• Reference
  • Title
    Mortgage by Demise
  • Date free text
    30 April 1729
  • Production date
    From: 1729 To: 1730
  • Scope and Content
    Parties: (i) John Purser of Radwell, Felmersham, yeoman; (ii) John Potter, Bishop of Oxford Operative Part: - (i) demised (a)-(an) to (ii) for £250 Property: (a) farmhouse in Cople with two orchards and homestall adjoining containing 2 roods; (b) Home Close of 4 acres adjoining (a); (c) close of 2 acres abutting E on orchard belonging to a cottage in occupation of William Day and John Godfrey; (d) little piece of hop ground and the east end of (c) planted with fruit trees and containing half a rood; (e) in Nunsway Furlong, Park Field, with hedges and trees growing on it of 3 roods at Gamletts with common lane E and land of Sir William Gostwick W; (f) in Nunsway Furlong 6 lands with hedge and trees growing on it containing 4 acres with land late of Sir William Gostwick E and W; (g) in Illands Furlong, Park Field, 4 lands containing 2 acres lying behind Turpins, land late of Sir William Gostwick N and S; (h) in Brook Furlong in Windmill Field, 3 lands and 1 pightle pf pasture containing 1½ acres with Possessioning Way W, land late of Sir William Gostwick E, common brook N, headland formerly of Captain Spencer S; (i) in Brook Furlong in Windmill Field, 5 lands and 1 pightle of pasture containing 2½ acres with land of Sir William Gostwick E and W, common brook N and headland formerly of Captain Spencer S; (j) in Brook Furlong in Brook Field, 2 lands containing 1 acre, Hattle pightles W, land formerly of Captain Spencer E and common brook S; (k) in Rye Furlong in Brook Field 4 lands containing 1½ acres, land late of Sir William Gostwick N, land formerly of Captain Spencer W, land of Mr Luke S and E; (l) in Ashmead Furlong in Brook Field 1 land of 3 roods, land of Sir William Gostwick N, land late of Captain Spencer S and Possessioning Way W; (m) in Ashmead Furlong 1 rood with land late of Captain Spencer N and S, the Possessioning Way W; (n) in High Meadow Furlong in Brook Field 1 na d and heydon of 3 roods abutting down to the mill wheel N, land late of Sir William Gostwick S and W; (o) in High Meadow Furlong 2 lands and heydons of 1 acre lying by Heywards Baulk, land formerly of Captain Spencer W, land now or late of Sir William Gostwick E; (p) in Little Mead Furlong in Brook Field 4 lands containing 2 acres abutting down to Little Mead S, land formerly of Captain Spencer W and land of Sir William Gostwick E; (q) in Dean Furlong in Blackland Field 2 lands containing 1 acre abutting to Cople End Close Ends E and on The Dean W, land of Mr Luke N, land late of Sir William Gostwick S; (r) in Dean Furlong 1 land containing ½ acre abutting as (q) with land late of Sir William Gostwick N and S; (s) in Dean Furlong 2 lands containing 3 roods abutting as (q), land formerly of Captain Spencer N and S; (t) in Cambridge Way Furlong in Blackland Field 3 lands containing 1½ acres near the gravel pits, Cambridge Way N, land formerly of Captain Spencer W, land of Mr Luke E; (u) in Short Homer Furlong in Blackland Field two leys with trees growing thereon containing 3 roods abutting E on watercourse ditch, W on furlong that heads up to Gills Ditch, land late of Sir William Gostwick N, land formerly of Captain Spencer S; (v) in Short Homer Furlong one ley with trees growing thereon containing 1 rood abutting E on watercourse ditch, W on furlong going to Gills Ditch, land formerly of Captain Spencer on both sides; (w) in High Meadow 1 rood with River Great Ouse N, High Meadow Furlong S, ground of Mr Luke E and W; (x) in Ash Meadow 1½ roods abutting S on Ash Mead Furlong, N on River Great Ouse, ground late of Sir William Gostwick E, ground of Mr Luke W; (y) in Midsomer Meadow 2 acres with hedge and trees growing thereon abutting E on Rye Piece, W on common field, ground of Mr Luke N, ground formerly of Captain Spencer S; (z) in The Dean Meadow 2 acres abutting E on furlong