• Reference
    QSR1912/2/10/1b(i);(ii);(iii); (iv)
  • Title
    Luton Borough Petty Sessions Certificate. Justices View of a certain Highway or Footpath in the Borough of Luton in the County of Bedford proposed to be diverted and stopped up.
  • Date free text
    15th November 1911
  • Production date
    From: 1911 To: 1912
  • Scope and Content
    Luton Borough Petty Sessions Certificate. Justices View of a certain Highway or Footpath in the Borough of Luton in the County of Bedford proposed to be diverted and stopped up Borough of Luton to wit Whereas on the 15th day of November 1911 The Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Luton in the County of Bedford in Council assembled on application made by or on behalf of Francis Crawley of Stockwood Luton in the county of Bedford Esquire resolved that John William Tomlinson the Surveyor of and for the Highways of the said Borough be authorised to give all notices and do all act and things legally necessary to lead to the stopping up as useless and unnecessary a portion of a public highway or footpath in the Borough of Luton leading from Biscot Road in the aforesaid Borough of Luton towards the Village of Limbury by stopping up entirely the portion of the aforesaid highway or footpath commencing in Biscot Road at a point about 240 yards North West of Lansdown Road and proceeding in a Northerly direction for a distance of 180 yards or thereabouts and thence in a North-westerly direction for a further distance of 503 yards or thereabouts to the Boundary of the Borough of Luton aforesaid and that in lieu of the said highway or footpath so to be stopped up a new public highway or footpath be provided commencing at the point above mentioned in Biscot Road about 240 yards North West of Lansdowne Road and proceeding in a North Westerly direction in a straight line for a distance of 674 yards to a point on the Boundary of the aforesaid Borough of Luton about 46 yards West of the point where the existing footpath (to be directed as aforesaid) crosses the Boundary of the said Borough where would unite with a footpath to be provided in the Parish of Limbury. And whereas in pursuance of an application the said John William Thomlinson the Surveyors of the Highways of and for the said Borough in that behalf made unto us Herbert Owen Williams and Robert Smith Tomson Esquires whose manes are hereunto set being two of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace of and for the said Borough. We the said Justices on the 21st day of November 1011 together and in presence of each other at the same time viewed the aforesaid portion of the said public highway hereinbefore described and so resolved to be stopped and whereas upon such view so made on the application of the said Surveyors as aforesaid it appeared to us the said Justices that the aforesaid portion of the said public highway stopped up as aforesaid might be stopped up without inconvenience to the public because the new public highway made by the said Mayor Alderman and Burgesses of Luton is more convenient and more commodious than the portion of the said Public Highway proposed to be stopped up as aforesaid And Whereas we the said Justices on the 21st day of November last did direct the said Surveyors of the Highways of and for the Borough of Luton to affix and in pursuance of such directions in that behalf the said Surveyor for four successive weeks next after we the said Justices so viewed the said highway hereinbefore described and published a notice to the effect of Schedule No.19 annexed to the Statute in that case made and provide in legible characters at the place and by the side of each end of the said public highway hereinbefore described from whence the same is proposed to be stopped up and thereby gave notice that on the 10th day of April next application would be made to His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace assembled at Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Bedford at Bedford for an Order for stopping up the aforesaid portion of the said public highway so resolved to be stopped up as aforesaid and that the certificate of two Justices having viewed the same and proof given to their satisfaction of the several notices required by the Statute having been published with the plan of the said portion of the said highway would be lodged with the Clerk of the Peace for the said County of Bedford of the 31st day of January 1912 And Whereas the aid Surveyor in pursuance of the directions to him by us given in that behalf for four successive weeks next after we the said Justices so viewed the said public highway herein before described namely on the 23rd and 30th days of November 1911 and the 7th and 14th days of December 1911 respectively inserted the same notice as last aforesaid and the same notice for the said four successive weeks appeared in a certain newspaper called the “Luton News” published on the last four mentioned days the said Newspaper then and still being a newspaper published and generally circulated in the said Borough And also on four successive Sundays next after the making such view by us as aforesaid namely on the 26th day of November 1911 and the 3rd, 10th and 17th days of December 1911 the said Surveyors affixed a like notice as last aforesaid on the door of the Parish Church of Luton and on the door of the Parish Church of Biscot which in the Parish Church of the Parish of Limbury within which Parish the said public highway lies and on the door of the Parish Church of Luton in the said Borough. And Whereas proof hath now this day been given unto and before and to the satisfaction of us the said Justices as well by the evidence of witnesses upon oath as otherwise that the said Resolution of the Town Council of he said Borough and the said several notices hereinbefore mentioned have been respectively made agreed to given affixed and published in the manner and at the times and places hereinbefore particularly mentioned and recited and manner and form as by the Statute in such case made and provided is required And a plan has now at the same time been here delivered to us the said Justices particularly describing the said portion of the said public highway by metes bound and admeasurements thereof which said plan has now this day been here verified to and before us the said Justices by the evidence upon oath of the said John William Tomlinson a competent Surveyor Now We whose names hereunto set so being such Justices as aforesaid in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided do hereby certify that on the 22nd day of November 1911 we together and in the presence of each other at the same time viewed the said highway and the said part thereof so resolved to be stopped up as aforesaid and also the said new highway so resolved to be made in lieu therefor as aforesaid and upon view found that the new highway would be more commodious. And We the said Justices hereby further certify that the reason why the same would be more commodious to the public is because the said public highway or footpath is not metalled and in winter is often impassable for foot passengers whereas the said new highways so proposed to be made as aforesaid will be a proper carriage way properly metalled and with a proper footpath on each side and will be more commodious to the public than the said highway or footpath so proposed to be stopped up as aforesaid and further that the said new public highway or footpath proposed to be made as aforesaid will be nine yards shorter than the said public highway or footpath so proposed to be stopped up as aforesaid. Given under our hands at the Magistrates Court Luton I the County of Bedford this 17th day of January 1912 Signed Herbert Williams Mr. Townsend
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