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  • Title
    Petition, unsigned from Peter Warren, Riseley, plumber and glazier, see also QSR1818/107 & 292:
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  • Production date
    From: 1818 To: 1818
  • Scope and Content
    "The cause of my quitting my famiely was not a wish of my own but ware caused by real necesety upon my part of which the parish ware fulley aprised of and never objected unto it which cause is as followes. I have been oppressed gentlemen with a verrey large famiely of 12 children and one of them out of the 12 have been of more trouble and expence then the other 11 the cause ware the dispensation of god at the time my wife ware in the famiely way. She ware frightened to such a degree by a man pasing by my house in fitts that I ware fearefull sume other calamity whould follow and when the child ware born it allso had fitt and I believe continues to this day and as the child grue older he became verey troublesom, and as he still grue older, he got unmanagable and ungovernable. he broke knives and forks, spoons, tables and chaires, beds and bedding. Allso torn his cloaths of his back not ondley his the cloaths of my back and that of my wife and children and maney times thay with my wife have been in verrey emenant danger of thaire lives. At one time this poor child brook as maney windows, as cost me one pound to repaire them, with many other calamities which whould intrude two much upon your worships patance and the other gentleman in this coart assembled upon which ocasion I must be to curtaill as short as posable, now gentlemen under all thease calamities what plan I could persue I could not tell. I made applecation to the late Samual Whitebred, esq. He wished me to say if I recd aney releife from the parish to which I answered no - he wished me to then ask of them releife - My answare was as I ware in the auction line of buisness it would efect that buisness, therefore I conclude I whould make aney contrivance posable to strugle on as long as posable I was able. But alass no pitty or compasion from the parish nor yet a friend to simpethise with me, the parish concluded that I ware fulley able to accomplish it verrey well my self when the asilum ware first in contemplation, the parish ware verrey desirous for me to place him in the asilum at that time I believe thay thought the expence whould be paid by the countey but they found after that the parish must pay the expence it upon conditions the parents of the child could not this put a full stop to thease proceedings at last the Reverend Mr Nibloik then the resedent minester attended upon the late Right Honourable Lord St John and his Lordship wished sum plan might be put in execution the parish agreed to pay half the expence of this child in the asilum if upon conditions I whould pay the other this I must confess I made a promise to pay but my auction buisniss being much upon the decline, that year it preclude my being able to make this my promise good not that it ware a pleashure unto me, no fer from it, but all this time the parish advance I might have been worth (thousands deleted) hundreds all this to effect and sanction thaire purpose for thay own ends, now the calamety came on my auction lisance became due thay none of them whould ... (continues on 332 dorse) be bound for me in consequence my auction buisness ware fulley put a stop unto and nay all other buisness. I had no glass or lead to work upon neither aney thing to eat or drink nay even aneything to ware, and what fue goods I had demolished in my house my landlord recd them for rent I had no cloath scarsely to ware or yet my famiely in the same condition what plan to devise I new not at last no alturnitive left but I livt my home not willingley but obligatery and when I got into work nothing to ware which ware furst what I ware under obligation to accomplish before I could make any compencation to the parish after stating the above griviances I hope gentlemen you will plainley se that I ware fulley under the oblegation of quitting my home not by choice but by real necesity... I make no doubt but I am in a coart of justice and equity ware I shall find it is all you partishoner at this time has to wish for." (Sic).
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