Scope and Content
Log Book - indexed at front
Under CD in index - Parrott Wm (Scavenger) Jan 7 1925 (appoint) (2/6 weekly)
Under R - School renovated Harvest Holiday 1914 (see page 72)
Under T - list of teachers appointed, date started and ended, Date of Birth .
P1. January 4 1909 - Commenced School after the Christmas Holiday.The First Class from the Infant room, transferred to the Mixed Department. Two boys, Horace Dilley and Bertie Massey who have been absent from school through illness, since the beginning of Last October, are retained in the Infant room for the present. The following is the summary of the Report made by the Diocesan Inspector, after his visit on December 10. Very good tone and order. The Infants and Division II did very well in al their work. Much of the written work was good, but Standard V left much room for improvement. In the oral work, I should like to see more life and keenness in Division 1. Much good work has been done, and if Division 1 were quicker, this school would stand in a very high position. A Lloyd Phillips M. A. Diocesan Inspector.
P2. January 8 - Half holiday given in the afternoon on account of a school treat given today to Sunday Scholars.
P3. January 15 - Sophia Pettifar leaves today, having passed the Examination for Labour. February 1 - Commencement of School year.
P4. March 5 - Miss Ayton, (Supplementary Teacher for Standards III and IV) has given notice of her resignation on March 21 to be married and owing to her ill health, (shown by Doctors Certificate) Maggie Parson will not return to school.
P6. March 31 - Miss Ayton leaves this afternoon after nearly 8 1/2 years work here. Her place is to be filled by Ellen Knight who has been in the Infant Department as Monitress 4 1/2 years. Two new monitresses also begin work tomorrow. Florence Clayton and Lenness Hilda King aged respectively 14 and 13 years.
P7. May 18 -A list of the Monitors and Monitresses examined on May 1 with their marks, was also received. Hilda King who was placed very low, is to terminate her engagement as Monitress in the Infant Department on June 30.
P8. May 24 - Empire Day. This was observed according to the County Council Time Table with some additions. Holiday in the afternoon.
P9. July 9 - Hilda King having left her place in the infant room as monitress, Florence Clayton is working there with Miss Francis and I am for the present teaching Class I and Class III. July 12 - Maggie Parsons, has been re appointed to Class III, this time as a Supplementary Teacher.
P10. July 22 - Florence Clayton is under notice to leave on July 31 by order of the Education Committee. Miss Francis will then be left without assistance.
P11. August 18 - H M Inspection Report Received C G Colson Esq. - Mixed Department and Infants Class - The tone and discipline are praiseworth and in all classes the instruction is given with care and creditable success. The Infants are brightly and thoroughly well taught. I understand that the Monitor who helps with the Babies class is leaving. I trust that the Managers will in some way supply her place as Miss Francis, Hardworking and skilful as she is, cannot be expected to do justice to so large a class of Infants without help. R Sherwood, Correspondant.
P13. October 14 - Florence Clayton recommenced her work as Monitress in the Infant Deparmtent, the Rector having this morning received the permission of the Education Committee to appoint a Monitress, to help Miss Francis. Nellie Harris is to be excluded from school and to be put under Medical Treatment, for a time, by Dr Butchers advice.
P14. November 12 - Dr Prior visited and Mr Jones (Sanitary Inspector) to see if there was much sickness here. November 18 - Sickness increasing, only 51 present today out of 105. School closed in the afternoon until December 3 by the advice of Dr Prior Medical Officer of Health.
P15. December 6 - School reopened.
P16. January 1910 - Commencement of Educational year.
P17. February 7 - Commenced work from 'McDougalls' Suggestive' Arithmetic in all the classes in Mixed room.
P18. March 11 - Certificates, Medals and Book prizes were distributed by Mrs Isherwood this morning. The Rector was also present and gave an address. Holiday in the afternoon. March 24 - Resume school on April 4 (Holiday extended until April 11 on account of alterations in both rooms).
