Extract from Eaton Socon Inclosure Award to John Mansell Smith
Date free text
14 Mar 1800
Production date
From: 1800 To: 1800
Scope and Content
- 1 plot in Backside Field (33 acres 1 rood 30 perches) of yearly value of £34..5s..11d
East (part): old inclosures
South and part South West: 3rd allotment awarded to Francis, Duke of Bedford
South West (part): allotment to Duke of Bedford for vicarial tithes
North (part): Mary Hoare
North and East: William Law
East and North (remaining parts): first allotment to Sarah Buxton
hedges, ditches, fences to be made and kept in repair by said John Mansell Smith
Said piece of land is judged to be just compensation for lands etc. of John Mansell Smith in open and common lands in Eaton Socon after discharging his old inclosures from tithes, and also for Rowlets Closes (8 acres 2 roods 26 perches) awarded to Francis, Duke of Bedford, from estate of John Mansell Smith, with his privity and consent. Also for an ancient inclosure called Staploe Close (7 acres 3 roods 38 perches) which is awarded to John Fox from estate of John Mansell Smith with his privity and consent
Award 14 Mar 1800
Level of description