Date free text
1 November 1744
Production date
From: 1744 To: 1744
Scope and Content
(i) John Downes of Saint George the Martyr [Surrey], jeweller and Sarah, his wife (she being devisee and heir at law of John Garthorne her late brother);
(ii) Charles Scrase of Saint Clement Dane’s [Middlesex], gentleman
Operative Part:
- to settle estate (i) released (a)-(t) to (ii) for 5/-
(a) site of the Manor of Creakers and ground on which manor house used to stand;
(b) 7 acres of meadow in Westmead;
(c) 10 acres of arable in Millfield;
(d) ten acres of meadow with a cottage;
(e) wood called Cuckow Wood containing 40 acres;
(f) arable called Thirty Acres Piece adjoining Boseley Fields containing 31 acres, 3 roods, 2 perches;
(g) two pieces of land in Elderstump Furlong containing 1 acre, 2 roods;
(h) two pieces of land in Elderstump Furlong containing 2 roods, 20 perches;
(i) land in North Fields containing nine acres;
(j) land called Seven Acres Piece containing 5 acres, 20 perches;
(k) land of 4 acres, 2 roods, 20 perches;
(l) two pieces of land in Boseley Field containing 10 acres, 20 perches and 6 acres, 2 roods respectively;
(m) land containing 5 acres, 3 roods, 30 perches;
(n) land containing 5 acres, 3 roods, 30 perches;
(o) land containing 2 roods, 26 perches;
(p) close called Shepheards Pasture containing 24 acres, 2 roods, 34 perches on part of which a cottage and barn are standing;
(q) Pear Tree Close containing 11 acres, 1 rood, 32 perches;
(r) Little Islands containing 9 acres, 2 roods, 22 perches;
(s) Turvey’s Close and Spinney containing 11 acres, 3 roods, 24 perches;
(t) piece of meadow in Gadsey Mead called Number Fourteen containing 2 acres, 2 rood, 36½ perches “changeable every other year with the piece named Number Seventeen”
Operative Part:
- to (ii) charged with payment of £800 by mortgage to John Emerson of Little Hallingbury [Essex], clerk in trust: first out of rents and profits or by sale or mortgage pay any sums on behalf of (i) including the mortgage payments to John Emerson; second for purposes directed by (i); to the use of (i) for the life of the longest lived remainder to the use of (ii) in trust for sale and division of the monies equally amongst the children of (i) with one third for their son and the remaining two-thirds for equal division amongst their three daughters
- by (i) to levy a fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo etc
- John Elliott;
- Thomas Walker
Level of description