P19. May 6 - Death of His Majesty King Edward VII at 11.45 pm.
P20. May 26 - Class 1 were taken out for a walk by Miss Knight for a greater part of the afternoon.
P21. June 2 - Mr Adams visited and examined the stock book, also the needlework sales book. June 3 - (The Kings Birthday) The National Anthem was sung by all the Scholars immediately after prayers.
P26. November 16 - David Rainbow, who is little better than an imbecile, is to be excluded from school for a year by Dr Butcher's advice. November 24 - .... Miss Knight was taking the 'Deep Breathing' and other Physical Exercises.
P27. December 22 - School closed for Christmas Holiday until January 2 1911. Children had buns, oranges and other Christmas presents given them at their breaking up, the money for which having been collected from numerous friends.
P35. June 21 1911 - A weeks' holiday given in honour of the Coronation of King George V on June 22.
P36. July 21 - Arthur Clayton (14 last March) left school this afternon.
P37. October 9 - Certificate for Labour granted to four children of 13 years old.
P40. January 9 1912 - Report by Diocesan Inspector after visit December 6 1911 summary - The School has done very well. It gtives me great pleaseure to put this on record. The tone and order are a like satisfactory. New Pictures are needed. I would suggest those issued by 'Nelson and Sons'. A L Philips M A Diocesan Inspector - Singed R Isherwood (Correspondent).
P48. June 6 - Half holiday in the afternoon, on account of the wedding of the Rector's daughter, Miss C Isherwood.
P49. July 5 - Ida Emma Taylor aged 5 1/2 died after 48 hour illness.
P57. April 25 1913 - 78 books having been obtained as the basis of a school library were lent to the children for the first time today.
P58. June 11 - Half Holiday in the afternoon on account of a treat given at Shefford by Mr S King to the school children on the occasion of the coming of age of his son.
P67. February 19 1914 - One and a half days holiday on account of a childrens concert in school.
P71. July 3 - A whole holiday given for the school treat, provided with the proceeds of the concert last February.
P76 December 4 - Report of the Diocesan Inspector in Religious Knowledge - summary - Written work - Stds V VI and VII - Nine pupils worote an abstract from Old Testament or New Testament. Stds II III and IV - the lower standards wrote parts of the Creed, Lords Prayer and Commandments. The Whole of this work was most careful, accurate and praiseworthy. Viva Voce -Infants - A large amount of work had been taken up and it was excellently known. I was pleased to find so much individual work and that the repetition was so well understood. Upper School - A Full syllabus had been carefully and throughly prepared in each class. The children were interested in their work and answered their questions intelligently. Most of the work was excellent. Especially praise the work of Stds II and III. A Donaldson Perrott - Diocesan Inspector. Signed R Isherwood (Manager).
P80. February 19 1915 - F M Clayton leaves School this afternoon after having been the Infant Monitress since Oct 13 1909. February 22 - Maud Clayton commenced her duties at Infant Monitress today.
P83. April 15 - Maud Clayton (Monitress) left school by order of the Education Committee.
P84. May 5 - A lecture was given in the school room this morning on 'Temperance and Health' by J W J Barnett of the United Kingdon Band of Hope Union. The lecture was most instructive and the elder scholars wrote a report of it afterwards.
P85. June 10 - Received seven certificates this morning from the BOH Union as rewards for 'Excellence in 'Reporting a Lecture on Alcohol and the Human Body' which was given on May 5th. Std VI - Eric Simons, Charles Primett, Edward Ingram and Vera Pettifor. Std V - George Jackson, Ethel Primett and Ada Izzard.
P88. September 20 - The Harvest holiday was extended by one week on account of a rather prolonged harvest. Again extended for a week on account of an outbreak of Scarlet Fever in the village. We assesmbled at school this morning but as only 29 children presented themselves out of 81 on books, the Managers decided to have the attendances cancelled and the children sent home until Oct 4th. October 4 - School assembled this morning 64 present out of 81 on books.
