Resume of the case of Thhomas Doughty, gamekeeper to the Duke if Bedford, versus Francis Sadler,
accused of theft of a rabbit trap.
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Production date
From: 1822 To: 1822
Scope and Content
Information of John Smart, employed by Thomas Doughty, gamekeeper to the Duke of Bedford. Told to search foir rabbit traps on the Hill Plantation, Lidlington, whuich had been taken away from Clay Pit Hill, Lidlington, Saw Francis Sadler enter the plantation and take up a trap; he siezed him and found a trap under his smock frock.
Information of Thomas Doughty, identifies the trap.
Examination of Francis Sadler; was in Hill plantation 'to look for a shilling I had lost ... and I saw a rabbit trap which I took up, not knowing what it was for. I had never seen one before, and seeing John Smart, I concealed it under my frock, for I thought he would make a piece of work about it.'
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