• Reference
  • Title
    Indenture between Oliver Ffox and Richard Ffayrie regarding land near Prince of Wales
  • Date free text
    28 Feb 1626
  • Production date
    From: 1626 To: 1626
  • Scope and Content
    This indenture made the eight and twentieth day of February in the second year of reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith between Oliver Ffox of Over Dean in the County of Beds, yeoman on the one part and Richard Ffaire of the same towne and countie, weaver on the other part witnesseth that the said Oliver Ffox will for and in consideration of the sum of three score and eight pounds of good and lawful money of England to him in hand paid before the sealing and delivery hereby. The said Richard Ffaire the receipt thereof he the said Oliver doth acknowledge by these presents and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth exonerate acquite and forever discharge the said Richard Ffaire his heirs, executors, administrators and assignees and every of them by these present as also for [] other good causes and considerations him the said Oliver Ffox here unto especially moving HATH given granted bargained sold [] enfeoffed and confirmed and or by these presents doth fully and fairly and absolutely doth give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Richard Ffaire his heirs and assignes forever. All that messauge or house which is now in occupation of the said Richard Ffaire his assigne or assignes with all that yard and home stale there unto belonging and all that close of pasture there unto adjoining and belonging containing by estimation two acres and a half be at more or less all which premises are situate lying and being in Over Deane aforesaid between a lane called Brown's Lane on the north and the ground of Master Bendish on the south abutting on the ground of Thomas Smith east and the street on the west together with all manner of house, edifices, buildings, barnes, stables, yards, gardens, orchards, woods, trees, underwood hedges, quick fences, ditches, free ways, easements, paths, passasges, profits, commodities, emolents apertaining to the said messuage or tenement and close of pasture or other of them belonging or in any wise apertaining and also the commons of pasture pasturage and feeding of and for two beests and a breeder and ten sheep to be had and taken in the fields of commonable places of Over Deane aforesaid and also all and all manner of evidence writing escript and muniments to the premises only belonging which the said Oliver Ffox may get or come by without site in the favour to be delivered unto the said Ricahrd Ffayrie at the seal and delivery thereof and also the versions remainder or remainders of all and singular the said premises together with all the right estate little interest demand whatsoever of him the said Oliver Ffox his heirs executors administrators and assignes of into or out of the said premises or any part thereof with these and every of these apertaining TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all the said messauge or tenement yard homestable close of pasture and premises afore bargained and sold with these and every of these apertaining unto the said Richard Ffaire his heirs and assignes forever to and for the only purpose use and be hoofe of the said Richard Ffaire and his heirs and assignes forever To be holden of the chief lord of lords of the fee or fees thereof by the wonte and services therefore due and of right accustomed AND THE SAID Oliver Ffox and his heirs the said messuage or tenement close of pasture and premises afore bargained and sold with these and every of these apertaining unto the said Richard Ffaire his heirs and assignes against him the said Oliver Ffox and Joane now his wife and either of them by these presents that he the said Oliver Ffox is at and before signing and delivering hereof and administration and lawfully clayming and right title or interest by or from or under them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents AND THE SAID Oliver Ffox for him his heirs, executors and administrators and every of them doth covenant promise grant to and with said Richard Ffaire his heires assignes and with every of them byb these presents that he the said Oliver Ffox is at and before the sealing and deliverance hereof wholely, lawfully and rightfully seyed of and in all singular the premises afore bargained and sold
  • Loan status
    TOCATawaiting cataloguing
  • Level of description