- ReferenceZ1362/6/5/1
- TitleAbstract of Title of Mr Arthur King to a piece of land situate in Chiltern Road, Upper Houghton Regis, Dunstable, Bedfordshire
- Date free text22 Feb 1902
- Production dateFrom: 1900 To: 1905
- Scope and ContentAbstract Details: Indenture - Dated 2 May 1877 1) The British Land Company Ltd of 25 Moorgate Street, London 2) George Olney of High Street, Dunstable, butcher 1 to 2) Consideration £93 All that piece of land site at Dunstable in the parish of Houghton Regis in Beds and on the south east side of, and adjoining a road there called Chiltern Road and the position, and extent whereof, were indicated by the plan thereon, wherein the site was colored pink. And which constituted Lots 265 to 268 inclusive of the lands delineated in the lithographed plan published with the particulars of Mr Whittinghams sale by auction at Dunstable on the 25 Feb 1863, and the appurts. And all the estate and interest of Vendors in the premises to be held by purchaser and his heirs to the use of purchaser his heirs and assigns for ever. Recites: Marriage of George Olney in 1865 First Schedule including 14 March 1856. Deed of Settlement of 1) 04 Nov 1856 Certificate of Incorporation of 1) 22 Apr 1872 Deed poll authorising officers of 1) to receive moneys and give receipts Second Schedule: Stipulations relating to lots sold Indenture - Dated 5 November 1888 1) George Olney (as above) 2) John Horsler of Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, grocer 1 to 2) Consideration £92 All the above abstracted premises conveyed from 1) to 2) upon payment of consideration. Indenture - Dated 8 October 1901 1) Arthur Horsler, late of Beale Street, Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, but then of The Stores, Cuddington nr Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, grocer 2) John Horsler then of Bidwell, Bedfordshire, retired grocer 3) Arthur King of Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire, dealer 2) to 3) Consideration £120 All that piece or parcel of land situated in the parish of Houghton Regis in the county of Bedordshire on the south east side of and adjoining Chiltern Road and having a frontage thereto of 100 feet and containing in width at the rear 60 feet or thereabouts. Together with all buildings and erections thereon as the same were then in the occupation of 1) the position and extent wherof were shown in the plan drawn thereon and thereon colored green which said piece of land formerly constituted Lots 365 to 268 inlcusive of the Estate of the British Land Company Ltd at Dunstable.
- Archival historyGiven to the history society in 2016 by Mrs M Hillyard. with permission to transfer as gift to Bedfordshire Archives.
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