• Reference
  • Title
    Deed Poll being Grant and Confirmation
  • Date free text
    20 Jan 1575
  • Production date
    From: 1574 To: 1575
  • Scope and Content
    by Sir John Butler of Woodhall, knight, to William Burr, Sharpenhoe, yeoman, in consideration of £53..6s..8d of ... 2 messuages in Sharpenhoe in occupation of William Burr and Robert Meade ... close pasture adjoining messuage of William Burr ... close of pasture called Harthouges adjoining said close ... pightle adjoining messuage where Robert Meade lives ... 4 closes pasture: Aggatts, Maggetts, Mouses and Wellclose ... close arable called Alberryefield ... 166 acres arable ... Coopers Croft ... 22 acres arable with appurtenances The land in the common fields lies as follows: ... 6 acres inclosed lies on South [of] Aubery feild Close, abutting on land late William Carrington now William Norton, East ... 1 acre between Thomas Norton senior, gentleman, on both sides, abutting West on Dormishe Peece, and East on Dormishe Meade ... 1 acre on Dormishe furlong, Dormishe Peece, North, late Thomas Cheyney, gentleman, South, abutting against furlong called Middle furlong, West, and on William Norton, East ... ½ acre on Munt furlong, customary land of William Norton on both sides, abutting towards a little brook in Sharpenhoe, West, and on land late Edmund Wingate, gentleman, East ... ½ acre near Church Hedge, William Norton, East, the hedge, West, abutting on land late Thomas Cheyney, North, and on following headland, South ... headland of ½ acre, Church furlong, North, land in tenure of William Norton, South ... Church furlong, 3 acres, late Edmund Wingate, gentleman, West, William Norton, East, abutting on said headland, South, on Thomas Norton senior, gentleman, North ... Church furlong, ½ acre, late Edmund Wingate, gentleman, East, customary land of William Norton, West, abutting on another headland, South, and on land late Edmund Wingate, gentleman, North ... Church furlong, ½ acre, customary land of William Norton, East, land of Thomas Norton senior, gentleman, West, abutting on said headland, South ... headland of 1 acre, land late Thomas Cheyney, gentleman, South, said furlong, North, abutting on land late William Wingate, gentleman, East, and on a piece of the said 14 acre meadow, West ... ½ acre meadow (as above), Thomas Norton senior, gentleman, North ... 1 acre at end of Shodcroft, Edmund Wingate, gentleman, North, said piece of meadow, South, abutting late Edmund Wingate, East, and on William Norton, West ... 3 acres, William Norton, West, little brook called a Reddye leading to the end of Shodcroft, East, the above acre, North ... 3 acres, William Norton, West, little brook, East, said meadow, North, Ridgeway leading to Markham Hole from Chalke way, South ... ½ acre, William Norton, North, Thomas Norton senior, South, the little brook, West, land late Thomas Cheyney, gentleman, East ... 2 roods in furlong which abutts on the way leading to Chalkeway, late Thomas Cheyney, North, headland late Edmund Wingate, gentleman, South, the said way, East, Thomas Norton senior, gentleman, West ... in Braydfurlong, ½ acre, late Edmund Wingate, South, William Norton, North, aforesaid way, West, headland late Edmund Wingate, East ... 2 acres in same furlong, William Norton, North, Edmund Wingate, South, abutting on said half acre ... three half acres in same furlong, William Norton, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting on said way, West, headland of William Norton, East ... 3 acres in same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, Slancombe furlong, South, said headland, East, land in tenure of William Norton, West ... ½ acre in Slancombe furlong, the Hill, East, ½ acre late Edmund Wingate, West, said headland in tenure of William Norton, North, Hill, South ... 1 acre customary land. William Norton, East, late Edmund Wingate, West, abutting on way leading from Chalke way towards Markeham Hole, South, and on meadow of Thomas Norton senior, North ... 2 roods in same furlong, William Norton on both sides, abutting on said way, South, and on piece of meadow ... piece of meadow 2½ acres, William Norton, East, Thomas Norton senior, West, abutting on above said 2 roods, South ... 1 acre lying down in Buttlescombe hole, late Edmund Wingate, West, William Norton, East, abutting on said way, North ... 1 acre called Westwaie acre, land late Edmund Wingate, East, customary land William Norton, West, abutting on said way, North ... 1½ acres called Whorleegyggpeece, customary land William Norton, East, land late Edmund Wingate, West and South ... 1 acre abutting on Whorleegyggpeece,, customary land William Norton, East ... 