• Reference
  • Title
    Release of Conveyance by Lease and Release by i) to trustees for iv) [Attested copy]
  • Date free text
    6 Jan 1820
  • Production date
    From: 1787 To: 1836
  • Scope and Content
    i) Peregrine Nash, Bedford, common brewer and wife Mary ii) John Wing, Bedford, stonemason, a trustee for i) iii) John Day, Bedford, tanner, another trustee for i) iv) George Peregine Nash, Bedford, common brewer, eldest son and heir apparent of i) v) Phoebe Nash, Woburn, spinster, one of sisters of Peregrine Nash vi) William Silvester Addington, Goldington Lodge, Bedford, esquire vii) Theed Pearse senior, Bedford, gentleman Reciting conveyance 5, 6 April 1803 between 1) Betty Watkins, Bedford, spinster 2) Peregrine Nash 3) John Day being conveyance by 1) to 2) of ... messuage or dwelling house then lately the Star Inn (now the Bull) in Angel Street in Bedford St Paul with stables etc. Reciting conveyance 14 April 1803 between 1) John Emery, Bedford, grocer 2) Peregrine Nash 3) John Day ... piece of ground in Bedford St Peter whereon a public house now called the Peacock hath been since erected and reciting conveyance of 4, 5 April 1791 by 1) to 2) 1) John Costin, Bedford, merchant 2) Peregrine Nash and John Wing ... messuage being a public house called the Red Lion and close of pasture adjoining at Oakley, and 3 acres land in common fields of Oakley and reciting conveyance 19, 20 April 1799 to 3) 1) John Sheard, Marston Mortaine, blacksmith and wife Mary 2) William Bull, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, dissenting teacher 3) Peregine Nash and John Day ... messuage and land at Marston Mortaine and at Cranfield and reciting that Peregine Nash is seized in one undivided moiety (George Peregrine Nash being seized of the other undivided moiety) of:- ... the inn called the Ship and another messuage adjoining and the garden or orchard contiguous in Bedford St Cuthbert ... the Kings Arms in Bedford St Mary purchased of one John Slinn (subject to remaining term 1000 years created by John Slinn to William Ibbott in 1809) ... the White Bear in Bedford St Paul ... two cottages, one now the White Hart, and the orchard in Sherrington, Buckinghamshire and reciting that until the end of 1819 Peregrine and George Peregrine Nash were co-partners in trade of common brewer which trade had been solely conducted by George Peregrine Nash, by whose good management same was greatly promoted, and that Peregrine Nash had provided for his other children, and has withdrawn himself from the business, and that he has been assured of an annuity of £420, and to his wife (if she survives him) annuity of £250, and to Phoebe Nash annuity £40 Release of Conveyance by Lease and Release by i) to trustees for iv) ... messuage in High Street, Bedford St Pauls, called the Cross Keys, late in tenure of Eleanor Button, now of John Kent, a house late in occupation of James Bradley now of Paradine Hodgkins, North; house formerly called the French Horn late in occupation of Archibald Macdonald now of James Bassett, South; High Street, East [conveyed to Peregrine Nash by indentures Lease and Release 19, 20 June 1792 by the Reverend Thomas Hornbuckle, clerk] ... messuage called the Barley Mow, heretofore in tenure of Samuel Smith, now of Humphrey Coulston, in High Street, Bedford St Paul, fronting the street, West; a messuage late in occupation of John Gilham now Benjamin Malden, North; a messuage late in occupation of John Bradley now of Ebenezer Mayle, South; and Castle Lane, East [conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Emery Palmer and wife Mary 9, 10 October 1797] ... the Robin Hood and now in occupation of Richard Amos (part of which was built by Peregrine Nash on scite of three messuages and warehouse or china shop) in High Street in Bedford St Paul adjoining messuage or shop and warehouse belonging to Robert Wilkin Robinson, North ... stable at east end of last mentioned premises [both last mentioned premises conveyed to Peregrine Nash by Robert Wilkin Robinson by indentures dated 26, 27 March 1800] ... messuage late the Star Inn, now the Bell, in Angel Street, Bedford, being the corner house, fronting in part to Angel Street, West, and Gaol Lane, now Silver Street, North, and for many years in possession or occupation of William Hill, now John Jordan [as above in recitals] with stables etc. ... messuage late in occupation of Widow Rayment now of Charles Carter called the Coach and Horses, in Bedford St Pauls, adjoining Stone house Lane, North, with yard adjoining on which yard formerly stood two cottages in occupation of Widow Fenn and Richard Smith now pulled down by Peregrine Nash ... scite or piece of ground on which messuage in occupation of John Lowe formerly stood, and on which Peregrine Nash has built a cottage adjoining the last described premises on the South, and St Pauls churchyard, North, now in occupation of Widow Bailey ... messuage or tenement in Stone house Lane with yard for some time now in occupation of George Bailey and abutting North on Stone house Lane all of which said last mentioned messuages abut North on Stone house Lane, East, on ground of Commissioners for improvement of town of Bedford where the meat market now is, and South on wall of St Pauls churchyard, and West on premises lately purchased by said Commissioners of Peregrine Nash, and were all conveyed to Peregrine Nash by the said Commissioners by indentures 3, 4 October 1805 ... messuage or tenement in tenure of James Mansfield and called the Griffin, but now divided into two tenements, one occupied by George Francis and called the Angel, and the other one in occupation of Samuel Bailey in Bedford St Mary in Cauldwell Street, fronting the street North, and messuage now in occupation of one Sawell, West, house formerly Henry