• Reference
  • Title
    Wrestlingworth C of E School Log book
  • Date free text
    1 Jan 1874 - 31 May 1907
  • Production date
    From: 1874 To: 1907
  • Scope and Content
    See attached index for list of staff and pupils, with notes. Index at front used mainly for details of teaching staff. Measurements of school and class room given after index and before page 1. Routine entries include: Attendance numbers Visits of the vicar, Rev. Twiss and his wife, later G Bridge. Visits of other clergy etc. Attendance affected by weather conditions and amount of employment in the fields. Annual concerts. Absences of staff and pupils. Note of fees paid. Progress of the children. Equipment and staffing requirements. Some reference to the condition of the school building. Copies of HM Inspector's reports and diocesan inspections and reports. Visits from attendance officer. Absences of Eyeworth children due to 'Club Feast'. Choir outings Page 2: 1-16 Jan 1874. Mary Anne Watkinson returned to her duty as monitor after an illness of over 5 weeks; Annie Carver taken on as second monitor on 8th January 1874; Death of Emma Sole 'an industrius little girl of the third class'. Page 4: 6 Feb 1874. Poor attendance this week on account of the weather and some children being employed in the fields. Page 5: 20 Feb -13 Mar 1874. Smallest attendance of boys this quarter, so many finding work in the fields. Page 6: 13-20 Mar 1874. Continuous fall of snow has prevented many children attending, particularly those from Eyeworth. A great many, even of the smaller children, found employment in the fields as the weather improved. Page 9: 29 May-19 Jun 1874. Sarah Godfrey admitted. Subsequently told not to attend any more until she is old enough, she being only 4 years old. Page 10: 24 Jun - 3 Jul 1874. Attendance small in consequence of the fair. A girl from Biggleswade Union admitted this week. Page 11. 10-24 Jul 1874. Great deal of sickness; mumps is prevelant. Visit of HM Inspector. Page 12. 31 Jul- 18 Sep 1874. Breaking up. Tea treat. 31 August -school re-opened, but as harvest not complete, attendance was very low. Page 13. 25 Sep - 9 Oct 1874. Half holiday on account of the master leaving the school. Prizes awarded to deserving pupils. Arthur William Lang commenced duties as master of the school. Mrs Lang is mistress; monitors are Mary Anne Watkinson and Annie Carver. Page 15: 23 Oct - 13 Nov 1874. Master suffering from Quinsey. Page 16: 20 Nov - 4 Dec 1874. Master examined each child individually; majority still backward in arithmetic and spelling. Sent Martha Bird home for uncleanliness of person, not for the first time. She is not to return until her parents have seen the managers. Page 17: 12 Dec 1874- 8 Jan 1875. Death of Lizzie Munsey on 14th Dec. Page 18: 15-29 Jan 1875. Punished and made example of David Dazley for a gross assault on Moses Hooten. Comments about W Puddephatt's progress. Page 21: 26 Feb-19 Mar 1875. Edwin Blott reads well -placed in the second class for reading. Page 23: 16 Apr-7 May 1875. Mary Ann Watkinson desires to become a pupil teacher. Comments about Elizabeth Matthews. Page 25: 21 May-4 Jun 1875. School closed on Monday as Lang had to thake the choir to Cambridge choral festival. Have used Susan Blott as a monitor. Page 27: 26 Jun-1 Jul 1875. School closed on Thursday and Friday on account of Wrestlingworth feast. Mary Ann Watkinson is going to keep house for her brother instead on becoming a pupil teacher [It seemes she stayed on, as mentioned subsequently]. School examined by HM inspector. Page 28: 9-23 Jul 1875. Eliza Dellar sent home for uncleanliness of person. Attendance low due to rains; middle and upper end of the village flooded. Page 31: 24 Sep-13 Oct 1875. School closed to prevent spread of scarlatina (re-opened 5 Nov). Page 32: 22 Oct-19 Nov 1875. Low attendance due to flooding 12 Nov. Page 33: 23 Nov-23 Dec 1875. Parents of Arthur Jarmin request he be exempted from religious instruction. Page 34: 10 Jan-11 Feb 1876. George Bates takes up post of master of the school; Eliza Bates assistant. Admitted 6 boys from Tadlow (they left 25 Feb). Page 36: 24 Mar-20 Apr 1876. Death of Mrs [Rebecca Collins] Twiss. Page 37: 24 Apr-12 May 1876. School closed for enlargement of classroom. (re-opened 3 July). Page 38: 19 May-7 