The Bridge, parish magazine for St. Peter's Harrold, St. Mary's Carlton and Harrold United Reform churches.
Date free text
Jun-Jul 1997
Production date
From: 1997 To: 1997
Scope and Content
Editorial. New editorial team required.
Harrold United Reform Church; message from Rev. Roger Whitehead, services, diary dates and reports.
Forthcoming events to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Harrold United Reform Church
Parishes of Harrold and Carlton; message from Rev. Lionel Albon, service details, church events.
Report of St. Peter's Annual Parochial Church meeting
'Churches of the Diocese of St. Albans' exhibition in St. Albans Abbey.
Letter from Jonathan Smith from his new parish St John's, Harpenden
Carlton & Chellington Historical Society
Carlton Parish Council
Carlton Squash Club
Report of Carlton Donkey Race night
Report of Carlton Pre-school playgroup jumble sale. Car boot sale to be held 13 July
Carlton Women's Fellowship - forthcoming events
Carlton Home Watch quiz 26 Apr
Carlton Lower School PTA - report of auction of promises; Barn dance and barbecue 5 Jul
Carlton & Chellington Women's Institute
Carlton Cub Scouts
Carlton Garden and Allotment Society
Harrold Lower School diamind jubilee celebrations 13 Jun
38th Beds (Harrold) Cubs bring & buy 28 Jun
51st Odell Scouts jumble sale 7 Jun
Friends of St. Mary's Stevington: theatre outings
Harrold Women's Institute
Friends of Harrold Surgery report
Discussion Group and Book Club
St. Peter's Church, Harrold - outreach parish outings
Harrold Playing Fields Association - details for family sports day 12 Jul
Harrold Centre news - Pit run report, AGM, village show
Harrold Twinning news
Harrold Womens' Fellowship
Thank you column
Welcome, farewell and congratulations
Tributes to Rev. Jonathan Smith, who has moved to Harpenden
Harrold Cricket Club
Bridgman Bowling Club
HomeHoppa bus information
Deaths of Alan Train, Paul Horsford, Helena Rogers and Hope Siddons
Small ads column
Diary dates for Harrold and Carlton
Advertisements for local businesses
Level of description