• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the Will and codicils of the late John Langston. Two copies.
  • Date free text
    28 Jul 1801; codicils 21 Jun 1808, 6 Mar 1811, 1 Dec 1811
  • Production date
    From: 1801 To: 1811
  • Scope and Content
    - all estates in Oxfordshire, Middlesex and elsewhere (except New River Shares) in strict settlement upon son and 5 daughters and their respective children in succession, and in failure of issue of all of them upon his sister Mrs Cazalet and her issue; charged with £80,000 in favour of sister Mrs Arnold and nephew Mr Okeover. - New River Shares to be sold and form part of personal estate. - pictures etc at Sarsden to go as heirlooms. - to eldest daughter £20,000. - to each of 4 younger daughters £15,000 payable at 21 or marriage. - trustees to pay out of personal estate for the maintenance and education of daughters during minorities any sum not exceeding the interest of their respective legacies at 4%. - to sisters Cazalet and Arnold £1,000 each. - to executors; £100 each. - to servant Edward Smith; annuity of £20. - to servants Edward King and Catherine Fletcher £50 each - residue of personal estate to be converted into money and laid out in the funds or upon securities - to be transferred to his son at age 21. If son dies under age 21 leaving issue, trustees to stand possessed thereof in trust for such issue to be invested in daughters at age 21 or marriage, in sons at age 21. Provisions specified for the trust. - House at Sarsden to be kept up out of the rents of the estates. Executors: John Pollexfen Bastard, John Williams Hope & Charles Morice Pole. Guardians of children: the executors with Henry Hope and Henrietta Maria Goddard. 1st Codicil: Haughton Farmer Okeover appointed trustee, executor and guardian. 2nd Codicil: Testator revokes appointments of John Williams Hope as trustee, executor and guardian. 3rd Codicil: - to Mrs Herriott; annuity of £200 for life, to commence from the time she may cease to live with the teatators family - to Constance Choisy; annuity of £200 during her life - to servant Edward Smith; annuity of £30 during his life in lieu of annuity given by the Will. - to Mr Okeover; £1,000 - appoints Charles Dixon executor and gives him a legacy of £100.
  • Level of description