1 acre under Whorleegyggpeece, late Edmund Wingate, North, abutting on headland of William Norton, East, and on headland late Thomas Cheyney, West ... ½ acre in same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, William Norton, South, abutting as above ... ½ acre in same furlong. late Edmund Wingate, South, William Norton, North, abutting as above ... 1 acre in West field, a ditch lately made by Thomas Norton senior, gentleman, South and West, Thomas Norton senior's land, North and East, abutting on above mentioned little brook called Sharpenhoe brook, North and West ... 1 acre in the bottom near the said brook, Thomas Norton, North and East, Edmund Wingate, South and West ... 3 roods in Markeham furlong, late Thomas Cheyney, North and East, late Edmund Wingate, South and West, abutting on headland late Edmund Wingate, South and East ... 3 roods lying by the Hill against Markeham hole, the Hill, South and East, land late Thomas Cheyney, North and West, abutting on headland late Thomas Cheyney, North and East ... 1 acre same furlong, William Norton, North and East, abutting on said little brook, North and West, and on the Hill, South and East ... 2 acres in same furlong, customary lands of William Norton, North and East, late Edmund Wingate, South and West, abutting as above ... ½ acre same furlong, late Thomas Cheyney, North and East, late Edmund Wingate, South and West, abutting on the Hill, South and East ... 2 roods same furlong, late Edmund Wingate both sides, abutting on the Hill, East ... 1 acre on Coldham Hill, land in tenure of William Norton, South, the Hill, North, abutting land late Edmund Wingate, East ... 1 acre in same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, South, William Norton, North, abutting on a one acre headland and land now in occupation of William Norton, East, and on Coldham Hill, West ... ½ acre same furlong, Thomas Norton senior, North, William Norton, South, abutting on the Hill, West ... 1 acre on the Hurlocke Pitt to the way called Chalkeway, customary land of William Norton, West ... ½ acre going over the way aforesaid, land late Edmund Wingate, South, land in tenure of William Norton, North, abutting land late Thomas Cheyney, East ... ½ acre going over the upper end of Chalkeway, customary land of William Norton, South, land of Thomas Norton senior, North, abutting on land late Thomas Cheyney, East ... 2 acres land in furlong abutting on the East on the way leading from Chalkeway to Streatley, land late William Carrington, South, land in tenure of William Norton, North, abutting on St. Sylles Hole, West, and on said way, East ... 3 half acres in same furlong, John Norton, North, Drove Leyes, South, abutting on Marckham Hill, West, and on said way, East ... 2 acres abutting on North Brade, East, said way, West, late William Attwood, South, late William Carrington, North ... ½ acre same furlong, land in tenure of William Norton, South, abutting land in tenure of Robert Harding, East, on said way, West ... ½ acre in same furlong, Thomas Harding, North, abutting on said way, West, and on headland of John Norton, East ... 1 ace same furlong, the Rector, South, land in tenure of Robert Harding, North, abutting as above ... 1 acre lying near the Church path, Rectory, West, said way, East, abutting on the Rector, South, John Butler, knight, North ... ½ acre in Chalkeway furlong, land in tenure of William Norton, South, late Edmund Wingate, North, abutting into the way leading from Chalkeway to Streatley, West ... 1 acre in same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, West, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, North ... 1 acre in same furlong, land in tenure of William Norton, South, John Norton, North, abutting as above ... ½ acre same furlong, John Norton, South, Thomas Harding, North, abutting as above ... 2 roods same furlong, Thomas Harding, South, customary land William Norton, North, abutting as above ... 1 acre called Hanging Acre on Slancombe Hill, late Edmund Wingate, West, Thomas Norton junior, East, abutting customary land of William Norton, South ... 1 acre, Goldroods, South, John Norton, East, late Edmund Wingate, West ... 1 rood near Pummel Bush, a rood of Thomas Norton junior, South and East, and late William Attwood, North and West ... 1 rood under the Lince Hill, land in tenure of William Norton, East, the Hill, West, abutting on said land late William Attwood, South ... ½ acre on the Greate Hill, abutting land in tenure of William Norton, South, the little Hill, West, and the furlong next the Clappers, East ... headland containing 1 acre on the Greate Hill, Thomas Norton senior on both sides, abutting the Hill, East and West ... 3 acres in same furlong, the Clappers, South, Thomas Norton senior, North, abutting from one hill to the other as above ... 1 acre in same furlong, Thomas Norton senior on both sides, abutting as above ... ½ acre in same furlong nigh the Greate Bush, Thomas Norton senior, North, customary land of William Norton, South, abutting land in tenure of William Norton, West ... 