• Reference
  • Title
    Boots Scribbling Diary
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1911 To: 1911
  • Scope and Content
    Usual entries: The early entries are not detailed. Mentions entertainments attended in London for New Year holidays and Easter, but without many details. Social engagements, skating at Olympia. Comments on friends and neighbours met, their health etc. Marigo mentions having lessons, but not the subject(s), although she has left school. Bridge is popular, as is 'Progressive Knaves' a card game in teams, and Bezigue. Marigo attends the races a number of times and makes a number of bets. These race meetings provide opportunities to socialize with a number of friends and acquaintances. In the summer there is a round of dances and garden parties, and tenis tournaments and cricket matches also providing opportunities to socialize. The family acquire two dalmation dogs. 25th Feb Marigo attended a political meeting (possibly in Bedford) which was 'very full. Duke of Bedford spoke v. well and clearly (serious).' Then she gives a list of other speakers but does not comment on content. 15th March Marigo mentions 'Morrison condemmed' which refers to the case of Stinie Morrison, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. 1st April 'Yesterday man Taylor was killed with Oakley pack.' 3rd April Marigo went hunting. 5th April Marigo went to the races at Newmarket. 'V V strong headwind. Snow. Coldest day this year.' 6th April Marigo went to the races at Newmarket. 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th April Marigo went to the races at Newmarket. 4th May Marigo saw Kismet at the Garrick in London, produced bu Asche. 'Theatre lovely, different to anything I have ever seen. Asche v. good, Beautifully put on.' 6th May Marigo went to the Shaftesbury Theatre in London 'Went to Arcadians - splendid - all new dresses and some very good songs.' 9th, 10th, 11th May Marigo went to the races at Newmarket. 12th, 13th May Marigo went to the races at Kempton. 'Won on week £2.1s.3d' 18th, May 20th Marigo went shooting rooks 27th May Marigo went to the Military Tournament at Olympia 'Lovely horses - naval show very good. Beautiful musical drives.' In the evening she went to see 'The Only Way' at the Lyceum 'Beautiful, thoroughly enjoyed it - did not cry. Martin Harvey splendid.' 3rd June Marigo went to the races at Kempton. 5th June Marigo went to the races at Hurst Park. 17th June in London 'Met suffragette procession 40,000 of th3em with 100 bands - great crowd.' The Women's Coronation Procession was a suffragette march through London, England, on 17 June 1911, just before King George V 's coronation, demanding women's suffrage in the coronation year. The march was organised by the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU). 21st June Marigo went the the Horse Show at Olympia, where the King, Queen, Princes and Princesses were in attendance. 'Splendid show. Russian Troikas, Officer's parade, German officers rode splendid horses.' Marigo's father, Ambrose Argenti, rented 'a window' in the Mall at £30 for two days so that they could see the procession of the Coronation of King George V. 22nd, 23rd June Marigo sees two Royal processions. Marigo has included three extra pages of description. 24th June Marigo went to Southampton to see the Naval Review. 5th July 'Saw two Flying Machines.' 11th, 12th, 13th May Marigo went to the races at Newmarket. 28th July Marigo reports '95 F in shade 134 F in sun' 29th July Marigo attended the Kingsbury Polo Club Gymkhana and 'Saw airoplane (sic) supposed to be Vedrines - flew v well. Monoplane. 9th August 'Today is the voting in the H of Lords for Parliament Bill. Hope it will pass. Strike in London Docks - getting serious.' 11 August 'Parl. Bill passed with maj.17.' 21st August. Marigo notes that there are 'strikes all over' but she does not comment on this. 23rd August Marigo describes a Mother's Union meeting at Picts Hill, including how she shopped for and prepared the tea and what sort of games were played. 21st September Marigo mentions in passing 'Germany and France about Morocco', which refers to the Agadir crisis of July 1, 1911 - November 4, 1911 29th September 'War between Italy and Turkey - Italy entered Tripoli' referring to the war fought between the Kingdom of Italy and the Ottoman Empire from 29 September 1911, to 18 October 1912 19th October 'Went to Bedford by car to Sanger's Circus in tents up Kimbolton Road. Real old fashioned one. Trapeze, shetland ponies, horses, seals and elephants and bear. Very good, enjoyed much.' 'Lord' George Sanger (23 December 1825 – 28 November 1911) was an English showman and circus proprietor who was murdered on 28 November 1911, at Park Farm by one of his employees for unknown reasons. 10th November Marigo saw Friz Kreisler in concert at Bedford, which she thought wonderful. 13th December Marigo attended a Unionist meeting in Turvey 'Mr Powel took the chair and there was a concert given by Harrold men. V. bad and v. ammusing. Then Mr Hargreaves came in and gave us a good speech. Halting at first (kept looking down) but v. good especially towards the end on Welsh disestablishment and home rule. Little said about TR or iInsurance Bill - very sarcastic about Lloyd George.'
  • Level of description