Jul 1876. School re-opened but work not complete. Page 42: 13 Oct 1876 - Eyeworth children unable to attend due to outbreak of measles. Page 47-48: 6 Jan 1879. William Mackness took charge of the school. Comments on the abilities of the pupils, organisation and discipline. A Mackness and Miss Warren engaged as monitors. The smoke does not readily pass up the chimney but escapes into the school which is trying to the throat and lungs. Page 52: 26 Feb 1879. Sickness in the parish and many children suffering from influenza. Page 55: 24 25 Jun 1879. Wrestlingworth Club Feast - two days holiday given. Page 56: 4 Jul 1879. Many children still absent, working for farmers Henry King, Mr Davis, Mr Brown and others. Page 57: 1 Aug 1789. Attendance officer visited. About 160 children on the books and average over more than ninety this week. Page 67: 30 Jan 1880. The family of Darts have gone in the Union. 8 March 1880 -Mr Puddephat has employed a number of boys who ought to be in school. Page 70: 24 Jun 1880; Many children ill with whooping cough. 30 June 1880 William and Alice Mackness resign charge of the school. Page 71: 12 Jul 1880. Amelia Foster takes charge of the school. Page 74- 75: 1880. Part of HM Inspector's report 'The issue of a certificate to Mr Mackness is deferred for the present. You are requested to state what specific charges the manageers have to bring against him.' Page 77: 7 Oct 1880. Floods have prevented several children attending school. Page 80: 19 Jan 1881. School closed till the end of the week due to the weather. 24/25 January 1881 Mistress and sister (Amelia and Annie C Foster) absent to attend funeral of sister. Page 84: 30 May 1881. Annie C Foster absent with choir who have gone to a festival at Cambridge. Page 85: 11 July 1881. School has been closed for three weeks in consequence of scarletina. Page 92: 2 Mar 1882. News of death of Agnes Carter from infant class, 'who was at school on Monday.' Page 94: 19 May 1882. Most Eyeworth children absent this afternoon (Club Feast). Page 98: 22 Jan 1883. James Darts and Albert Holben caned for laziness. Page 102: 14 May 1823. Emma Gyue scalded herself and unable to attend school. Page 105: 31 July 1883. Dr. Walker came to give information about outbreak of scarlet fever. 2 August 1883 notice from Doctor to close school; will be closed until after harvest. 8 Oct 1883 school reopened; could not open sooner due to scarlet fever. Three children have died from it over the summer - Alice Brooker, Agnes Beaumont and Ernest Dimmock. Page 106: 26 Oct 1883. The Carter family from Eyeworth have fallen with the scarlet fever this week. 14 Nov 1883 - Mistress and sister have been absent for 2 days on account of death of father. Page 107: 14 Nov 1883. Pupil Edgar Oliver died of scarlet fever. Page 108: 20 Dec 1883. Amelia Foster resigns as schoolmistress. 31 Dec 1883 Emma Sandon took charge of the school. Page 124: 15 Jan 1886. R [Rebecca] Warren has been absent for several days on account of the death of her sister. 21 & 29 Jan 1886 - poor attendance due to snow and children having colds. Page 125: 5 Mar 1886. Poor attendance owing to rough weather and snow. Page 129; 20 Aug 1886. Miss E Sandon resigned as schoolmistress. Page 130: 27 Sep 1886. Alice Kate Kittridge took temporary charge of the school. Page 131: 8 Oct 1886. 'Have been obliged to punish several children during the week, as the order is rather indifferent.' Page 132: 5 Nov 1886. Circulars to be completed and returned to The Royal Commission on the Education Acts. Page 136: 23 Dec 1886. Alice Kittridge resigns temporary charge of the school. 3 Jan 1887 - Annie M Bedlow takes charge of the school. Page 140: 25 Feb 1887. Schoolmistress Annie Bedlow unable to attend school due to illness; school has been conducted by Miss Foster. Resumed duties 28 Feb. Page 144: 10 Jun 1877. Many children absent with measles. Only 36 present in the afternoon. School closed for a fortnight. Page 145-146: 22 Jul 1877. Numbers fall in afternoon owing to children having to take dinner to parents at work. Has let children out to play in the middle of the morning - finds it makes them worjk harder while in school. Page 152: 18 Nov 1877. Death of Annie Carter previous day from 'some affection of the throat.' Page 153: 12 Dec 1877. Certificates from Dr Walker stating that Ada Endersby, Hannah Brooker and Florence Darts are unable to attend school. 