• Reference
  • Title
    Grant by Letters Patent Reciting that Richard Fermour, late of London, grocer, otherwise known as Richard Fermour, late of London, merchant of the Staple of Calais, was lately attainted or convicted by virtue of the Statute of Premunire because he consorted with and helped a certain James Thayne, clerk, who was similarly convicted, by giving to the same James, then in prison, clothes and other necessities, because of which the same Richard forfeited all lands, tenements etc. to King Henry VIII
  • Date free text
    28 Mar 4 Edward VI [1550]
  • Production date
    From: 1550 To: 1550
  • Scope and Content
    Grant by Edward IV to same Richard our lordships and manor of Towcettour and Estueston in Northamptonshire, and all fairs and markets annually held in Towcettour …advowson and rectory of Towcettour, Coldhigham, Bradwyn alias Braden in Northamptonshire …advowson of vicarage of parish church of Estueston in Northamptonshire …hundred of Wylmersley with appurtenances in Northamptonshire …messuages and tenements in Cotton End in Northamptonshire now or late in tenure of Nicholas Jones …park in Estueston in Northamptonshire …lordship or manor of Offeley Seyntelegers with appurtenances in Hertfordshire …lordship or manor of Ganno in Worcestershire …lordship or manor of Luton Hoo or Esthide in Bedfordshire …lands and hereditaments called le Hermytage or le Hermytage landes in Luton, Bedfordshire …messuage, tenement and hereditaments called Runtysforde now or late in tenure of John Kynge in Runtysforde in Bedfordshire [sic] all once parcel of the possessions of Richard Fermour and which came into the hands of Henry VIII by virtue of his attainder also grant of …manors of Corscombe, Halstoke and Netherstoke in Dorset late of monastery of Sherborne …advowson and rectory of Corscombe, Dorset, once of monastery of Sherborne …manor of Mudeforde cum membris in Somerset, late priory of Montague in Somerset …house and scite of the late priory of Sawardesley in Northamptonshire now dissolved, and all buildings etc. within the scite, and lands called Henwoodfelde, Chappell felde, Fynnyfelde, Grascrofte, Parkehedlonfelde [etc. see photocopy] late in tenure of Thomas Broke in Northamptonshire …manor of Hyde in parish of Rode, Northamptonshire and lands in various tenures [see photocopy] in Rode, late the monastery of St James in Northampton …manor of Newport Pounde in Essex, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, and advowson of church of Rawrithe' in Essex also grant of …all lands and rights etc. in Towcettour, Abthorpe, Foscote, Burcote, Bradstoke, Caldecote, Estueston, Hulcote, Shytlanger, Burton Latymer, Quynton, Aldrayagton, Grymescote, Lichebarowe, Potterspurye, Teighfelde, Sowtham, Rode and Asshen in Northamptonshire …and in Offeley Seyntelegers in Hertfordshire …and in Ganno in Worcestershire …and in Luton Hoo, Esthide, Runtysforde in Bedfordshire …and in Corsecombe, Halstoke and Netherstoke in Dorset …and in Mudforde in Somerset …and in Newporte Pounde in Essex and elsewhere also courts leet, church patronage etc. in Towcettour, Abthorpe, Foscote, Burcote, Hulcote, Caldecote, Estueston, Shitlanger, Burton Latimer, Quynton, Aldryngton, Grymescote, Lychelbarowe, Estpury, Potterspury, Wapenham, Woodende, Blakelley, Teighfelde and Sowtham in Northamptonshire; in Offeley Seyntelegers in Hertfordshire; in Ganno in Worcestershire, in Luton Hoo, Esthide and Runtysforde in Bedfordshire [as on photocopy - from Calendar of Patent Rolls - attached] Great seal of Edward VI
  • Level of description