Scope and Content
1. Marriage Settlement (lease and release) 21, 22 Jul 1795
i) John, Earl of Ashburnham
ii) the Right Honourable George Ashburnham, commonly called Lord Viscount St Asaph, only son and heir of i)
iii) the Right Honourable Algernon, Earl of Beverley
the Right Honourable Lady Charlotte Percy, his eldest daughter
iv) the most noble Duke and Earl of Northumberland
Sir Peter Burrell, baronet
Robert Vyner junior, esquire
recites: settlement on marriage of ii) with Sophia, late Viscountess St Asaph, then deed of certain hereditaments in Sussex, and her death. Marriage intended between ii) and Lady Charlotte Percy
now i) conveys to iv):
... manors or lordships of Fitsjeoffreys Vauxes and Clapham and appurtenances and all tythes payable to i), rectory of Clapham, and all messuages, farms, lands etc. of i) in Clapham, Oakley, Bolnhurst, Thurleigh, Keysholt and parishes of St Paul, St Peter, St Cuthbert and Goldington in Bedford
upon trusts ...
2. Will (extract) 10 Nov 1807
John, Earl of Ashburnham
to son George, Viscount St Asaph, all real estate
3. Conveyance (lease and release) 22, 23 Mar 1813
i) George, Earl of Ashburnham and wife Charlotte
ii) Hugh, Duke of Northumberland
Sir Peter Burrell, then Peter, Lord Gwyder who had survived R Vyner
recites: X418/33/1
death of R Vyner, 1810
Charlotte, Countess of Ashburnham had agreed to release annual rent charge of £800 and ii) agreed to surrender remainder of term of 200 years in property in X418/33/1
now i) convey to ii) for 200 year term:
... certain hereditaments in Sussex of annual value of £1300
to use of i) and heirs, subject to rent charge of £800 per annum payable to Charlotte, Countess of Ashburnham
4. Deed to Lead the Uses of a Fine 23 Mar 1813
i) George, Earl of Ashburnham and wife Charlotte
ii) Hugh, Duke of Northumberland
Peter, Lord Gwyder
iii) William Martin Foster, gentleman
recites: X418/33/1
i) had to satisfaction of wife Charlotte, secured to her an annual rent charge of £800 in lieu of rent charge secured to her on Bedfordshire estate and i) had determined to levy a fine on Bedfordshire estate and that ii) agreed to surrender residue of term of 200 years in order that it might be merged
now i) agree to levy fine to iii) of
... property as in X418/33/1
so that rent charge be extinguished
ii) yield up remainder of 200 year term to i)
5. Final Concord Hilary Term 53 George III
i) William Martin Foster, gentleman, querent
ii) George, Earl of Ashburnham and wife Charlotte, deforciants
... manors of Fitzjeoffreys Vauxes and Clapham with appurtenances and 30 messuages, 60 dovehouses, 30 gardens, 1200 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 900 acres pasture, 200 acres wood, 400 acres furze and heath and common of pasture for all cattle, free warren and free fishing with appurtenances in Clapham, Oakley, Bolnhurst, Thurleigh, Keysoe, Goldington and Bedford and also rectory of Clapham with appurtenances, and all tythes in Clapham and Goldington and parishes of St Paul, St Peter, St Cuthbert, Bedford and advowson of vicaridge of Clapham
6. Conveyance (lease and release) 16/17 Jul 1813
i) George, Earl of Ashburnham
ii) William Danes of Bedford, yeoman
iii) Thomas Green of Kingsthorpe Lodge, Kingsthorpe, Northamptonshire, gentleman
iv) John Sheppard of Northamptonshire, gentleman
recites: X418/33/4
Auction held at Swann Inn, Bedford on 25 November 1812, on behalf of i) to sell property in X418/33/1. iii) purchased lots 11, 30, and 34 at £7000 but this was agreed to be reduced to £6910 in consequence of a deficiency in measure. ii) was purchasor of lot 35 at £3040 but which was reduced to £2730..8s. Since auction, iii) contracted with ii) for sale to him of his interest in hereditaments in lot 11 and for whole of lot 34 at £2980 and has also agreed with ii) for purchase of his interests in lot 35 at £1870, making a total of £5801..1s..4d to be paid by iii) excluding timber growing on said lands which, by terms of sale, was agreed to be valued, and has since been valued at £46..5s, making a total of £5847..9s