shooting to Cople End, W on lower furlong in Windmill Field, ground late of Sir William Gostwick both sides (a)-(z) purchased by (i) from Mathew Watts in R6/14/11/8-9 10 acres, 1 rood in Cople as follows: (aa) in Empty Field alias Park Field two lands in Middle Furlong, 1 acre and a baulk between them abutting N on Long Empty Furlong, S on Nunway Furlong, land of Sir William Gostwick E and Mr Luke W; (ab) five lands next the park in Middle Piece, 2 acres, 1 rood abutting on Long Empty Furlong and Nunway Furlong south with land of Mr Luke W; (ac) in How Field two lands lying together on Ditch Furlong, 3 roods abutting N on the ditch, lands of Mr Luke E; (ad) in How Field two lands lying together, 1 acre near Prinner Pond abutting N on the ditch and S on land of M E Spencer formerly in the occupation of William Brace, lands late of M E Spencer on both sides; (ae) in Windmill Field 1 rood lying on Rye Furlong abutting E on Dean Furlong and W on Windmill Furlong, land of Sir William Gostwick S, (af) in Windmill Field 2 roods lying together on land shooting up to Cardington Way “whereupon the windmill did stand” abutting E on Middle Furlong, W on Cardington Way, land of Sir William Gostwick both sides; (ag) in Blackland Field three lands, 1½ acres abutting E on Short Homer Furlong and W on Gills Ditch, lands of Mr Spencer both sides; (ah) in Blackland Furlong 2 lands 3 roods lying behind Britchfords abutting N on gravel pits and S on Britchfords Close, Sir William Gostwick’s land both sides; (ai) in Blackland Field 1 land in Britchfords, ½ acre abutting N on furlong shooting to Cambridge Way and S on Dodmore Ditch, land of Mr Spencer W; (aj) in Blackland Field 1 land, 1 rood with The Dean W and Cople Way E, land of Sir William Gostwick N and land late of Mr Spencer S; (ak) in Blackland Field 1 land, 1 rood abutting W on The Dean and E on Merrills Close End land late of Mr Spencer both sides; (al) in Brook Field 1 land, ½ an acre lying near Cowbridge abutting E on on furlong leading to Willington Field side and W on Richards’ headlands, land of Mr Luke N; (am) in Brook Field 1 land ½ acre abutting as (l), land late of Mr Spencer both sides; (an) in Brook Field 1 land , 1 rood in a furlong shooting to Hill Meadow E and on Mr Thorowgood’s headland W, land of Sir William Gostwick S (aa)-(an) purchased by John Purser from Mathew Watts by R6/14/11/6-7 Habendum: - to (ii) for 1,000 paying a peppercorn rent; with proviso for equity of redemption of (i), interest paid at 5% Witnesses: - John White; - John Grey Indorsed with deed poll of John Purser and John Potter of 15 September 1730, reciting: - the £250 and interest was not paid to the Bishop, making his interest in (a)-(an) absolute; - the Bishop in Hilary Term 1730 obtained judgement at Court of King’s Bench against John Purser for £500 debt; - the judgement was obtained only as further security for the repayment of the £250; - £326/9/- was now owing to Alexander Leith, William Mince and Thomas Watford under R6/14/11/17; - Sarah, Dowager Duchess of Marlborough, Francis, 2nd Earl Godolphin, William Clayton of Westminster [Middlesex], esquire [later 1st Baron Sundon] and John Hanbury of Pontypool [Monmouthshire], esquire, the four trustees of the will of John, 1st Duke of Marlborough, deceased, had contracted with John Purser to buy (a)-(an) for £550; - lease and release of 14 and 15 September 1730 and fine sur cognizance de droit come ceo etc covenanted to be levied in which John Purser and Mary, his wife, conveyed (a)-(an) to the trustees [R6/14/11/20-21]; Operative Part: - the trustees paid £223/11/- to the Bishop by direction of John Purser; - Thomas Norgate of Saint James, Westminster paid 5/- to the Bishop; - the bishop assigned (a)-(an) to Thomas Norgate Habendum: - to Thomas Norgate for the residue of the term of 1,000 years in trust for the trustees Witnesses: - Joseph Gerard of Oxford; - Patrick Eson; - Edward Tomlinson; - John Grey
  • Level of description