Conveyance (Lease and Release)
Date free text
4/5 Sep 1817
Production date
From: 1817 To: 1817
Scope and Content
i) Thomas Holloman of Fenlake, Cardington, milkman
ii) Thomas White of Cardington, mealman
iii) Thomas Lilburn of Cardington, gentleman
consideration £95 paid by ii) to i)
- new erected cottage in Fenlake occupied by James Joken [Yoken in W3697], and
new erected cottage in Fenlake occupied by Joseph Sharman,
which were built by i) on ground on which stood a cottage occupied by Mary Constant,
but lately pulled down
- a piece of garden ground at the North end of said cottages and reaching to the brook there
- half of the gateway and passage leading from the turnpike road to the said garden, between said
cottages and cottage occupied by William Soulsbury, i) having put down a dividing fence
to be maintained by ii); with free passage over that part to East of said fence
iii) as trustee for ii)
witnesses. John Upton of Bedford
David Smith of Bedford
mark of i)
Level of description