• Reference
  • Title
    Counterpart Indenture of Lease
  • Date free text
    22 Oct 1760
  • Production date
    From: 1760 To: 1761
  • Scope and Content
    i) Reverend Dr Francis Astry of Woodend in the parish of Harlington, D.D. ii) Henry Letch of the same, now a 'menial servant' to i) Recitals: none Present deed Lease for 21 years from i) to ii) of: a) messuage or tenement, homestead and closes of pasture, meadow and common pasture ground now in the tenure or occupation of Robert Poulton, the messuage etc. being at Woodend and the closes of pasture in the several parishes of Harlington, Westoning and Tingrith Except and with a reservation to i), his heirs and assigns of all manner of timber trees and other trees now standing, growing or being in or upon the demised premises; liberty to view the premises at all seasonable times (allowing ii) liberty at seasonable times in the year and in good husbandlike manner to cut and plash the quick hedges and to lop and prune all trees now growing and that shall grow on any part of the premises at any time during the term of the demise, including those trees growing out of and in the hedgerows for his hedge-bote, stake-bote and fire-bote, ii) making good fences and scouring up the ditches when he cuts or plashes any of the quick hedges) Habendum: to iii) from 5 April 1761, now commonly called 'Old Lady Day', for 21 years Reddendum: annually during the term to i) his heirs etc., the rent of £52 payable in two equal portions at Old Michaelmas and Old Lady Day beginning 10 October 1761 or within 40 days; and further yearly rent or sum of £10, payable as above, for every acre of the pasture, meadow or common pasture (and so proportionately for every greater or lesser quantity than an acre) which ii) shall, during the term, plough, dig, break up or convert into tillage sans licence and consent of i) first had and obtained in writing (except a slipe of ground on the backside of the messuage or tenement which ii) shall have free liberty to plough, dig or break up for planting an orchard and making a garden sans additional payment, which said orchard and garden are not together to contain more then one acre of ground and which ii) at the end or sooner determination of the term shall leave and yield up to i). Further reservation to i) of liberty to take two closes (part of the demised premises), viz. called 'Oat Close' and 'Nominses' deducting and allowing out of the said reserved rent for the same £7 each yearly and every year that they or either or both of them shall be so taken away Covenants (i) with ii)): annually to allow to ii) 20 poles of tithe wood to be taken out of Washers Wood, ii) to be at the charges and expenses of fetching the same home; to uphold, maintain and keep the said messuage or tenement, homestead, barns, stables, outhouses, cowhouses, buildings of and belonging to the demised premises in good tenantable repair and pay and discharge all taxes usually paid by landlords, ii) paying and discharging all such taxes that are usual for tenants to pay; ii) to have liberty to let, set and assign the premises or any part thereof to any person(s) as he thinks fit at or for any time(s) during the term; and ii) to have peaceable and quiet enjoyment of the premises during the term Dorse: sealed and delivered before William Field and William Pedder
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