• Reference
  • Title
    BOLNHURST: Act of Parliament for Dividing and Inclosing certain Open & Common fields & commonable lands & grounds within the Manor & Parish of Bolnhurst in the County of Bedford and for Exonerating certain Ancient Inslosures within the said Manor & Parish from the Payment of Tithes. 18 Geo. III, c.96 Original printed copy of the Act. 23pp.Inscribed ‘No. 8’ and ‘F.H.Mann, Rector 1934’
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1778 To: 1778
  • Admin/biog history
    Bolnhurst was an Inclosure by Agreement between the proprietors, without a Commission, before 1778 and confirmed by Private Act [enacting the vesting of the land, exchanges, boundaries, fencing, new roads etc.] Preamble of the Act Whereas the Open Field and uninclosed lands & grounds lying within the Town Fields and Wood End Instrip within the Manor & Parish of Bolnhurst ... contain together 953 a 25p.
  • Reference
  • Level of description