• Reference
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    When he goes to Chenies will obtain the names of all those fishing there this season. Will get a list of the birds which Anderson has in his care at the Aviary, and will consult Forbes as to the Man and Wife who are most likely to suit. "I think the Duke will do right to part with the Water Fowl, as they make the water on the lower pond (the Green House pond) so filthy, & in this dry season when the Hop Garden pond is so low, the water from the Green House pond is all that can be had for household purposes, impregnated as it is with the filth of the Aviary Water Fowls." To meet Mr Cubitt at eleven on Monday. There is a steady young man in Mr Hacker's office, son of Smith the Abbey house porter, who would do well for Tavistock office: "he has 16 shillings a week with us and I dare say a salary of £70 a year would be the highest object of his ambition". He is very quick and would be very useful in checking the Surveyor of Works Bills, squaring dimensions, and general copying, although "he does not write quite so bold and round a hand as I should require for our Rentals". Mr Hacker encourages fine and small writing as being in his opinion more Tradesman-like - he will not want to part with Smith just now as Roote has had to leave "being in a rapid decline" and his replacement is still quite raw. Is it worth the expense of a new lease for Cople Rectory? Returns the information about the Steam Engine, and a note from Mr Tylecote. Is afraid that Mr Hutton [Woburn Parsonage] will again trouble the Duke about his painting - tenants apply for only half what they want done, and then do double the work and seek to have it paid for. The whole may not be unreasonable, but the way they go about it is anything but fair and open. Met Captain Polhill at Goldington, and agreed the boundary of his manor. The Duke can claim the rest. [2 sheets]
  • Date free text
    12 July 1846
  • Production date
    From: 1846 To: 1846
  • Level of description