• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance in Trust
  • Date free text
    18 Jun 1788
  • Production date
    From: 1788 To: 1820
  • Scope and Content
    i) Samuel Whitbread of Cardington, esquire ii) Samuel Whitbread the younger of Cardington, esquire, only son and heir of i) John Howard of Cardington, esquire John Wingate Jennings of Harlington, esquire John Thompson of The Barns, Cardington, yeoman whereas i) hath lately built 4 brick messuages on the East side of the Green, near the church of Cardington, and has set out gardens, and furnished the said houses i) has late purchased of Thomas Borrett and others a fee farm rent of £78..6s..2 3/4d out of the manor of Shillington, subject to the payment of £10 per annum to the schoolmaster of Luton, which rent after all deductions produces £52..14s..2 3/4d i) wishes to vest the said 4 houses and fee farm rent for the benefit of poor persons of Cardington in himself and his successors as lords of the manor of Cardington - said 4 messuages on the East side of the Green at Cardington, as occupied by the 8 persons (named) placed therein by i) and all furniture of said houses - said fee farm rent of £78..6s..2 3/4d out of the manor of Shillington, payable quarterly, and out of customary tenants of Peggesden in Shillington and out of Great Park Wood, Pannel Wood and Hanscombe Ley Wood, containing 77 acres occupied by Edward Blofield, and out of 3 yeards of land called Burry Lot at Peggesdon, subject to said £10 -- not less than 4 or more than 8 poor persons of Cardington to live in said houses rent free -- poor decayed housekeepers being widowers, widows or single persons of sober decent life and conversation and regular attendants at public worship, of 60 years and upwards who shall have resided in Cardington for 20 years and upwards, and never having received alms, shall be considered the fittest -- to prevent anyone moving to Cardington to take advantage of this benefit, no one is to be considered eligible who has not lived 10 years in Cardington before nomination; preference to persons who were born or have lived longest in Cardington -- out of said fee farm rent, £16 may be spent on coals; 14/2 3/4d to be spent on keeping accounts; 40/- may be spent on clothing for each of the inhabitants -- nominations to said houses to be i) and future lords of the manor of Cardington -- rules and regulations may be drawn up plan and elevation of houses, with names and details of occupants J. Lilburne, surveyor witnesses. B.S. Berchemeyer T. Lilburne William Wilshere junior Abraham Harman R. Sangster Thomas Tomson signatures. both parties 18 Jun 1788 endorsed: Appointment of New Trustees (Lease and Release) i) William Henry Whitbread of Southill, esquire, the elder heir of Samuel Whitbread the younger, deceased ii) Honorable William Waldegrave of Cardington, esquire Samuel Charles Whitbread of Kensington Gore, Middlesex, esquire Thomas Lilburne of Cardington, gentleman Richard Parry of Cardington, occupier of Great Farm witnesses. John Hawkins, Hitchin; Joseph Eades, Hitchin; John Pratton; Abraham Harman signatures. both parties 3/4 Jul 1820
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