Thomas and now of Jane Markham and house formerly the County Bridewell and now belonging to John Richardson on East, which property was bought by Peregrine Nash of Mary Hill 15, 16 July 1799 ... piece of ground in Bedford St Peters and inn called the sign of the Peacock lately built on it. The land formerly contained a messuage, barn and stable in occupation of Thomas Warr, afterwards one Pinkard, since burnt down Conveyed to Nash as in above recitals ... cottage in East End of Wilden called the Chequers abutting South and East on Kings Highway and now in occupation of John Davis ... cottage adjoining the above in East End of Wilden now in occupation of James Watts ... land in Brook Furlong in Wilden containing 1 acre 2 roods 31 perches (with bounds) the above Wilden property having been conveyed to Nash by Elizabeth Read, widow and Alice Taylor, widow on 27, 28 April 1787 ... plot of land in Stafford field in Pavenham containing 3 roods 17 perches (with bounds) and another plot in same field 3 roods 25 perches (bounds) now in occupation of widow Ashpole, and were conveyed to Peregrine Nash 12, 13 June 1788 by William Swannell the younger ... messuage once called the Red Lion but now the Bedford Arms at Oakley in Duck End, late in occupation of Grace Ekins now of the widow Foster, and close of pasture in Oakley 1½ acres adjoining messuage, and land in Church Field in Oakley 3 acres 3 roods 8 perches (with bounds), all of which conveyed to Nash as in above recitals ... messuage in Wroxhill in Marston Mortaine now in occupation of Samuel Clare and called the Sugar Loaf, with close adjoining, 5 acres (bounds); piece of meadow, with close called Reynolds, 1 acre (bounds) and 1 acre wood in Cranfield conveyed to Nash as in recital above in conveyance of 19, 20 April 1799 ... the White Swan Inn in Elstow with barn, stable, garden etc., with scite of ground where a malting and cottage and afterwards a butchers shop stood adjoining the said inn, all late in tenure of Thomas Eyles, now of John Coles, which were conveyed to Nash by indentures 16, 17 October 1807 by Robert Eyles and Marshall Eales, and John Payne and William Brown (assignees of estate of Thomas Eyeles then bankrupt) undivided moiety of Peregrine Nash of ... the Ship Inn and detached washhouse, lately a small messuage or dwelling house, in Bedford St Cuthbert, with garden or orchard adjoining, all late in tenure of William Briggs now of Joseph Baxter, conveyed by William Briggs by indentures 19, 20 April 1810 ... Kings Arms, in High Street in Bedford St Mary, with brew house or washhouse adjoining, and stable and straw barn or chaise house adjoining the brewhouse, and range of building lately 3 stables and a storehouse and heretofore four stables, but now 5 stables and a chaise house on south side of inn yard, abutting on building of Hannah Dennis, widow, now or lately used as a Candle house, West, and on churchyard, South, all lately in occupation of John Slinn and now of Thomas Buck together with 5 cottages with gardens in tenures late of Widow Barker, William Huckle, Thomas Hall, Benjamin Clifton and John Attack, and now of widow Parker, John Bryant, William Huckle, widow Hall and Robert Prior in Potter Street, Bedford St Mary. piece of garden late in occupation of John Slinn now of Thomas Buck adjoining the 5 cottages, all of which 5 cottages and gardens, and also the piece of garden ground, abut South on Potter Street, West, on last described premises and church yard, North, on roadway to Kings Arms Inn from a Back Lane leading from Duck Lane into Potter Street, and East on said Back Lane, conveyed by John Slinn by indentures 17, 18 December 1810 excepting at all times for Hannah Dennis into and from the Cellar and Candle House adjoining the inn yard, and from her stable and garden a right of way through the inn yard ... the messuage in Bedford St Paul called the White Bear now in tenure of Thomas Evans, the messuage of John Cooch, North, Horn Lane alias Harpurs Row, South, fronting East to common street, and the Long Stable near Horn Lane and belonging to the messuage (reserving to John Cooch and his successors the liberty of placing a pipe in the well of the yard of the White Bear and to repair it) which was conveyed to Peregrine Nash by indentures 1, 2 April 1812 by William Long and Theed Pearse as trustees, William and Thomas Watkins, and Mary Watkins, widow ... cottage with appurtenances in Sherrington, Buckinghamshire, called the White Hart public house, late in occupation of William Borton, now John Westly, together with cottage formerly a washhouse, and an orchard at the West end thereof, lately converted into a garden (bounds) upon various trusts and subject to certain provisoes and reciting lease dated 4 April 1804 between the mayor and corporation of Bedford and Peregrine Nash, being a lease to Nash of: ... two tenements standing in the Fish Market in Bedford St Paul in occupation of John Swepson bounded West by the Fish Market, South, by tenement, then belonging to William Woodroffe and then in occupation of Edward Jones, East, by Cross Keys then also in occupation of John Swepson, and North, by messuage belonging to Mr Robert Thompson for 99 years assignment of premises for remainder of lease endorsed reciting indenture Lease and Release 13, 14 December 1833 1) George Peregrine Nash 2) John Green, Bedford, gentleman 3) Thomas Barnard, Bedford, banker by which certain parts of hereditaments comprized in within written indentures, viz: ... messuage called the Barley Mow now in occupation of John Coulston in high street, Bedford St Paul (with bounds) was dealt with Memorandum that these properties were conveyed to John Green, by way of mortgage to secure £2000 14 Dec 1833 copy made 23 April 1836
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