Examinations and depositions: Information of Mary Hawkins, Caddington. On Monday 20 December 1802, having sold some straw plait to Mr James Buttfield of Dunstable, she went to the Crown, Luton to receive her money. While being in the parlour of the said public house, with the plait on the table, the said Mary Hawkins saw Sarah Mardle take a parcel of plait from the table and put it under her cloak. She told Mr Buttfield and went with him to the stall of ... Crawley, a butcher, where Sarah Mardle was. They accused her of the theft and she said she had not got the plait. Mr Buttfield called a constable. She (MH) went with Mr Buttfield to the round house at Luton and in a basket under a stall there they found a parcel of plait, mark of Mary Hawkins.
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From: 1802 To: 1802
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