• Reference
  • Title
    Letter from Elizabeth Hume Campbell, to son Alexander Hume-Campbell, Lord Polwarth. Sent from London to Paris. 'We went into a second mourning on Sunday.' [Deceased not specified; letters have been sealed with black sealing wax since October, but again, deceased not named, though first mourning possibly for writer's Mother, Elizabeth Crompton, who died September 1770].
  • Date free text
    11 Dec 1770
  • Production date
    From: 1770 To: 1770
  • Scope and Content
    Annie Carre asks if Alexander would acquire her a watch; the price to be £20, otherwise leaves to Alexander's choice, but would like to to be enamel. Hopes he can get a watch and chain for that sum. Miss Johnson seems greatly pleased with her intended marriage, but Lady Beauchamp informed the writer that the rest of the family were far from satisfied, as they find the gentleman is in debt. 'My poor Father grows worse, and weaker every day, and yet, unless some sudden change should happen, there is no immediate propsect of his death.' Mention of Frank [Francis] Barker.
  • Level of description