• Reference
  • Title
    Release [Lease missing]
  • Date free text
    13 Oct 1813
  • Production date
    From: 1785 To: 1813
  • Scope and Content
    i) John Fox senior, Nether Dean, esquire (cousin and heir at law of Thomas Fox) John Fox junior (son of above), Hatfield, Hertfordshire, gentleman ii) Samuel Freshwater, Eaton Socon, yeoman, and wife Elizabeth Martha Blofield, Eaton Socon, spinster (sisters and co-heiresses of John Blofield, late of Eaton Socon, schoolmaster, deceased, who died a minor and who was only son of Richard Blofield, late of Eaton Socon, yeoman, deceased, who died intestate) Jane Blofield, widow of said Richard iii) Robert Thorns, Eaton Socon, innholder iv) William Abbot, St Neots, Huntingdonshire, auctioneer v) Samuel Staughton, Eynesbury, yeoman Stephen Staughton, Eynesbury, yeoman (2 of 3 sons and acting executors of will of Simon Staughton, deceased, late of Eynesbury, gentleman) vi) Joseph Savill, St Neots, draper reciting: lease and release of 26 and 27 October 1785 a) Thomas Pridmore b) Richard Blofield c) George Walker, Eaton Socon, yeoman d) William Law William Hale a) had agreed to sell to b) free from encumbrances except an annuity of £5 per annum payable to Mary wife of Charles Triston for life and annuity of £40 per annum to a) for life - messuage in Eaton Socon - orchard on West side (2 acres) - close of pasture and another orchard called the Cherry Orchard at East end (2 acres) North: first mentioned orchard South: heirs of William Thody and then Robert Wiles East: cottage formerly Richard Smiths otherwise Taylor and Duke of Bedford West: common field - other close (1 acre) South: first mentioned orchard North: Barnlow Lane East: said messuage West: common field - 7 acres 1 rood land in common fields of Eaton Socon - 1½ acres land in said fields - 11 acres land in said fields all devised by Edward Pridmore to wife Ann Pridmore, who by her will devised the same to a) for ever. By codicil charged premises with payment of annuity of £5 per annum. Said premises were late in occupation of Thomas Pridmore and then of Richard Blofield to secure payment of annuity of £40 to a) term - 500 years in trust. d) being trustees reciting: mortgage of 11 June 1789 1) John Walker, Eaton Socon, innholder (only son of said George Walker, deceased) 2) said Richard Blofield 3) said Thomas Fox consideration - £130 paid to 2) and 5s to 1) paid by 3) 1) at request of 2) and also 2) confirmed to 3) - above mentioned property, subject to said annuity of £40 payable to Thomas Pridmore and said annuity of £5 to Mary Triston to secure repayment of £130 and interest. Default has been made in said repayment reciting: further charge of 5 April 1792 A) Richard Blofield B) Thomas Fox reciting death of Thomas Pridmore consideration - £100 paid to A) by B) A) granted to B) - said premises to secure repayment of said £100 and also said £130 (total £130) [?£230] with interest reciting: further charge of 5 April 1795 I) Richard Blofield II) Thomas Fox consideration - £100 paid to I) by II) I) confirms to II) - said premises to secure repayment of said £100 and interest as well as £230 reciting: further charge of 5 April 1797 1a) Richard Blofield 1b) Thomas Fox consideration - £150 1a) confirms to 1b) - said premises to secure repayment of said £150 as well as £350 and interest reciting: death of Thomas Fox in 1798. By his will dated 21 September 1797 all real estate bequeathed to son Thomas Fox. Wife Ann Fox, son Thomas Fox and J Fox senior - executors and executrix. Will proved (Bedford) 28 April 1798 reciting: remarriage of Ann Fox with Robert Southwell reciting: death of son Thomas Fox in 1806. By will dated 21 December 1805 devised all real estate (except estate in Covington, Huntingdonshire) to John Fox senior, All personal estate to mother Ann Southwell, widow of Robert Southwell. Mother and John Fox senior, appointed executor and executrix. Will proved (Prerogative Court of Canterbury) on 7 August 1809 Said John Fox senior is not only said executor, devisee and residuary legatee but also heir at law of beforenamed Thomas Fox, who died without leaving legal issue as the said Thomas Fox called his son in his will, had not been born in wedlock By enclosure of Eaton Socon, dated 14 March 1800, the Commissioners awarded to heirs of Richard Blofield - plot of land in Backside Field (15 acres 1 perch) East (part): old inclosure of heirs of Richard Blofield South and East (remaining part): allotment awarded to Robert Thorns South (remaining part): allotment to the Reverend St John Harding (now belonging to Robert Thorns) West and North: Sarah Buxton Property was put up for auction at White Horse Inn, Eaton Socon on Wednesday 21 July 1813 when iii) became purchaser for £2,373, subject to payment of annuity of £5 to Ann Triston £480 is due to i) by virtue of said securities, which iii) is to discharge from purchase money now in consideration of £480 paid to i) by iii) at request of ii) and of £1,893 to ii) i) and ii) release to iii) - said messuage in Eaton Socon, with brewhouse, schoolhouse etc. belonging and close of pasture ground adjoining (4 acres) in occupation of Jane Blofield and iii) - 15 acres 1 perch in Backside Field, adjoining above close, now also in occupation of Robert Thorns covenant to levy fine held subject to payment of said annuity of £5 reciting also demise of 3 August 1780 AA) Thomas Pridmore BB) George Cadge, Little Paxton, Huntingdonshire, yeoman consideration - £100 paid to AA) by BB) AA) demised to BB) - 16 acres land in common fields of Eaton Socon, late Emerys - 11 acres arable in said common fields, formerly Brice's and then late Emery's, then in occupation of Thomas Pridmore term - 1,000 years subject to redemption on payment of £100 and interest reciting also conveyance of 27 October 1785 IA) George Cadge IB) Thomas Pridmore IC) Richard Blofield ID) Simon Staughton said £100 was not paid IC) has agreed to purchase premises and so paid £100 out of the purchase money to IA). Was agreed that term of 1,000 years should be assigned to attend the inheritance now IA) at request of IB) and IC) transfer to ID) - all property and term of years for residue of said term of years reciting death of Simon Staughton in March 1813. By will dated 1 January 1813 he appointed his 3 sons, Simon Staughton and v) executors. Will proved (Huntingdon) on 17 April 1813 by v). iii) is desirous of having term assigned to vi), so ii) have requested v) to do so now in consideration of 5s paid to v) by vi) v) at request of ii) and iii) transfer to vi) - several pieces of land as in deed of 3 August 1780 - plot of land in Backside Field in Eaton Socon (15 acres 1 perch) as allotted on enclosure to heirs of Richard Blofield in lieu of open field land for residue of said term of 1,000 years in trust for iii) signatures or mark of all endorsed receipts various witnesses
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