• Reference
  • Title
    Letter sent from Egypt by Cyril Verdcourt to Mama [Helena Verdcourt].
  • Date free text
    Wednesday 30 July [1919]
  • Production date
    From: 1919 To: 1919
  • Scope and Content
    From: 62304 D Company, 1/4th Northants, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Egypt Dear Mama, I have been on another visit to Alexandria, this time to represent the battalion in the Divisional sports. The winners of the Divisional sports will compete in the Egyptian Expeditionary Force Championships. We reached ‘Alec’ on Sunday (Caz was in for high-jump and hurdles) and after trying in vain to see Alf Bryeeson at the Physical Training school, where he is on a course of training, we went into the town. I showed Caz round, for my three weeks cookery course made me quite an Alexandrian, and then after tea we visited a picture-palace and saw ‘Charlie’ in the ‘Adventurer’. Caz laughed quite immoderately for him. Next morning I had a fine swim and we found out where Alf was quartered and paid him a visit. It was seven weeks since I had seen him last. The sports took place that day and I was to run in the 100 yards in which distance I was the best in the battalion and to take part in the high-jump. But we had had so little training that I was terribly stiff and sore, and had the disappointment, of seeing a fellow I had beaten two or three times by some yards scrape home in front of me in my heat. I did not attempt the high-jump for I could hardly walk. Caz and Bert Helps had hard luck at jumping just missing places in the Divisional team by similar lack of training. We spent the night at the Union Jack Club, enjoying a bed once again, an unaccustomed luxury now-a-days. That evening, however, Caz and I went to see ‘The Merry Widow’ at the Alhambra. We returned to Tanta the following afternoon and I found our two letters one dated the 10th the other the 13th of July awaiting me. I am sorry that you are not going to the sea-side, and hope that you will have a good time at Ball’s Farm. When is papa going to write to me? You should hear my efforts on the cornet. I can play ‘Home Sweet Home!’ What do you think of the photos? Possibly I shall go to ‘Alec’ again next week to swim. Tell Louis I will write and wish him luck with his swimming from me. I suppose he’ll be in the Car’s [Commer Cars] team this year. I am packing that parcel and shall send it in a day or two. What a pity! I have just thrown some blots over my photos and the letter! What about the Town Hall! About time something was done both about a new Town Hall and better treatment for soldiers although rather the live than the dead ones. I read of it in ‘Egyptian Mail’ Well, Love to All and Good-bye Yours [sincerely crossed through] Lovingly Cyril
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