P97. April 4 1916 - Have been informed of the death of William Beavis who was last present at school on March 27 (Std I) He has died from Diphtheria and Rita Pettifor who lives next door has been removed to the Isolation Hospital with the same complaint.
P98. May 2 -Began school with 69 present including four new admissions. There are now 78 on books only as Mabel and Ivy Orton have left Meppershall for Portsmouth and several children have lately left for Labour at 13 years old.
P99. May 29 - Rita Pettifor, who was removed to the Isolation Hospital on April 4 suffering from Diphtheria has returned to school today.
P100. June 9 - Whitsuntide holidays cancelled by order of Education Committee.
P104. October 20 - Lesson to the whole of Mixed Department on the Navy.
P106. December 18 - The Report on the recent Diocesan Inspection as follows - A first rate little school, efficient throughout. The teaching struck me as discriminating and effective and the children were handled skilfully. I was please to notice that there was not too much insistence on details in the treatment of the Old Testament. The answering was intelligent and general the written work reached a very high standard indeed. The Infants are quite a delightful class. I do not think I have ever seen better results in any school. Everything is naturally and simply ordered and the teaching is thorough and easy. The repetition was said with a finish and precision, that pointed to immense pains having been taken with the enunciation. I have nothing but praise for work of this sort. H R Humphreys, Asst. Diocesan Inspector. Signed R Isherwood Manager.
P110. March 7 1917 - Miss Parsons absent from school through family trouble, her brother (an Old Scholar) having been killed in action on February 17.
P115. September 25 and 26 - Half holidays were given for blackberry gathering according to the Instructions issued by the Education Committee. October 2 - Admitted six children who have come to the village with their parents to escape the London Air Raids.
P117. December 9 - Received the Diocesan Inspectors Report, which runs as follows - The results were somewhat unequal in the Inspection today, but there was proof of good careful instruction in all classes. Junior Division. The work was thoroughly well known and the children answered intelligently and in a general manner with a delightful keenness. I was glad to observe that care had been taken to bring out the moral and practical teaching in the Bible narrative and that definate explanation of the Catechism had been given. In the Senior Division, although they had recieved good teaching the children did not make the return they should have specially in the Gospel story and Catechism in which the answering was weak and confined to a few of the class. The Old Testament produced much better results while some of the children answered well in the Prayer Book subject, the repetition was well said and the written work neat and accurate while the singing was good in quality and tone. The Infants are in excellent hands and showed a full and thoughtful knowledge of their work. Throughout all the subjects in which I questioned the children they answered in a most intelligent manner and gave proof of very careful teaching. The repetition was quite a feature being both accurate and distinct while the reverence of the children was very marked. The highest praise is due to the teacher for the very definite results attained. Some more picture are need here. Basil J N Keary, Diocesan Inspector. Signed R Isherwood, Manager.
P125. June 25 1818 - A letter was received by the Rev R Isherwood in which the Managers were requested to terminate the engagement of Miss Parsons (S) by the Education Committe, who consider that the school is over staffed. The matter will be discussed at the Managers meeting next Monday.
P126. July 31 - Miss Knight (S) who gave a month's notice to the Managers on June 30, left school this afternoon. As the dismissal of One Supplementary Teacher is all that was required by the committee, Miss Parsons is not to leave school now and she will assist in both rooms until a Monitress is appointed to help Miss Francis.
P128. October 14 - received the order to close our school on account of Influenza. November 11, after a close of four weeks, the school was re opened today 'God save the King' was sung by the Teachers and children of both rooms in honour of the end of the War. Maud Clayton commenced her duties as Monitress in the Infant room (Babies class)
P129. November 12 - Half holiday given to the children to celebrate the end of the war.
P137. April 7 1919 - The School being required for a R D C Election, there was no school meeting all day.
P138. May 16 - The old boy of 12 years old (John Izzard) engaged in agriculture retured to school on Monday but was allowed to go to work again on Thursday.
