestlingworth Lower School Association. 1984 7 Mar 1984: During half term the swimming pool was dismantled ready for re-siting. Changing huts and caretaker’s shed moved to make room for diggers etc. 21 Mar 1984: Sponsored spelling. 1 Apr 1984: Mothering Sunday service in St. Peter’s Church including some school involvement. 11 Apr 1984: Nearly-New sale organised by the Friends Association. 5 May 1984: Friends of the School Association barn dance. 14 May 1984: Work on the pool has resumed after 6 weeks without progress. 7 Jun 1984: School trip to Thorpe Park 11 Jun 1984: Video cassette recorder arrived – funded partly by Friends association and part by local education authority. 12 Jun 1984: Concert given by a string group of the county music staff. 16 Jun 1984: Safari supper organised by Friends of Wrestlingworth Lower School Association. 19 Jun 1984: Visit from deputy director of education and member of county architects department to discuss possibilities of building an extension. 20 Jun 1984: ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ shown on new video player as part of Greek project. 7 Jul 1984: Village Day. Random Choice Spinner Wheel raised around £25 for school funds. 12 Sep 1984: Barbecue arranged to celebrate opening of the swimming pool cancelled as the work is not finished. 25 Sep 1984: Head teacher attended induction of new vicar for the parishes of Wrestlingworth, Eyeworth and Dunton, Rev Gordon Michael Briscoe. Service conducted by the Bishop of Bedford. 30 Oct 1984: Nearly new stall held to raise money for Christmas party. 17 Nov 1984: Friends of the school association ran a bran tub at the playgroup bazaar. 26 Nov 1984: The School will be sending £50 to the Ethiopian Famine Appeal. 4 Dec 1984: County music staff percussion concert. 1985 22 Jan 1985: School broken into during the night. Nothing stolen. Police informed and took fingerprints. 6 Feb 1985: Named child tested for dyslexia – test negative. 8 Feb 1985: Snow all day 8-10 inches by the end of school. 5 Mar 1985: Rev Briscoe now takes assembly every Tuesday. 29 Apr 1985: School is to take part in nationwide project organised by the BBC called the Domesday Project – to celebrate 900 years after the original Domesday survey. The school is to study a 12km block of the local area and record land use, geographical, historical and social features. [Several subsequent references to this study, including several farm visits] 23 May 1985: The swimming pool is now ready for use after half term. 27-31 May 1985: During half term the pool liner was slashed and the pool is empty. Police informed of the vandalism. 30 May 1985: Pool repaired and re-filling began. 8 Jun 1985: New pool officially opened by Rev. Briscoe. A fete was held to celebrate the occasion. 20 Jun 1985: Head teacher and other full time teacher attended computer course. 28 Jun 1985: Computer delivered. 3 Jul 1985: Demonstration by St. John’s Ambulance Brigade on resuscitation, attended by several parents. 17 Jul 1985: Swimming gala. 7 Sep 1985: Goodwill Day in the village. Funds raised go towards local needs. 8 Sep 1985: Pool vandalised again. 13 Sep 1985: Visit regarding extension. Present office to become storage room and extension to be office and head’s room. 16 Nov 1985: ‘Horse Racing’ evening arranged by Friends of Wrestlingworth School association very successful. 1986 7 Jan 1986: Extension plans have been presented to the planning authority. [Rejected 31 Jan, to be re-submitted]. 24 Feb 1986: Church Lane to be closed for 3 weeks for re-laying of water pipes and re-surfacing of road. Noise is continuous. 12 Mar 1986: Sponsored spelling to raise money for school library books. 13 Mar 1986: NAHT [National Association of Head Teachers] called out all members to support call for improved lunch time supervision. School closed at noon and all children went home for lunch. 17-20 Mar 1986: Noise and closure of the lane due to road works dealing with damage done by Water Board in February. Cannot get vehicles in and out of school grounds. 22 Apr 1986: Medieval Banquet arranged by Friends of Wrestlingworth School association - very successful. 24 Mar 1986: Gales caused damage to changing huts. School had no electricity all day. 16 Apr 1986: Emergency meeting of governors to discuss proposed staff cuts for next academic year. [Several subsequent references to staffing cuts – petitions, letters to councillors and MP etc.] 11 & 27 Jun 1986: Decided that Wrestlingworth teaching staff will remain at same level for next school year. 4 Jul 1986: School trip to Thorpe Park. 8 Jul 1986: Demonstration by St. John’s Ambulance Brigade on resuscitation, attended by 20-25 parents. 12 Jul 1986: Village Day. Very wet so held in Memorial Hall. 14 Jul 1986: Swimming gala. 1987 14 Jan 1987: Pipes in school kitchen burst [due to cold and snow]. 24 Jan 1987: Bring & Buy sale held in aid of BBC Blue Peter Super Savers Appeal. Raised £70. 27 Mar 1987: Gale lifted sheets of aluminium off the roof. Children terrified by the noise. School had to be closed. 14 May 1987: Viewed the school’s entry in the BBC Domesday Project. Bedfordshire is the best represented of all English counties. 15 Jun 1987: Violin group took part in ‘Fiddle Fiesta’ at Holmemead School. 13 Jul 1987: Visit to Everton School to see performance by the Snap Theatre Group of puppeteers. 15 Jul 1987: Governors meeting to present report on 1986 Education Act to parents. 11 Oct 1987: School took part in an environmental day at the school organised by a village group. Planted bulbs and plants round the village and installed bird boxes. 15 Oct 1987: School cook retired. School meals will in future not be cooked on the premises but transported from Burgoyne Middle School. A kitchen assistant will be appointed. 16 Oct 1987: School closed due to excessive winds. Much devastation throughout the country. 1988 18 Jan 1988: School now receiving regular visits from Computer Cascade team to help improve staff computer skills. 3 Feb 1988: Police talk and video concerning danger of playing near electrified lines and pylons. 23 Feb 1988: Road safety film and talk. 14 Mar 1988: School contribution to exhibition on Pattern at Sandy Upper School. All feeder schools to Sandy Upper have taken part. 27 Jun 1988. School trip to Butterfly Park at Long Sutton, Lincolnshire. Spoilt by bus breaking down at Caxton roundabout.
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