The New Bridge, parish magazine for St. Peter's Harrold, St. Mary's Carlton, Carlton Baptist and Harrold United Reform churches.
Date free text
Dec- 1994-Jan 1995
Production date
From: 1994 To: 1995
Scope and Content
Editorial - Jane Twine joins editorial team as co-advertisement manager
Harrold Womens Fellowship
Harrold Parish Council report
Harrold Womens Institute
Harrold Centre report
Friends of Harrold Surgery - Therese Garon Memorial Fund report
Harrold Playing Fields Association
Harrold Youth CLub
Harrold Cubs Christmas Concert
Report of Kempston Musical Society concert 12 November
Ouse Valley Scouts
Friends of St. Mary's, Stevington - outings to the Royal Theatre, Northampton
Carlton Lower School Christmas dance
Christian Family Care - appeal for toys
Thank you column
Annual NSPCC collection made £178.40
Aid for Romania
Riverside Singers present Christmas Delights Dec 16 at Harrold United Reform Church
'Homehoppa' taxi service
Report of 'Ad Hoc' amatuer drama group presentation of 'Bedroom Farce' by Alan Ayckbourn
Discussion group
Welcome & Farewell column
Congratulations column
Harrold United Reform Church; message from Rev Roger Whitehead, services, diary dates and reports.
Parishes of Harrold and Carlton; letter from Jonathan Smith, vicar and rector, service details, church events
St Peter's, Harrold 'outreach' parish outings
Childrens pages
Carlton Women's Fellowship
Carlton Mothers & Toddlers Group
Carlton carol singing
Carlton Garden and Allotment Society
Carlton Parish Council
Carlton Village Hall fund raising
Carlton & Chellington Historical Society
Carlton Home Watch
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal raised £314.83
Carlton Post Office & Village Store news
Christmas greetings
Carlton Children's Playing Field
Bridgman Bowling Club
Fox Golf Sosiety, Carlton
Deaths of Leslie Bambridge and Dan James
Small ads column
Diary dates for Harrold and Carlton
Advertisements for local businesses
Level of description