2 acres on Gravell Hill furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, land in tenure of William Norton, South, abutting land late Edmund Wingate, West and East ... 1 acre in same furlong, land in tenure of William Norton, North, land of John Norton, South, abutting customary land of William Norton, West ... 3 half-acres in same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, late William Attwood, South, abutting West on customary land of William Norton ... 3 half-acres in same furlong, William Attwood, North, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South, abutting as above ... one half-acre same furlong, customary land William Norton, North, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South, abutting Goldroods, West ... 1 acre same furlong, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, North, abutting Smithcombe Hill, East ... ½ acre same furlong, Rector, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting on Smith Combe Hill, East, on headland late Edmund Wingate, West ... ½ acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, Rector, South, abutting as above ... 1 acre by Stoney Peece, Edmund Wingate, East, Rector, West, abutting Goldroods, North ... ½ acre abutting on Berry Combe Hill, West, Rector on both sides, abutting on Stoney Peece, North ... 2 acres in furlong between Smith Combe and Reddy Combe, land in tenure of William Norton on both sides, abutting on Gravell Hill furlong ... 3 half-acres in same furlong, land in tenure of William Norton, South, late Edmund Wingate, North, abutting as above EAST FIELD ... ½ acre in furlong abutting to Sharpenhoe Hill, West, Thomas Norton junior, North, Thomas Norton senior, South, abutting on way to Brody Mead, East ... 2 acres same furlong, Thomas Norton senior, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, said way, East ... 1 rood in Rood furlong, Thomas Norton senior, North, Thomas Norton junior, South, abutting Hasewell, East, and on Ridgeway, West ... 1 rood in same furlong, Thomas Norton junior, North, Edmund Wingate, South ... 1 rood same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, William Norton, South ... 3 roods same furlong, William Norton on both sides ... 1 rood same furlong, William Norton, North, Thomas Norton junior, South, abutting customary headland of William Norton, East ... 1 rood same furlong, Thomas Norton junior, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting East on said headland ... 4 roods same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North and South, of which two abutt on headland, the customary land of William Norton, East, the other two on land Thomas Norton senior, East ... 5 roods same furlong, William Norton, North, customary land William Norton, South, abutting on piece of meadow of Thomas Norton senior, East ... 2 roods same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, Thomas Norton junior, South, abutting on Boxe mead, East ... Boxe mead containing 1 acre inclosed with a ditch on one side and both ends ... 1 rood in same furlong, Thomas Norton senior both sides, abutting Thomas Norton senior, East ... 1 rood same furlong, Thomas Norton both sides, abutting Thomas Norton, East ... ½ acre abutting Rood furlong, North, William Norton, West, Thomas Norton junior, East ... ½ acre in Redycombe furlong, late Edmund Wingate on both sides, abutting Thomas Norton senior, West ... ½ acre same furlong, Thomas Norton junior, North, late Edmund Wingate, South ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton, North, Thomas Norton senior, South, abutting on Reddycombe Hill. West ... ½ acre same furlong, customary land William Norton both sides ... ½ acre in furlong between Redycombe baulke and Bredymeade, William Norton both sides, abutting on headland late in tenure of William Norton, West ... 1 acre same furlong, William Norton both sides, abutting on headland ... half the meadow called Bredymead, which was divided between William Burr and Thomas Norton senior ... half Keycroftmeade, divided similarly ... 3 acres meadow in Fanne mead ... 2 leys containing 1 acre on the South of Breadymeade, abutting late Edmund Wingate, East ... 6 acres in the Bottome, Thomas Norton senior, North, and Brodymeade, South, abutting on Thomas Norton senior and William Norton, West ... 1 acre at East end of said piece, land late William Norton, East, abutting on land late Edmund Wingate, North ... 3 half-acres in Bredymeade furlong, William Norton, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting on Brodymeade, East ... ½ acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate both sides, abutting on Brodymeade, East ... 1 acre same furlong, Thomas Norton senior, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting Brodymeade, East ... 