19 Dec - Ada Brim unable to attend school. Page 154: 25 Jan 1888. Small attandance, many having stayed away to attend Miss [Ellen Maria?] King's funeral. Page 155: 10 Feb 1888. Absence of schoolmistress due to illness (quinsey). School conducted by Miss [Annie C] Foster. Page 159: 8 Jun 1888. As Edward Neal is 13 years of age his mother will not send him for the examination - attendance officer informs that he can leave school at 13. Page 162: 1888. 'The managers consider Albert Franklin a fit case for exemption on the ground of obvious dullness.' Page 163: 7 Aug 1888. Arthur Huckle was caned for insolence to Miss Warren, whereupon he walked out of school. Matter reported to Rev. Bridge, who went to see the parents. Page 165. 28 Nov 1888. Half holiday to enable Eyeworth children to attend service of induction of Rev. G Bridge. Page 168. 10 Apr 1889. Half holiday to allow children to attend funeral of Miss [Julia Agnes] Willison. Page 173: 9 Jul 1889. Rev. Bridge expelled David Brooks. Page 179: 30 Jun 1890. Meeting of managers and ratepayers decided week holiday at midsummer should be abolished in favour of 6 week holiday for harvest. Page 180: 4 Jul 1890. Annie C Foster resigned position of assistant mistress. Stipendiary monitors to be appointed, and a new teacher after harvest holiday. Page 181: 9 Jul 1890. Violet Warren appointed temporary monitor. Page 183: 24 Dec 1890. Annie M Bedlow resigns as school mistress. Page 184: 12-16 Jan 1891. William Robert Dyer took charge of the school Page 186: 2-6 Feb 1891. The rector gave each child an orange. Page 187: 9-13 Feb 1891. James Brooker and Alfred Wisson received extra punishment for playing truant Page 187: 16-20 Feb 1891. Elizabeth Lee has whooping cough. Her sister was sent home and is not to return until Elizabeth is better. Page 188: 25-27 Feb 1891. Ada Endersby is suffering from debility and unable to attend school for 3 weeks. Page 188: 2-6 Mar 1891. Parents of Emily Neal, James Brooker and Florence Darts summoned for irregular attendance of their children. Page 198: 18-22 May 1891. Harry Saunderson has medical certificate certifying he will be unable to attend school for 3 weeks. Page 196: 8-12 Jun 1891. Minnie Dazley (over 13 years of age) has gone to Gamlingay to nurse her sister, and will not take examination. Harry Saunderson will not be at the examination through illness. 15 Jun 1891 – John Holben (infant) was run over yesterday by a trap. Page 202: 5-9 Oct 1891. Attendance officer would not visit Mr French, who is employing a boy illegally, because French lives too far from the main road and it would be dirty to walk across the fields. 12 Oct – an evening school was started. Page 207. 11-15 Jan 1892. Commenced a ‘Penny Bank’ in connection with the Post Office Savings Bank. There are 44 depositors. 21 Jan. William French received 6 strokes on the lower part of his back for saying indecent words to girls. Was made an example of before the whole school. Page 209: 8-12 Feb1892. Decreased attendance due to influenza and bronchitis. Page 213: 11-15 Apr 1892. Andrew Mowate left this week – he was to have been presented in Standard IV for drawing. Page 227: 14-18 Nov 1892. A boy accidently pushed his elbow through a window in the boys’ cloakroom, breaking the glass. Form send to attendance officer preliminary to summons being issued in case of Elizabeth Ruth Brown. Nov 21-25 – two boys each received a stripe each on the hand for running after the girls after school hours. Page 228: 5-9 Dec 1892. Miss Warren (article 68 teacher) granted an increase in salary of £2 per annum Page 233: 2-6 Jan 1893. School at Cockayne Hatley to be closed till Easter. Attendance officer has been asked to see that the children attend Wrestlingworth School. Page 235. 13-17 Feb 1893. In the report issued by the Diocesan Board of Education, this is the only school reported ‘excellent’ in this archdeaconry. Visit from Rev. Dr. Osborne – missionary from Canada. Page 237. 6-10 Mar 1893. Master absent from school on Friday afternoon having been summoned to be one of the jury at an inquest. Page 239. 10-14 Apr 1893. Arthur Brooker received two stripes on each hand for playing truant. Page 241. 15-19 May 1893. 