P142. September 30 - Miss Parsons who gave notice of leaving to the Managers on August 30 has left school. Her place is to be provisionally taken by Miss Rita Taylor.
P143. October 28 - Donald Pettifar, Brickyard Cottages, having Measles is to be excluded from school for one month and his brothers for three weeks. November 11 - Armistice Day was observed, the Rector visiting and granting a half days' holiday.
P144. November 24 Measles has broken out in the village, there being ten real and suspected cases. I have sent Form E to the school Medical Officer and to the Medical Officer of Health. Rector visited who had letter confirming the appointment of Miss R K Taylor as a Supplementary Teacher for Standards I and II.
P145. December 8 - Received notice of School Closure until after the Christmas Holiday from Dr Herdman School Medical Officer.
P150. February 20 1920 - Maud Clayton left this school and has gone to Stondon C School as a Supplementary Teacher. February 23 Mr T S Dymond H M I visited the school this morning, for the purpose of observing Miss Taylors method of teaching etc. she is probably to go to Shefford School for two weeks in the near future as part of her training.
P151. March 2 - Miss F M Roberts commenced her duties as Monitress in the Infant Department in the place of Miss M Clayton who left on February 20. March 8 - Miss Taylor (S) is attending Shefford C School for two weeks as part of her training. March 22 Miss Taylor returned to this school. March 19 - Received a notice from Dr Herdman to the effect that the filling in of the weights of children on the yellow and white forms will not longer be required.
P152. April 13 - I Rose Alldritt, 01/3451, took temporary charge of this school from today owing to the illness of Miss Kittridge, Headmistress.
P155. July 14 - Miss Francis went into Bedford Hospital for an operation. Assembled at 1.30 pm this afternoon to allow children to attend the athletic sports at Henlow Aerodrome. September 6 - Re opening of school after the holiday. I have returned to school with the assitance of Mrs Aldritt for a time. Miss Francis returned to duties after operation in Bedford Hospital Violet Glover commenced duties.
P156. October 29 - I Alice Kate Kittridge, resign the charge of this school today.
P157. November 1 - I Rose Alldritt took temporary charge of this school from today owing to the resignation of Miss Kittridge.
P159. December 10 - Report of Religious Instruction Meppershall School - Inspected December 2 1920. Very satisfatory results have been achieved in this years work. The children have been taught with great care and answer keenly and intelligently. The general tone is very good. In the Infant class, with Standards I and II, the answering was specially bright. Their repetition was excellent. They were not quite so much at home with questions on the Catechism as on their Bible lessons. The Upper Division were excellent in their knowledge of the Prayer Book Services Catechism was very well known and understood. Bible lessons also were of a high standard. In the Written work those who wrote the Lords Prayer were without mistake, the abstracts also were quite good but a little cramped. The main points were expressed but without much life in them. B H Tyrwhitt Drake, Signed R Isherwood Manager.
P164 April 5 1921 - School Staff for year commencing today consist of - Rose Alldritt (Cert) Head Mistress Standard III to VII, Rita Kate Taylor (S) Standard I and II, Alice Francis (U) Infants, Violet Glover, Monitress. April 8 - Lessons suspended this morning to allow children to see the Eclipse of the Sun.
P165. May 3 - The school Dentist (Mr Cooper) Visited the school this afternoon and examined the teeth of the infants.
P167. June 6 - Mrs Dillingham, Supplementary Teacher, commenced work in this school today temporally and is taking Stds I and II.
P168. June 24 - Mrs G C Dillingham ceased work as a temporary teacher in this school today. July 18 - The School Dentist, Mr Cooper with Miss Maltby in attendance, visited the school this afternoon for Dental Treatment among the Infants.
P170. September 9 - Phyllis King has been awarded a Scholarship to the High School, Bedford.