3 half-acres same furlong, customary land William Norton, North, land late in tenure of William Norton, South ... 1 acre same furlong, land in tenure of William Norton, North, Thomas Norton senior, South ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton, North, Smithcombe Hill, South, abutting East on Thomas Norton senior ... ½ acre in Smithcombe furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, William Norton, South, abutting late Edmund Wingate, East ... 1 acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, abutting William Norton, East ... ½ acre in Longhenlow furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, William Norton, South, abutting headland of Edmund Wingate, West ... ½ acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, Thomas Norton junior, South, abutting said headland, West ... ½ acre same furlong, customary land William Norton, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting headland ... 1 acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, Thomas Norton junior, South, abutting said headland ... 1 acre in Short Hendlow furlong, William Norton, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting Little Brooke ... 3 roods in furlong going over Berkham Mouth, late Edmund Wingate, East, late in tenure of William Norton, West, abutting on Short Hendlow furlong, North ... one piece of meadow lying at head of the Fountaine, abutting on late Edmund Wingate, North, on little brook, East, Thomas Norton, West ... 3 half-acres land lying in Cellhole furlong, Rector on both sides, abutting on Chadcombe Hill, West ... half acre in same furlong, Thomas Norton junior, South, customary land William Norton, North, abutting on Chadcombe Hill, West ... ½ acre same furlong, customary land William Norton, South, land Thomas Norton senior, North, abutting Streatley Hill, East ... ½ acre in a short furlong between the Cell Hole furlong and Maghole, land late said Edmund Wingate, South, Thomas Norton senior, North, abutting Streatley Hill, East ... 1 rood same furlong, Thomas Norton senior, South, William Norton, North ... 1 rood same furlong, customary land William Norton, South, Thomas Norton junior, North ... 2 roods same furlong, Thomas Norton, South, late Edmund Wingate, North, abutting as above ... 2 roods same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, South, and a rood belonging to the town of Barton, North ... 2 acres at Maghole Mouthe, Thomas Norton junior on both sides, abutting William Norton, West ... ½ acre same furlong, Thomas Norton junior, North, Thomas Norton senior, South, abutting on a little brook, West ... ½ acre same furlong, Thomas Norton junior, South, Thomas Norton senior, North, abutting a little brook, West ... ½ acre same furlong, customary land William Norton, South, Thomas Norton senior, North, abutting on little brook ... ½ acre same furlong, Thomas Norton, South, abutting as above ... 3 halfacres in Kycroft, late Thomas Cheyney and now Thomas Norton junior on both sides, abutting on little brook, West ... ½ acre same furlong, late Thomas Cheyney now Thomas Norton junior, South, Kycroft mead, North, little brook, West ... 1 acre in Redside furlong, Thomas Norton senior, West, customary land William Norton, East, abutting on seven short pieces of land lying unploughed of the said William Burr, North ... 7 short pieces of land lying unploughed, by estimate 1 acre, Kycroft, West, William Norton, East, little brook, North ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton on both sides, abutting on little brook, North ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton both sides, abutting on little brook, North ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton both sides, abutting on Barton Church Hole, South and East ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton both sides, abutting on way leading from Streatley to Barton, South ... ½ acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, East, William Norton, West, abutting on said way, South ... 3 halfacres abutting on little brook, North, and on Redside furlong, South, Thomas Harding, East ... ½ acre same furlong, Thomas Harding, West, land of the farmer of John Butler, knight, of Streatley, East ... 2 acres in furlong abutting on Burden Crosse furlong on South, on the Hill, North, land late Edmund Wingate, East, William Norton, West ... a headland acre at Burden Crosse furlong, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting on another highway, East ... 3 acres in same furlong,, William Norton, North, Thomas Norton junior, South, abutting as headland ... ½ acre same furlong, William Norton, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting as above ... 