Assignment of mortgage
Date free text
9 Jun 1792
Production date
From: 1727 To: 1792
Scope and Content
i) William Lendrum, Knightsbridge, Middlesex, gentleman
ii) Mary Hoare, New Road, Tottenham Court, Middlesex, widow
iii) Onesimus Ustonson, Fleet Street, London, fishing tackle maker
reciting death of William Hill who by his will dated 3 August 1783 by which he appointed his sister Sarah Madgwick and his niece Sarah Madgwick (who afterwards married William Miller of Fareham, Southamptonshire, clerk) and nephew Edward Madgwick, as executor and executrixes, but Edward and Sarah (the niece) alone proved the will
reciting assignment of 20 September 1787
a) Edward Madgwick
William Miller and wife Sarah (late Sarah Madgwick)
b) Mary Hoare
c) William Lendrum, then of Bell Yard, Middlesex, shoemaker
reciting that b) borrowed £100 and with £300 of her own money had paid off mortgage debt of £400
now to secure repayment of said £100 and £300 owing to b)
a) by direction of b) assigned to c)
- property in mortgage of 29 November 1727
to hold for remainder of said term of 500 years in trust as regards 3 x ¼ parts in trust for b) to secure said repayment and interest at 4% per annum, and remaining ¼ part for benefit of c) to secure repayment of said £100
now in consideration of £100 paid by iii) to i) by direction of ii) and also in consideration of £60 paid by iii) to ii) (total - £160)
i) by direction of ii) assigns to iii)
- premises in said mortgage
to hold for remainder of said term of 500 years to secure repayment of said £150
signatures of i) and ii)
endorsed receipts
witnesses: Rowland Wimburn, Nanny Edkins
Level of description