P173. December 6 - Report of Religious Instruction - I was much pleased with all I heard and saw in this school today and the Head Mistress and her staff are much to be congratulated on the outcome of their work. In the senior class, all the work was very well known and the answering was prompt and sensible as well as evenly distributed. The Bible narratives deserve special mention. while the repetition was excellent and the written work above the average. The lower set deserve the highest praise and the chihldren acquitted themselves most creditably. In the Old and New Testament the work was nicely known and I was particularly pleased with the careful framing of the answers. While the accuracy of the repetition was very marked. Throughout the class reached a high standard. A reverent tone prevailed in the school and the order and discipline were easy and natural . Basisl J M Reay - Diocesan Inspected. Signed R Isherwood, Manager.
P177. January 27 1922 - School granted a whole day's holiday tomorrow at the request of His Majesty the King on account of the wedding of H R H Princess Mary.
P187. December 11 - Received the Diocesan Inspectors Report this morning which is as follows: The aims given in the syllabus have been kept well in view and the teaching has been most satisfactory. The children answered brightly and thoughtfully, with a real knowledge of their lessons. Written work was equally good. I need not describe the classes separately, as all were 'excellent' B H Tyrwhitt Drake Signed R Ishwood, Manager.
P190. Febraury 27 1923 - I took a choir of 20 children to Bedford to attend the Eisteddfod. as they were not required to sing until the afternoon I took them for an education tour round the town.
P191. April 25 - School granted a whole days holiday tomorrow at the request of His Majesty the King on the occasion of the marriage of H R H the Duke of York.
P195. July 18 - Lawrence Armstrong has gained a Free Place to the Boys Modern School Bedford.
P196. September 28 - I Rose Alldritt resign my post as Headmistress of this school today. October 1 - I, Afra Ethel Hazle, have commenced duties as Head Mistress of this school today (Monday). October 5 - During this week I have been carefully examining the cupboards and stock. Stock is low, the following things found in new stock are raffia, drawing books, a few exercise books, rulers, pencils, penholders, one box of pens and a few rubbers. I have not yet seen into needlework stock nor infant class stock. Books (printed) which are in use are in a very old condition, quite a number unable to be used. A number of new finished garments were sold during the week 16/8 was sent to the Rector this afternoon.
P202. January 25 1924 - Mr Kenny Herbert HMI called in on Tuesday morning. He spoke of a special scheme of work for history and geography for the Upper Division, which I shall try to do with that class. He hoped to get some new pictures, maps and reading books for the school.
P203. February 22 - Miss Glover has heard that she has failed the examination taken last December, owing to this she will shortly have to leave.
P205. March 14 - Miss Glover has not been to school this week on account of the illness of her mother and brother. She is leaving the school today on account of failing at her examination at Christmas. March 17 - Diocesan Report received - I heard lessons given in each Division and had an informal conference with the teachers after my inspection. I am quite happy about the Religious Instruction in this school. The staff struck me as devoted and conscientious. I am confident that with the help of the expert guidance to be derived from the books suggested they will do real justice to schemes of their own based on the new syllabus. I wish I could think I had converted Miss Hayle to my views as to the vital importance of expression work of one kind or another in every division of the school, her own lesson, if I may say so, seemed so entirely admirable that I feel she would be a convert worth making. I forgot to say this afternoon that under the new system (of inspection instead of examination) the curriculum of Religious Instruction can and should run concurrently with that of the other work in the school, children should be 'moved up' to fit in with the ordinary school year, not with the date of my visit. Signed Cyril E Hudson Director of Religion Education.
P208. April 4 - A new set of Geographical Readers have been supplied to help the study of the British Empire. I am not able to take up the notes as supplied on account of the young age of children, but am following them in a simple way.
P209. May 2 - One boy absent with ringworm.
P215. September 26 - Three children are absent owing to whooping cough.
P216. October 17 - One infant under 5 has bronchitis and not allowed to attend for some time. I have therefore taken her name off register. The girls have commenced knitting socks (night) and vests this week.
P217. November 28 - The Blacksmith came to see the stove which has broken away and is not very safe.