2 acres same furlong, William Norton, North, Thomas Norton senior, South, abutting as above ... ½ acre going over the way leading from Streatley towards and to Barton, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, North, late Edmund Wingate, South, abutting on late of Thomas Norton senior, East ... 1 acre same furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South ... 1 acre abutting on Maghole, West, the farmers of John Butler, knight, North, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South ... 3 halfacres abutting on Maghole, North, lying by way leading from Streatley to Barton, West ... 1 rood abutting on Chadcombe Hole, Thomas Harding, North, land late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South ... 1 acre same furlong, Thomas Norton senior, North, John Norton, South, abutting land late Thomas Cheyney and now John Butler, knight, East ... ½ acre same furlong, John Norton, North, Rectory, South ... 1 rood abutting on North Bread, West, land of Thomas Harding, North, Thomas Norton senior, South ... 1 acre abutting on a broad balk leading from Robert Hardings towards Bearecombe, West, Rectory, North, John Norton, South ... 1 acre in furlong going over the way leading from Streatley to Barton, Thomas Harding both sides, abutting land of Rector, East ... ½ acre abutting on Cell Weere, West, John Norton, North, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South ... 1 acre in furlong abutting on Hitchway, North, land of town of Streatley, West, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, East ... 1 acre in Whetebread furlong, Thomas Harding, West, Thomas Norton senior, East, abutting Hitchway, North ... 1 acre same furlong, Thomas Norton, West, Thomas Harding, East ... 1 acre Windmill Hill furlong, Thomas Norton senior, West, Rectory, East, abutting Hitchway, South ... 1 acre in Haselboroughe furlong, late William Atwood, West, Thomas Harding, East, abutting Rector, South ... 1 acre same furlong, Thomas Harding, West, Thomas Norton senior, East ... 1 acre same furlong, Thomas Norton senior, West, late William Attwood, East, abutting land of farmers of Sir John Butler, knight, North ... 2 acres land abutting land of lord of Sharpenhoe, North and East, Rectory, West, John Norton, East ... 1 acre same furlong, Thomas Harding, West, Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, East ... 3 halfacres in Windmill Hill furlong near Bedford Highway, Rectory, East, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, West, abutting Hitchway, West ... a piece of land containing by estimate 4 acres lying on Hurstable, Bedfordway, West, Barton field, East, abutting late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, North ... 1 acre in Middle furlong, Thomas Harding, South, the farmers of John Butler, knight, North, abutting late Edmund Wingate, East ... 4 acres in Whitefurlong, Rectory, North, farmers of John Butler, knight, South, abutting headland late William Attwood, East ... 1 acre in furlong near Yerlonges, John Butler, knight, North, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, South, abutting headland John Norton, West ... 1 acre in Noemans baulke furlong, late Edmund Wingate, North, Rectory, South, abutting headland John Norton, East ... 1 acre same furlong, Rectory, North, late William Attwood, South ... 1 acre same furlong, John Norton, North and South ... 1 acre in furlong at the East end of the abovementioned furlong, called Noemans baulke furlong, John Butler, knight, both sides, abutting on land late William Attwood, North ... 2 acres in Yerelongside furlong, Rectory, West, Thomas Norton senior, East, abutting on Yerelong Way, North ... headland acre of land abutting into Bedford way, East, late Thomas Cheyney now John Butler, knight, North ... 1 acre in Burtshole furlong, late Edmund Wingate, East, John Norton, West, abutting headland of Thomas Harding, South ... 4 acres same furlong, Rectory, East, John Butler, knight, West, abutting headland of Rector, South ... 1 acre going over the way leading from Streatley to Luton, Rectory, South, John Norton, North, abutting on headland late William Attwood, West ... 1 acre in furlong abutting on said way leading from Streatley to Luton, East, Rectory, North, John Butler, knight, South ... piece of land 3 acres in furlong abutting on the way leading from Streatley to Bramhanger, East, late William Attwood, South, John Norton, North to hold to uses of indentures of 25 October 16 Elizabeth 1574. Appointment of George Wingate and Henry Alway, gentlemen, attornies, to give livery of seisin signed John Buttler witnesses: Thomas Shotbolte, Henry Buttler, Francis Wywyn 20 Jan 1575 endorsed: Livery of seisin in presence of William Norton of Sharpenhoe, William Wingate, John Alwey, Luke Norton, Ralph Alway, Richard Allwey, Richard Deacons, Michael Burre, John Burre 25 May 1575 marked "No.2"
  • Reference
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