• Reference
  • Title
    Letter to “Tebbs” [possibly Horace Aubrey Nelson Tebbs MBE, Bedford solicitor] from 10 Hugh Street, London [signature unreadable]
  • Date free text
    27 November 1969
  • Production date
    From: 1969 To: 1969
  • Scope and Content
    “I saw Donald Hall today, and I can assure you that any rumours of my departure for another world are a wild exaggeration! I am still in the Land of the Living. I think the query was RNVR Geo V and VI I agree (if this was the query!) that neither is common, but I would day that at present the Geo V are more common than Geo VI. Ed VII are certainly not too plentiful - luckily I have 3 (one single and 2 in groups)”. “I wonder how your LS & GC [Long Service and Good Conduct] & MSM [Meritorious Service Medal] collection does on. I recently got 3 I am rather pleased with. Colonial Prison Service Medal (and I have had this checked in Hong Kong Gazette) and 2 Malta Police LS medals: Geo V Crowned and Coinage - latter confirmed in Malta Gaz -, but former not found yet. I am a member of R Commonwealth Soc where they have an extra-ordinary good library having all sorts of local Gazettes. I have a run at these, and am delighted when I find my medals confirmed in them. I also got a remarkable group recently! His first war medal is Naval LS & GC Victoria; his last awarded MSM, Geo V, Coinage, Military!! In between he got a MC [Military Cross], BWM [British war Medal], VM [Victory Medal], Order of Crown of Belgium and 2 Belgian C de G [Croix de Guerre]!! I have been able to check and confirm every one too, and also got a photo of him. His story was he was a R M [Royal Marines] Sgt [Sergeant] and got Naval LS before 1900. During Boer War he transferred to Army and became RSM [Regimental Sergeant Major] of 3rd Bn [Battalion], North Fus [Northumberland Fusiliers], which had just been raised. Discharged 1906. Rejoined Army 1914, got MC etc. As an old soldier got MSM in 1933. It really is a rather extraordinary group I think you will agree”. “Don’t bother to reply. I wonder if I may see you at Glend. On 17 Dec. I gather there is a very good sale then”.
  • Level of description