P218. November 28 - Tomorrow, Saturday Olive Russell is attending the Monitress Examination Group B Division ( those seeking appointment).
P219. December 23 - Olive Russell heard from the County that she had passed the Monitress Examination and was awarded the usual Scholarship offered to Monitresses. She was called up on Tuesday to Bedford for Medical Examination and has therefore been absent from school today. She commences her classes Saturday January 10 1925 at Bedford.
P222. March 13 1925 - The County have granted H Stapleton to leave school and go to work. His name will remain on registers until March 31st.
P225. April 1925 - Teaching staff - Miss Hazle, T C Head Stds IV VII, Miss Taylor, Sup Assis Stds II and III, Miss Francis, Uncer Assis. Std I and Infants.
P231. September 16 - Inspection report by HMI Mr A E Kenney Herbert on 27 July 1925 received - The present Head Teacher is conducting this school with success; since she came, about two years ago, a very decided step forward has been taken. The work is all satisfactory, especially Arithmetic, Drawing and Singing as the discipline and tone. The school has the advantage of an Infants teacher of much experience, under whom an exceptionally sound commencement is made. Signedy R Isherwood Manager.
P232. Septebmer 16 - The Agreements, under the new Scale of Salaries, were brought in last Friday (11th) and signed by the teachers.
P235. November 27 - Jean Answell and Margery Knight are sitting for the monitress examination at Bedford tomorrow Saturday.
P236. December 4 - On Thursday J Ansell and M Knight heard from the County they had passed the written examination held last Saturday and they are called up for interview next Monday.
P237. December 23 - The two scholars who passed the examination have this morning received offer of a Scholarship to attend the Bedford Teacher's Training Classes, and if considered satisfatory at the end of the term will be offered an appointment. Yesterday the childrens' parents were invited into the school to hear a few carols and songs.
P239. February 5 1926 - Olive Russell has sent me a letter she received from the Education Committee stating she is to be transferred from Shefford School to this one and is to commence on Monday next.
P241. March 26 - The Rector visited on Tuesday morning and told me that on account of low numbers the County had asked the Managers to give notice for Miss Rita Taylor to leave at the end of April. A Managers meeting was held and the notice was handed to her on Wednesday. Notice also came to send Olive Russell back to Shefford after the Easter Holiday as the County intended to appoint J. Ansell and M Knight, provided they passed the Easter examination as Monitresses in the School.
P242. March 31 - Olive Russell leaves today to return to Shefford after Easter. Staff on March 31 1826 - Miss Hazle T C, Stds IV to VII, Miss Taylor Sup Ass Stds II and III, Miss Francis U. Ass Std I and Infant, Miss Russell Monitress. April 16 - Miss Russell has been taken from this school to return to Shefford as it was thoght that J Ansell and M Knight were going to be apointed Monitress here. Today (Friday) I received their reports from the County and find they are to be on probation again this tern as their results are not satisfactory.
P244 April 30 - Miss Taylor has been asked by the County of resign and has left today.
P255. November 24 - Rose Aldritt took temporary duty today owing to Miss Hazles' Mothers illness who is in a critical condition, shall be unable to present herself at school. November 29 Miss Francis has been sent for this afternoon owing to the sudden death of a sister.
P256. December 2 - Rose Alldritt ceased temporary duty today. December 3 - Miss Hazle returned to school.
P263. February 26 1927 - The Rev'd R Isherwood visited on Monday morning to tell me he had heard from the County that J Ansell and M Knight would be leaving on March 21 as they had failed at the Bedford Classes at the Xmas Examination. He came in on Tuesday morning to speak to them about it.
P264. March 7 - Received MHI report by Mr A E Kenney Herbert - The work of the school expecially in the lower half of it, is very praiseworthy. The Head Mistress herself has worked well but she could not have effected so much had not for work of the Infants Teacher who is now about to retire, been of exceptionally sound and conscientious character. The Children in her care have year after year, made a good start and rapid progress, and it is felt that her diligent application and sympathetic methods deserve a special note of recognition. Signed R Isherwood, Correspondant.