now: consideration £5847..9s by iii) to ii)
i) and ii) convey to iii)
... close of ancient enclosed lands in Clapham containing 7 acres called the Pen
... close of ancient enclosed land in Clapham containing 10 acres 2 roods called Two Acre Close and Gales Close
... close ancient enclosed land in Clapham containing 4 acres 1 rood 3 perches called Coalsea Close
... close ancient enclosed land in Clapham containing 8 acres 2 roods 18 perches called Home Close, together with barn and buildings standing thereon
... close ancient enclosed land in Clapham containing 9 acres 2 roods 13 perches called Milton Close
... close ancient enclosed land in Clapham containing 11 acres 2 roods 13 perches called Taylors Close, being heretofore 3 closes, called Great Taylors Pightle, Middle Taylors Pightle and Taylors Pightle
... close ancient enclosed land in Clapham containing 4 acres 27 perches called Furlong in Six Acres
all which late occupied by Thomas Stuart
... south side or part containing 34 acres 3 roods 3 perches of all that close of new enclosed land in Clapham containing 74 acres 1 rood 16 perches, called Pear Tree Field, the whole of which late occupied by Thomas Stuart, Elizabeth Fossell and John Bazely
... close new enclosed land in Clapham containing 9 acres 1 rood 28 perches called Elliotts Holme, part was therefore part of the Cow Common and residue part of field called Gravel Field Corner
... plot new enclosed land in Clapham containing 14 acres 1 rood called Gravel Field Corner
which last 2 closes late occupied by William Ealing
... south side or part containing 43 acres 2 roods 19 perches of close of new enclosed ground in Clapham containing 63 acres 2 roods 19 perches called Gravel Field, late occupied by John Bazely, Elizabeth Fossell and William Eling
... great tythes of corn, hay and wood for above closes
to iv) in trust for iii)
7. Deed of Covenant to Produce Deeds
i) Earl of Ashburnham
ii) Thomas Green
i) covenants to produce to ii):
Letters Patent granted by Henry VIII, 30 March 36 Henry VIII [1544/45]
Indentures of 15 October 1705, 1, 2 March 1705, 28, 29 May 1708, Trinity Term 1 Ann [1702/03]. Copy will of John, Lord Ashburnham, 7 November 1709,
Indentures 18, 19 November 1723, 22, 23 November 1723, Hilary Term 10 George I [1723/24], 9 May 1751, Easter Term 1751, 18, 19 June 1756 and deeds recited in preceeding parts of X418/33
8. Mortgage 14, 15 Apr 1819
i) Thomas Green
ii) William Smith
iii) John Shepard
consideration: £2400
... as in X418/33/6
i) grants terms in property to iii) in trust for ii)
9. Assignment of Mortgage 11, 12 Jul 1823
i) William Smith
ii) Thomas Green
iii) Sir William Long
recites: X418/33/6, X418/33/8
now consideration: £2400 to i) by iii)
£600 to ii) by iii)
i) assigns term to iii)
10. Marriage Settlement 15 Sep 1828
i) Irene Pearce of Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, spinster
ii) Alexander Sharman of Wellingborough, Northamptonshire
iii) Matthew Pearce of Glasgow, esquire
Mark Sharman of Wellingborough, gentleman
Eric Rudd of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex
recites: marriage intended between i) and ii)
i) transfers to iii)
... certain monies
upon trust for investment...
11. Conveyance (lease and release)) 20, 21 Dec 1829
i) Sir William Long
ii) Thomas Green
iii) Alexander Sharman and wife Irene
iv) Matthew Pearce
Mark Sharman
Eric Rudd
recites: X418/33/6
now: consideration: £3000 to i) by iv)
£1990 to ii) by iv)
... property as in X418/33/6 [up to the Furlong in Six Acres marked in margin as since sold to Duke of Bedford, in all 55 acres 2 roods 34 perches]
to iv) in trust for iii) no date