- ReferenceZ1432/4/1/2
- Title"My Story of Leighton Buzzard from the 1920s as I Remember It". Includes poor quality photocopies of photographs and some incidental material. Contents:
- Date free text2000
- Production dateFrom: 1900 To: 2000
- Scope and ContentIndex; population figures for Leighton Buzzard, Billington, Eggington, Heath & Reach and Stanbridge; list of old and new road names; photocopied map of North End; p.1 - introduction; p.5 - Garden Hedge; p.7 - St Andrew's Church, School and hall; p.9 - Windmill Lane, Beaudesert, Lancastrian School, iron foundry; p.11 - Beaudesert School, Birdseye Lane, Bedford Street, Lammas Walk, Windmill Path; p.13 - Salvation Army, Windmill Lane, CatholicChurch, Golden Square; p.15 - Golden Square, South Street, Steppingstone Lane; p.17 - Hockliffe Road, Vandyke Road, Hockliffe Street, Jeffs Lane; p.19 - Jeffs Lane, Sandy Lane, Hartwell Crescent, Beechcroft School, Wesleyan Chapel; p.21 - Hockliffe Street Baptist, Victoria Hall, Greyhound Pub, start of Lake Street; p.23 - Peacock, George & Dragon, Corn Exchange, shops and description; p.25 - Robinsons, Library, Victoria Iron Works; p.27 - Woolshed, ford, back to Bell Pical and shops, Oriel; p.29 - Oriel, Maidenhead pub, Temperence Hall, Lake Street Baptist, shops; p.31 - Boulters Alley, Grove Road, Sun pub, Baileys Field, Sun Close, Bell Close, ford; p.33 - Gas Works, Billington Road, Miss Bassetts, Pages Park, light railway, glass works, Luton-Leighton line, Spinney Pool; p.35 - Scotts Field, Grovebury Road, Union Street, Chatterboles Lane, Scouts Hut, Union; p.37 - Penley Way, Fever Hospital, Luton-Leighton line, Firbanks, Tommy Hopkins; p.39 - Stanbridge Road, Browns, Billy Parrotts, water tower, R.A.F., smallpox hospital; p.41 - plan of North End, shops, Holly Lodge, Black Horse, Friends Meeting House, Amshouses, Kings Head, Council Offices, Workhouse Lane, Baker Street; p.43 - Buckmasters, shops, North Street Methodist, North Square; p.45 - Mill, St. Andrew's School, first sewerage works, Firs, Picket Lodge, Adams Bottom; p.47 - plan of Market Square and High Street, shops on plan; p.49 - High Street, South Side - North Side; p.51 - North Side, Church Square, first Pulfords, cenotaph, Bassett's house, Pulfords; p.53 - Pulfords; pp.52-55 - photos (photocopies); p.59 - map of Leighton Buzzard; p.60 - extract from book on Black Death; p.62 - map of Linslade; p.63 - Linslade; p.65 - Bridge Street, Ewe & Lamb, story of Faith Press; p.67 - Hippodrome / Grand Cinema, Morgans, Lawfords Wharf, Brantoms; p.69 - Linslade Square, tornado, railway; p.71 - Railway, Southcott, St. Barnabas; p.73 - St. Barnabas, Gables, St. Mary's; p.75 - story of canal; pp.76-87 - photographs (photocopies); p.88 - information on Royal Scot's crash, information on Leighton Institute; p.89 - information on Rogation Day; p.91 - Accident of fame; p.93 - Why I am tired; [poetry at the end has been removed as duplicated elsewhere]
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keyword
- KeywordsLEIGHTON BUZZARD, LINSLADE, Leighton Buzzard Garden Hedge, Leighton Buzzard St. Andrew's Street, Leighton Buzzard Windmill Lane, Leighton Buzzard Beaudesert, Leighton Buzzard Bedford Street, Leighton Buzzard Lammas Walk, Leighton Buzzard Windmill Path, Leighton Buzzard South Street, Leighton Buzzard Steppingstone Lane, Leighton Buzzard Vandyke Road, Leighton Buzzard Hockliffe Road, Leighton Buzzard Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard Jeffs Lane, Leighton Buzzard Sandy Lane, Leighton Buzzard Hartwell Crescent, Leighton Buzzard Grove Road, Leighton Buzzard Boulters Alley, Leighton Buzzard Sun Close, Leighton Buzzard Bell Close, Leighton Buzzard Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard Stanbridge Road, Leighton Buzzard Grovebury Road, Leighton Buzzard North Street, Leighton Buzzard Market Square, Leighton Buzzard High Street, Leighton Buzzard Union Street, Leighton Buzzard Penley Way, Leighton Buzzard Firbank Way, Leighton Buzzard Holly Lodge, Leighton Buzzard Adams Bottom, leighton buzzard firs, Leighton Buzzard Church Square, Leighton Buzzard Cedars, Leighton Buzzard Bridge Street, Linslade Leighton Road, Linslade The Gables, Southcott, Royal Air Force, hospitals, churches, Roman Catholic Church, Salvation Army, Baptist chapels, Methodist buildings, Wesleyan Methodist, Society of Friends, light railways, specific schools, Leighton Buzzard St Andrews School, Beaudesert Boy's School, Pulford's School, poetry, cinemas, Leighton Buzzard Victoria Iron Works, Leighton Buzzard Greyhound, Leighton Buzzard Peacock, Leighton Buzzard Sun, Leighton Buzzard George & Dragon, Leighton Buzzard Maidenhead, Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard Black Horse, Leighton Buzzard Ewe & Lamb, Leighton Buzzard Library, Leighton Buzzard Temperance Hall, 2nd built railways, gas works, Boy Scouts, war memorials, maps, tornado, railways accidents, Leighton Buzzard station
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