• Reference
  • Title
    Probate copy of the Will and four codices of John Campion late a farmer but now of the town of Bedford out of business, deceased.
  • Date free text
    23 Aug 1842, 29 Nov 1843, 4 Feb 1846, 19 Apr 1848, 10 Aug 1848, probate granted 7 Dec 1848
  • Production date
    From: 1842 To: 1848
  • Scope and Content
    Leaves real estate to sons in law Robert Morris, Jonathan Burr and friend Thomas Ball of Oakley on trust with rent and profits going to wife Lucy for her life. Then: - The rents of 6 cottages in the centre of Oakley occupied by son in law William Scrivener, his son John Scrivener, Jacob Eaton, Berry Hulatt otherwise Edward Chapman (who uses his cottage as a meeting house) and George Jones to testator's daughter Mary the wife of William Scrivener for life then sale and to the children of Mary at the age of 21 [various provisions in case of death of Mary or children]. - 8 out of 12 cottages at Oakley at the junction of the road eastwards to Milton and Northwards to Stafford Bridge and Pavenham in the occupations of: Joel Hulatt, Charles Hulatt, Stephen Woods, Samuel Grigg, William Cocking, Fortune Allen, William Warwick and James Jones [includes lots of detail regarding garden ground and area around the cottages] to testator's daughter Sarah the wife of Henry King [provisions as with Mary Scrivener above]. - 2 cottages in Oakley in the occupations of John Rively and John Jug and 2 cottages in the occupations of Isaac Hulatt and Richard Partridge and 1 acre 1 rood arable field behind cottages [location described] now in the occupation of Robert Morris to testator's daughter Elizabeth the wife of Robert Morris [provisions as with Mary Scrivener above]. - 2 messuages in Tavistock Street, Bedford one being the house in which the testator lives to his daughter Lucy Campion [provisions as with Mary Scrivener above]. To wife Lucy wearing apparel, watch, household goods and money. Residue to trustees in trust for wife for life. Nothing to daughter Ann Burr as she had her share during testator's life. Wife Lucy Campion, Robert Morris, Jonathan Burr and Thomas Ball executors. Codicil 1. Has built four new cottages in Oakley. After wife's death 2 to go to Sarah King and 2 to Elizabeth Morris, equivalent in money to other daughters i.e. £50 each to Mary, Lucy and Ann for their use. Codicil 2. His 2 messuages on the corner of Great Russell Street and Chandos Street in the occupations of Mrs French and widow Berrill to wife Lucy then to Ann Burr. 1 messuage in Great Russell Street lately bought from John Serjeant in the occupation of ---Read, brickmaker, to daughter Lucy. Codicil 3. 5 messuages in Clapham lately purchased of the executors of Mrs Howkins to wife Lucy then the two in occupations of George Hulatt and Mrs Smith to Ann Burr, 1 in the occupation of Samuel Berrill to Sarah King, 1 in the occupation of Samuel West to Mary Scrivener, 1 in the occupation of Favell to Lucy Campion. Henry King added as another executor. Codicil 4. 6 cottages in the centre of Oakley have been sold to the Duke of Bedford proceeds of sale to be devised as the cottages would have been under the will. Provisions to put Mary Scrivener's inheritance in trust so that it can be for her use and not for the use of her husband.
  • Level of description