6 children from Cockayne Hatley admitted: 2 were served with a magistrates order to attend, and each brought 2 siblings. On Wednesday 2 of the children were taken away. Page 245: continuation of Inspector’s end of year report ‘it has now become necessary to enlarge the classroom as the accommodation for infant children is insufficient.’ Page 247: 20 Jun 1893. Government examination. Inspector considered the only way to improve the classification in the infants room was to get parents to send their children soon after they were 3 years old – at present some are over 5 years and doing baby’s work simply because they had only recently been admitted. Page 252: 2-6 Oct 1893. Managers have decided to open a continuation school during winter evenings. Page 253: 9-13 Oct 1893. Plans for enlargement of the infants room. 30 admitted to the evening continuation school. Page 254: 23-27 Oct 1893. Mr Peel, [Arthur Wellesley Peel, 1st Viscount Peel] speaker of the House of Commons visited the school. Page 255: 6-10 Nov 1893. ‘The school attendance officer is not doing what I would call his duty. Thomas Darnell has only made 22 attendances out of a possible 88 and still no summons is forthcoming.’ The County Council are going to give lessons on cottage cookery for a month. Page 256: 20-24 Nov 1893. Serious illness of Mrs [Elizabeth] Dyer has meant William Dyer has not been in school the whole time. Thomas Darnell and Ruth Brown have been summoned for irregular attendance. Page 258: 11-15 Dec 1893. Mrs Dyer returned to work on Monday. Rev Bridge has for the past 2 weeks on Tuesday and Thursday given bread and soup to children who stay to dinner and come from other parishes. Mr Peel, speaker of the House of Commons has promised a Christmas entertainment for the children. Page 260: 29 Dec 1893. Plans for the proposed enlargement of the infants’ room and girls cloakroom approved by the Education Department. Page 263: 23 Feb 1894. School dismissed at 11.55 so school could be prepared for managers special meeting at which tenders opened for the enlargement of the infants’ room. The tender of Mr Rainsford to be accepted and work to start 26 March or thereabouts. Page 267: 23-27 Apr 1894. Parents of Thomas Darnell and Elizabeth Brown summoned for irregular attendance and both fined 2/6d. Page 271-273: June 1894. Scarlet fever has appeared in the village. One death on 9 June. 36 children absent 10 June. List of absentees and illnesses. 12 June 54 pupils absent and school closed – re-opened 16 July. Page 280: 1-5 Oct 1894. Scarlet fever has broken out again. Ernest Bird is one of the sufferers. 15-19 Oct. Emily Small had 3 stripes with the cane for impudence. Page 281: Oct 25 1894. Frank Saunderson was faint and felt sick. Went out for fresh air and subsequently felt better and sat with the other children. Oct 26 1894. Mr Saunderson of Thistley Ground accuses Miss Warren of striking his son Frank with a ruler, thereby making him ill. Master investigates by asking all the children in the class: none saw the boy struck. Page 282: 29 Oct-2 Nov 1894. Forms preliminary to summons filled and returned to attendance officer. Two for Darnells and one for Ingrey. Grace Ingrey had told the children that the master had given her 3 weeks leave from school, which was untrue. Page 283: 12-16 Nov 1894. Great part of the village flooded due to incessant rain. Only 17 children attended on Wednesday afternoon and the school was closed. Page 284: Several children absent due to illness –scarlet fever has not left the village: there are 4 children suffering from it. Page 285: 10-14 Dec 1894. Notification that the school will be required for taking the poll for rural district councillor on 17th December. 17 Dec 1894 – election day. 21 Dec 1894 – master absent visiting brother who is dangerously ill. Mrs Dyer in charge. Page 286: 2 Jan 1895. Fred Matthews, William Humberstone and William Wisson each received 4 stripes for truancy. Page 288: 4-8 Feb 1895. ‘The ink in the wells was so frozen on Friday that no paper work could be done. During the morning each class was allowed to warm themselves by the fire.’ Page 293: 25-29 Mar 1895. ‘On Sunday the hurricane dislodged the west centre window which tore away a quantity of plaster from the wall, The window was promptly pushed back and made secure by long pieces of timber.’ Page 297: 10-17 May 1895. On Thursday Alfred Chessum aged 6 met with a serious accident. He was trying to open the outside door of the boys cloakroom when a gust of wind slammed the door, crushing off the top of his middle finger. The master took him to Dr Breden in Potton. Ada Lee has been taken off the register. She has been attending Bedford Infirmary since last October, She suffers from fits and unfortunately is getting worse. Page 311: 18-22 Nov 1895. Several children come to school without washing and combing their hair, so the master has decided to inspect the cleanliness of each child at the commencement of each meeting of the school. Page 313: 9-13 Dec 1895. Beatrice Chessum unable to attend school due to rheumatism. Page 315: 8 Jan 1896. School closed by the rector in order that Mrs Dyer might see a physician in London. 17 Jan 1896. Rector closed the school due to outbreak of measles. Re-opened 17 Feb. Page 316: 8 Feb 1896. Master William Dyer and wife resign, he having been appointed headmaster of St. John’s School, Taunton. Page 320: Miss Warren absent 25-29 Mar 1896 due to death of her uncle. 3 Apr 1896 William Dyer leaves post of Master of Wrestlingworth National School. Page 321: 13-17 Apr 1896. William John Griffith Ealden took charge of the school. Page 322: 23 Apr 1896. Miss Violet Warren becomes temporary assistant mistress (position terminated 12 Jun, page 325, 326). Page 323; 4 May 1896. Henry Brim and William Wisson qualified to claim exemption from April to September. Request for Charles Dellar to attend in the afternoon – he is excused on a doctor’s certificate. Page 325: 2 Jun 1896. Mrs R [Rebecca] J Ealden took charge of the infants [Believed to be mother of the schoolmaster]. Page 330: Sep 7-13 1896. Miss Warren resigns her post as assistant (leaves 30th Sep, page 331). Violet Warren engaged to fill the post temporarily (terminated 12 Sep). 22 Sep – Emily Bates re-admitted as a half-timer. Page 331. 5-10 Oct 1896. Miss Maud Hassett commenced work at the school. She has served as a pupil teacher at Carlton National School, but failed scholarship examination in 1894. Date of birth 13 Dec 1877. Page 335. 23 Dec 1896. Mr King sent an orange for every child in the school. Page 336. 12 Jan 1897. Ernest Dazley died during the night. He was buried 18th January. Page 342. 29 Apr 1897. Headmaster attended meeting convened by the archdeacon to consider the formation of the new association of church schools. 4 May 1897 Ellen Holben sick with diphtheria and has been removed to the hospital; her siblings are not attending school. Page 343. School closed 10 May due to outbreak of whooping cough. Re-opened 28 June. Page 344. 13 Jul 1897. Harry Darnell being treated for ringworm and unable to attend school. Page 345. 19 Jul 1897. Meeting of ratepayers held in the school room to consider the question of a voluntary rate to pay the overdrawn balance and carry out necessary repairs. A committee was elected. Page 348. 10 Aug 1897. Miss Maud Hassett’s engagement as assistant mistress terminated. Miss Minnie Warren appointed to fill the vacancy, to commence work after the holiday Page 354. 14 Dec 1897. Mrs Ealden the infant mistress terminates her engagement. Page 355. 3 Jan 1898. Miss Zilla Challis commenced duties as infant assistant mistress. 24 Jan 1898 ‘Edgar Humberstone was thrown from a horse on Saturday and seriously injured.’ Page 374: 23 Dec 1898. The children all received an orange from Mr King. Page 375: 30 Jan 1899. Florence Darts began working as a monitor. Page 376: 1 Feb 1899. Families of Bland and Fardell have left the village and gone to W[h]aresley. 4 of the children were attending the school. 1 Mar 1899 – Minnie Warren to have lessons with the pupil teachers. Page 377: 13 Mar 1899. Arthur Darnell ‘a little lad attending the infant class drowned yesterday afternoon. He was playing beside a pond and fell in, nobody being near to help him.’ Page 382: 24 May 1899. Half holiday give for the Queen’s 80th birthday. The rector gave the children cake and lemonade on the lawn after school and Mr King gave every child a penny. Page 390: 4 Oct 1899. £20 granted to the school under the Voluntary Schools Act for monitors and assistants salaries and a piano. Request to spend the £10 allocated for a piano on repairs and painting. Page 392: 6 Nov 1899. Miss Warren unable to attend school as her father died during the night. Page 396: 22 Dec 1899. Mr King sent each child 2 oranges. Page 397: 10 Jan 1900. Mr King made each child a present of a box of sweets. Page 400: 24 Apr 1900. ‘The rector … informed me that another schoolmaster had accepted the post of head master of this school. I have not yet resigned.’ 27 Apr 1900. – reported that Albert Carter of Eyeworth has scarlet fever. Page 403: 21 Jun 1900. William Ealden resigns charge of the school. 2 Jul 1900 J Dennis Lasham takes charge of the school. School was closed 22 June – 2 July for repairs to the school house. Page 408: 26 Sep 1900. Alice Chessum ceased to be a teacher. Page 410: 30 Nov 1900. The rector presented a framed portrait of Queen Victoria. Page 411: 21 Dec 1900. Mr King sent each child 2 oranges. 4 Jan 1901 – teacher Miss Bates left. Page 412: 23 Jan 1901. Heard today of the death of Queen Victoria. Page 418: 4 Feb 1901. Attendance officer told of George Blott going to work under age. Page 414-5: 8 Mar 1900. 8 children from Cockayne Hatley absent for a week – had been attending Cockayne Hatley school, which is not a school under inspection. Reported the matter to the rector, who reported to the squire, Mr Henderson, who promised to tell the mistress at Cockayne Hatley that the children must return to Wrestlingworth school. Page 415: 12 Mar 1900. Lord Peel presented attendance certificates and invited the children to Sandy in the summer. Page 417 Apr 1900: Letter sent to Mrs Finding of Eyeworth for sending her son to work before completing 200 attendances. Page 424: 15 Oct 1900. Attendance officer to write to Mrs Finding, father and Mr Carter, employer of Jos. Finding, who should have returned to school on 1 Oct. Page 428: 20 Dec 1900. Miss Challis left today. 6 Jan 1902 – Miss Challis agreed to stay on temporarily as no replacement found. Page 429: 3 Feb 1902. Miss Brade commenced her duties as assistant mistress for infants to succeed Miss Challis. Page 432: 21 Apr 1902. Miss Kate Walters began work as temporary assistant during Miss Warren’s absence; left 2 May, page 433. Page 435: 23 Jun 1902. School closed for remainder of the week to celebrate the coronation [of Edward VII] Page 438: Admitted Percy W Matthews, expelled from Sutton School by Sir John Burgoyne for being at work after school re-opened. Pages 442-444: 4 Feb-1 Apr. Outbreak of measles. Page 446-447: 22 May 1903. Further outbreak of measles; school closed 16 Jun. Page 450: 25 Jul 1903. Wrote to Mrs Perkis and asked her to send her 3 children cleaner – they were all riddled with vermin. Page 452: 9 Nov 1903. Mabel Curtis commenced duties as monitress. Page 456: 23 Dec 1903. All children present received threepence from H J King Esq. Miss G S Brade relinquished her duties. Page 457: 25 Jan 1904 Emily Banks began work as monitress. Page 458: 2 Mar 1904. No school as building required for County Council election. Page 462: 31 May 1904. Miss Sadie L Stokes left this evening. ‘Has been here 5 months only.’ 13 June 1904 – Miss Simons commenced work in the infants room. Page 464: 14 July 1904. School closed to allow members of the Band of Hope to attend the festival to Bourne, Cambridge. 16 Sept 1904 – Edwin Holben and Walter Brim absent through severe accidents. Page 465: 14 Oct 1904. Miss Simons left. Page 467: 28 Oct 1904. School closed for 1 month by order of Dr Prior, medical officer of health. Page 468: 2 Jan 1905. School re-opened after having been closed for 9 weeks on account of scarlet fever. Miss Florence H Beard commenced work in infants room. Page 470: 3 Feb 1905. Absence of Alice Dellar and her brother. Page 472: 7 Apr 1905. Louisa Smith completed 1 week’s duties as assistant. Page 475: 11 July 1905. William Ingrey sent home to be cleansed of vermin. Page 476: 25 Sep 1905. Dorothy Brim commences work as monitress. Pages 487-8 Jun-Jul 1906. Outbreak of mumps. Page 501: 29 May 1907. Presentation to Miss Beard who is leaving.
  • Archival history
    Deposited by the school in February 2023.
  • See Microfilm 38/28 Logbook Volume 1. 1874 - 1907 Borrowed from the school for microfilming by the County Council's microfilming unit 1981
  • External document
  • Level of description