• Reference
  • Title
    Colmworth: County Voluntary Primary School. Classroom extension (P384). [E/C20/P2]
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1969 To: 1970
  • Scope and Content
    Memo from Chief Education Officer to County Architect regarding Upper Schools, Kempston & Dunstable Phase II Science Provision [E/D37/P1]; "On page 12 of the Brief I sent to you on Oct 30 for this project, I Listed the accommodation which I envisaged we would require. I have given a good deal more thought to this matter and am most anxious that the requirements I listed should not influence adversely good, sensible and economic planning. With this in mind and following a talk Mr Gaskell had with your Mr Slatter I hope it will be helpful to express our foreseeable needs in a rather more flexible form, i.e. as lying between the ranges expressed in the following [(a) = Original Brief, (b) = Modified Brief]; Biology/Physics Laboratory (a) 960 sq ft, (b) 960 sq ft; VIth Form Biology Laboratory (a) 750 sq ft, (b) 600 sq ft; VIth Form Physics Laboratory (a) 750 sq ft, (b) 600 sq ft; Microbiology Room (a) 140 sq ft, (b) 140 sq ft; Electronics Bay (a) -, (b) 120 sq ft; Darkroom (a) 120 sq ft, (b) 120 sq ft; Seminar Room (a) 360 sq ft, (b) 360 sq ft; Radioactivity Room (a) 200 sq ft, (b) 200 sq ft; Reference Area (a) -, (b) 180 sq ft; (both totalling 3,280 sq ft); 19 Dec 1969 Drawing No. 8; Site Plan and Drainage; Shows existing school and extension with levels and position of manholes; scale 1/16" to 1'; Aug 1969 Drawing No. 1b; Layout Plan; with Internal Doorframes - Fixing Details; Section through in-situ concrete stair (mentions Vinyl Asbestos tiles); details of internal and external materials and finishes; scale 1/4" to 1'; Aug 1969 (Both of the above marked H F Bull & Sons Ltd) Drawing; Sketch showing new position of water supply to Rectory Farm; not to scale; May 1970 Letter from County Architect to Seabrook & Gale, Rectory Farm, Colmworth; "I have now received an estimate from H F Bull & Sons of Sandy for the laying of a water pipe in the track adjacent to Colmworth School. I understand from my assistant Mr Holmes that he has discussed the matter with you and that you would like the water supply pipe to your farm relayed off the County Council property. Your suggestion was, if the County Council were to pay for connecting a new water pipe in the road and lay the pipe in the verge of the track adjacent to the School boundary, to a point in line with the fence to the North West boundary of the School, you would be prepared to bear the cost of taking the supply from this point to your farm. Could you please confirm this when I would be prepared to give instructions for this work to be carried out. I apologise for any inconvenience caused to you by the break in your water supply recently"; 1 Jun 1970 Letter from County Architect to H F Bull & Sons, 1 Ivel Road, Sandy; "At a meeting held on site at Colmworth School on 12 May 1970 it was agreed between my assistant and yourself that a protection fence would be erected around the area of the building works at the school. It has been brought to my notice that only a part of this fence has been erected, on one side of the site. Will you please complete the erection of this protection fencing around all the area of the building works at the earliest opportunity"; 29 Jun 1970 Memo from A C Smith (?County Architect) to Chief Education Officer, attention Mr Gaskell; "Further to your telephone conversation with my assistant Mr R B M Holmes, I would confirm that we are now in a position to proceed with a sketch design for the extension to Colmworth Primary School and we require to know the exact number of places the extension is required to accommodate. I would be grateful to have this information as soon as possible"; 29 Apr 1969 Further memo; "To design an extension to an existing school and make SB22 and 16 submissions to the Department of Education and Science, the brief must state an exact number of pupils. This is a small extension and therefore has a high cost per sq ft. Due to the Building Code provisions for lavatories for more than 50 pupils it is uneconomical to design for a small increase over 50 pupils, and would involve an extra 4 W.C.s and 4 wash basins. I therefore propose to design the extension for 50 pupils, which will provide for 2 more W.C.s, 2 more wash basins, additional cloak space and a total teaching area of at least 1,575 sq ft"; 14 May 1969 Drawing; Proposed Extensions; Plan (with area for future extension); South West Elevation; Section; with note on areas: Main Teaching Area 22' x 12', 15'6" x 10', 417 sq ft; Hobbies Area 12' x 10', 120 sq ft; Library and Quiet Area 21' x 10', 210 sq ft; total teaching area 747 sq ft; total area 879 sq ft; scale 1/8"; Jun 1969 Form SB22; Includes schedule of teaching accommodation and Brief Outline Specification; Estimated total gross cost £6,194; intended start date Jan 1970 With memo from County Architect to Clerk of the County Council; " I enclose Form SB22 together with two paper copies of drawing showing the classroom extension proposal, and shall be glad if you will forward these to the Department of Education and Science"; with note 'Mrs Lane, Education Department, telephoned today that SB22 would not be forwarded to DES because scheme not yet approved by Committee. Will just send SB16 when ready'; 17 Jul 1969 Another copy of Drawing No. 8 Another copy of Drawing No. 1b Drawing No. 1a (right hand); Single Classroom Unit; Basic Plan, Roof Plan, Elevations; scale 1/4" to 1'; Aug 1968; approved 3 Oct 1969 Another copy of Drawing No. 1b; approved 19 Sep and 3 Oct 1969 Another copy of Drawing No. 8; approved 19 Sep and 3 Oct 1969 Drawing No. 1; Sketch Plans and Elevations; scale 1/8" to 1'; with Location Plan; scale 1/32" to 1'; Nov 1964 Memo from County Architect to County Planner; "I propose submitting the Classroom Extension project to the Education Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee on 19 Sep, and accordingly I enclose two paper sets of my drawings showig this scheme and shall be glad to kow if you have any observations under the Town and Country Planning Acts. I have also enclosed Drawing No. 1 being the sketch plan for the existing school; the new extension is designed to match the existing using the same details and materials. The additional set of drawings is enclosed to enable you to consult Bedford Rural District Council"; 8 Sep 1969 Letter from Clerk of the County Council to H F Bull & Sons, 1 Ivel Road, Sandy; "I am directed to thank you for your tender for the one classroom extension to Colmworth VCP School and to say that, subject to contract to be entered into, my Authority have accepted your tender in the reduced figure of £6,646..6s..7d..."; 26 Mar 1970 Articles of Agreement and Schedule of Conditions between the County Council of the Administrative County of Bedford and H F Bull & Sons, for the erection and completion of a single classroom extension, for £6,646..6s..7d; 22 Apr 1970 With Form of Tender for £6,998..6s..7d; 12 Feb 1970 Letter from H F Bull & Sons to Architect's Department; "We herewith submit schedule rates allowed for materials, as requested: General Carcassing Timber - 14/3d per ft cube; Common Bricks - 153/- per 1000; Kirton Mixed Grey Wirecut Rustic Facings - 426/- per 1000; Gloss Paint - 76/- per gallon; Undercoat - 73/6 per gallon; Readymix Concrete 1:2:4 3/4" aggregate - 84/- per Y C; 3/8" aggregate - 89/- per Y C; 1:3:6 3/4" aggregate - 77/6 per Y C; 3/8" aggregate - 77/6 per Y C"; 13 Feb 1970
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