P266 March 11 - The four children over 11 and under 12 years of age to the examination on Wednesday morning as wished by the County. The infants and Stds I and II came into the large room and the four children went into the class room. The papers, as requested were placed into the envelopes and sent out by the 5 o'clock post.
P267. March 25 - J Ansell and M Knight left on Monday. Up to the present I have not heard whether or not the Rector has asked if any help will be given in their place. March 31 - Staff - Miss Hazle T C, Stds III - VII and Miss Francis U, Stds II and Infants.
P270. April 29 - Results of the A. S. E. They were as follows C Dilley English 43, Arithmetic 44 - Fail, K King, English 66, arithmetic 61 - Pass, U Pettifar English 68 Arithmetic 88 Pass, N Simons English 55 Arithmetic 56 - Pass.
P271 April 29 - Only one of those who have passed wishes to continue on for the Free Place Examination on May 25 1927.
P272. May 20 - Miss Eddy, from Silsoe, has been appointed assistant (Supplementary) to commence duties after Whitsum.
P273. June 3 - The school has closed this morning for the Whitsum Holiday., Miss Francis leaves the school today for retirement, but her notice does not expire until June 13 1927. She has been serving in this school since Sept 27 1886. As a parting present money has been collected from the children, but handed to the Rector to put with a Parish Collection which has been made. The present is going to be given in the form of Mondy today at 10 oclock at the Rectory.
P274 - June 3 - Inspection report received from R Isherwood, Correspondent. Good work is being done. In the upper division I was struck with the much greater responsiveness and alertness shown by the children compared with two years ago. Signed by Cyril E Hudson, Director of Religious Education.
P275. June 17 - Miss Eddy commenced duties on Tuesday June 14 in the Junior rooms Std III is still in that room.
P276. July 1 - Miss M Chessum commenced duties as Sup (Temp) teacher on Monday last June 27. I have brought Std II children into the Senior Division and Miss Eddy is taking Stads III and IV for the next few weeks.
P277. July 22 - A formal notice has been sent to Miss Chessum this week, for her temporary engagement to terminate when the shcool closed for the summer holidays.
P280. Septebmer 23 - One of the little infant girls, aged 6, was taken very ill Monday night and died on Thursday afternoon. September 30 - On Monday the Rector brough Miss Eddy a form to fill re her leaving on the 16 October. She is leaving on account of having a post offered to her only 2 miles from her hold.
P281. October 14 - Miss E M Eddy has left today Frdaiy 14 after being here four months. I understand an apppointment has been made, but the teacher will not be commencing for a week or two. At present I have not heard who will be coming in on Supply.
P282. October 21 - Miss E E Street commenced duties as Supply teacher on Monday October 17.
P283. November 11 - Miss E E Street gave up Temporary duty on Tuesday November 8 and Miss Stock commenced permanent duty on the 9. November 18 - The boys in their painting lessons are now doing calendars for Xmas. For handwork, the girls are doing cosies, slippers and tidies.
P290. March 31 1928 - Staff on books - Miss Hazle. T C No on books 29 - Miss Stock U S, No on books 22 - Total in school 51.
P296. Septebmer 28 - I received a notice on Thursday for C Dilley to go to Stondon School on Monday afternoon to be medically examined under the order of employment of children.
P299. December 21 - Wednesday afternoon the school was open for parents to come in and see some of the childrens' work and dances, also hear carols and songs. Every garment and the various handwork articles have been sold £1.3.6 will be sent before the end of the month. The Diocesan Report received - A first visit to this school made it possible to get into initial touch with the religious instruction and as it concerns both teachers and children. In a talk upon general matters the children in both groups answered with readiness and thoughtfulness and showed interest in what they are doing. In a discussion with the teachers afterwards it was possible to confer upon the matter and the method of religious instruction in the light of the actual needs of the school. Signed R Parks - Director of Religious Instruction.