The New Bridge, parish magazine for St. Peter's Harrold, St. Mary's Carlton, Carlton Baptist and Harrold United Reform churches.
Date free text
Oct-Nov 1993
Production date
From: 1993 To: 1993
Scope and Content
Comment from the editors
New Bridge, parish magazine distributor reguired for Odell Road, Harrold.
Harrold Pre-School Playgroup events
Harrold Centre - forthcoming events
Harrold Playing Field Association
Article 'Where is Sainte Pazanne?' by Gwen Dykes, relating to town twinning
Harrold Womens Institute
St Peter's, Harrold 'outreach' parish outings
Harrold Women's Fellowship
Dancing for the retired and not-so-young
Ad Hoc group present 'As Good as New' at Harrold Centre 29 & 30 October
Brownies and Guides. Adult helpers required.
Friends of St. Mary's Stevington - theatre trips
Friends of Harrold Surgery - new support group
Thanks column
Harrold United Reform Church; message from Rev Basil Bridge, services, diary dates and reports
Congratulations column
Article 'Adventires of Henrietta' by Joan Keron
Mobile library times
Parishes of Harrold and Carlton; letter from Jonathan Smith, vicar and rector, service details, church events
Welcome to new residents and farewell to those leaving
Carlton mothers and toddlers
Carlton playgroup news
Carlton Women's fellowship
Carlton village hall fundraising
Carlton Home Watch
Carlton Womens Institute
New church bells for Carlton
Carlton Garden and Allotment Society
Carlton parish council
Carlton Lower School PTA fireworks display 5 November
Carlton village appaisal
Rector's Holiday Club at Carlton Village Hall - August 6 -20
Death of Brian Hopkinson (Hoppy)
Harrold Billiards and Snooker Club
Bridgman Bowling Club
Small ads column
Diary dates for Harrold and Carlton
Level of description